
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

The Celestial Dragon Incident

Grove 24,

"High priest Urouge!! That's…" One of Urouge's men tried to warn him about something. When Urouge turned back and looked he saw an ugly man with obese face and snot hanging from one of his nostrils.

He was wearing a full body white suit of obese frame that resembles a spacesuit with medals or buttons on it, with a green collar, and a resin bubble that grants him a supply of oxygen separate from the ones commoners breathe.

[Celestial Dragon – Saint Charlos]

Charlos was sitting on the back of half-naked man who was wrapped in chains which he was using as a transportation. Behind him were a few guards and a government agent in a black suit along with some other slaves which were in chains as well.

"The Celestial Dragons, huh? They even swagger around in lawless zones, what a troublesome people. Nothing for us to do other than sit around and wait for them to pass" Urouge remarked while standing in a safe distance along with a few of his men.

Killer, Heat and Wire were present as well. And after eating in the restaurant, Saga decided to take a walk outside and he met them.

"Celestial Dragons…I can't believe scum like that are the ones ruling the world" Killer commented while watching Charlos pass by.

"Let's keep a safe a distance, we don't want to get in trouble with those guys" Saga said.

"Mufuuun, Sharlia and father both left me. Where on earth did they go?" Charlos questioned while holding an ice cream in his hand.

"We will meet them at our final destination, so please rest easy" The agent beside reassured him.

Charlos suddenly started beating the man he was riding "You!! It's because you walk as slow as a turtle and you sway too much, it's terrible ride!! You piss me off!!" Charlos was very annoyed and kept beating up the slave until he noticed two doctors and a nurse carrying a badly injured person in front of him.

Angered at their movement, he kicked the injured man onto the ground before deciding to take the nurse as his wife and shotting her fiancé.

"Oh, he's doing whatever he wants" Urouge was still grinning even at that situation "That's messed up, even worse than the rumors"

"Take her to the port first"

"Yes sir"

"Please let me go!! I beg you!! Someone help me!!" The nurse kept begging for her life and calling for help but no one answered.

"That's terrible…" Heat commented while watching the scene.

"It can't be helped, the Navy will send and Admiral if someone harm him" Saga stated before a figure with green hair and three swords strapped in his belt casually walked in the middle of the street.

"Eh?! Who's that?!" Everyone looked at the figure in disbelieve.

"Captain Drake, he's the 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro from East Blue"

"What's he doing walking in the middle of the street? Doesn't he know anything? He'll be in trouble!" Drake only watched Zoro in silence as he couldn't say anything in the presence of the Celestial Dragon.

Zoro casually walked in the street while drinking sake with one hand in his pocket. When Saga saw him, he's eyes widened in shocked as he couldn't believe that the person who was in front of him is the Zoro he knows.

Killer managed to recognize him as well from the Wanted Posters he saw recently after Enies Lobby incident "Roronoa…"

Saga looked at him nervously "Zoro?!...What is he doing here—no, more importantly, that idiot is gonna get himself in trouble"

"hmm…?" Zoro found himself facing Charlos.

"What?!!" Charlos was both surprised and angry at him "How dare you!!"

"What? Are you lost or something?" Zoro asked him. Charlos responded by pulling out his pistole and shooting the former.

GUN-SHOT!! Zoro swiftly dodged to the right before he grabbed his sword to retaliate against Charlos.

"Hey what's he doing?! If he does that we'll be in trouble!!" Drake nervously watched.

But before Zoro could take out his sword, Saga quickly injured his hand and leaped at him and threw him down.

"…?!...Who are--…You!!" Zoro was shocked when he saw Saga's face "What are you doing?"

"Pretend that you're dead" Saga whispered to Zoro while slapping some blood from his injured hand at his forehead.

"Zoro!!! My besto friendo!!! How could you die just after we reunited again!!" Saga pretended that Zoro died in order to fool Charlos to think that his earlier shot did hit him "You went against the Celestial Dragon?! How could you be so stupid!!"

"You don't have to call me stupid--"


Charlos was very confused "I hit him? For a second there I thought he dodged it…I guess it's just my imagination" Charlos observed the two for a moment until he believed that Zoro is dead and was satisfied then he left "Well, as long as he's dead"

A few minutes later Charlos was out of sight, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hoi, Saga! You should have said something before jumping out like that!" Killer scolded him while approaching him and Zoro "And you, Roronoa…what were you thinking? You could've caused a lot of unnecessary trouble"

"Sorry about that…" Saga and Zoro slowly got on their feet again and wiped the dust of their clothes "…What are you doing here anyway, Zoro? Did you get lost again or something?" Saga asked him, knowing about his childhood friend's bad sense of directions.

"I should be the one asking you that, are you real? I thought you were dead" Zoro questioned while recalling the events that happened a few years ago when he and Saga were Bounty Hunters.

Zoro thought that Saga died when the ship exploded while he was trapped inside.

"A lot have happened, my right arm became paralyzed after that incident, and I got into depression. But I met my captains eventually and became a pirate a few months ago" Saga explained before he cracked a smile "I'm better than I was before now…and I have a new goal, in order to be the Sword of Justice I will become the strongest swordsman that I could be!"

Zoro smiled back at him before he responded "Heeeh…you became a pirate as well, I'm surprised. I didn't think you'll go down this path. But the same goes for me I guess…you think you can take me in a duel?"

"Hahaha, I don't mind going for a few rounds" Saga said with confidence but before the two could continue their conversation, Zoro noticed the injured man that was shot by Charlos earlier. He quickly lifted him up on his shoulder.

"I should take this guy to the hospital before it's too late. Can you tell me where I can find it?" he asked.

"I'll go with you, we don't want you to lose your way again and accidently cut down a Celestial Dragon" Saga responded before he turned to Killer and the rest "You guys go ahead, I'll come and find you later"

"Kai said we'll be meeting at Grove 1, make sure to be there after you're done" Killer reminded him.

"Got it!...Let's go Zoro!"

Meanwhile, Luffy's mermaid friend Camie was kidnapped by a slave trading group and was delivered to the human auctioning house. Prompting Luffy and his crew to go to her rescue.

[Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 1 – Human Auction House],

At the back entrance of the building, you could see dozens of World Nobles with their guards and slaves making their way in.

Kai and all of the crew were standing near the waiting room inside the building. Kai came here for two reasons, to see Luffy punch Charlos and maybe if he finds a slave that is strong enough, he could buy his or her freedom to join his crew.

Kid was leaning against the wall with a cocky grin on his face "World Nobles…Slaves…Human Shops…Against the "purity" of these "upper classes", the villains of the world look positively human in comparison. It's because the world is in the hands of scum like them that it's all screwed to hell…I mean we're not the nicest of guys, but at least we're honest about it, right, bro?"

"Couldn't have said it better, let's go inside and grab a seat" Kai responded before leading everyone inside.

"If someone interesting comes up, let's buy them, Kai. Some of those slaves are damn tough they could make great pirates, Hahahaha" Kid exclaimed before his eyes fell upon Law.

"Kai, someone else is here" Bonney pointed at Law's direction who was sitting with Bepo, Penguin and Shachi.

"A familiar face" Kai smiled while looking at him.

"That's Trafalgar Law from North Blue with 200 million bounty" Killer stated, following the brother from behind.

"Yooo, Law!" Kai greeted him with jovial manner.

Law noticed them and he slowly turned his head back and looked at Kai with a smirk before he gave him the middle finger.

"Kahahaha! You have no manners…I've heard some nasty rumors about you, but I like your style…" Kai said to him while walking down the stairs "How about you join my crew?"

"What nonsense are you spouting? Is something wrong with your head, Eustass-ya?" Law calmly responded.

"Well, you have to be a little crazy if you wanna make it far in the pirate world" Kai and the rest sat in the row behind Law and the Heart Pirates.

"You might be right, a little bit" Law said, he then proceeded to ask him "What are you doing here anyway? You guys don't seem like the kind of people who would fancy having slaves"

"Same question for you, what are you doing here?"

"Just curious"

"Same…and there is something big about to happen that I wouldn't wanna miss"

Law was confused about Kai's statement, but he did not question it.

The auction soon begins with a pirate musician and winemaker being the opening item, and as the Straw Hats continue their search, they finally arrived at the auction house.

"Hmm?… Those are from the Straw Hats" Kid glanced at the newcomers "I don't see their captain, tough. I would have liked to see just how big of an idiot he is"

It was only Sanji, Nami, Franky and Chopper.

"It's your adoptive son, Kureha" Kai told her while watching the Straw Hats making their way into the hall. They stood at the far back near the entrance.

"Chopper?!" Kureha was very surprised when she saw him.

"I don't think this is the right time for a reunion. It doesn't look like they are here to sight see" Kai remarked. Though he knows that the reason of their visit is to save their mermaid friend Camie.

Shortly after that, Charlos along with his guards and his slaves showed up as well.

"That guy again" Killer found his presence unpleasant.

"Oh, it's a celestial dragon and an extremely ugly one on top of that…not that any of them are good looking" Kai commented, as Charlos made his way inside towards his father and sister.

"I want a mermaid. Will they have one this time" he questioned while poking his nose.

The agent escorting him proceeded to answer "It is said that mermaids aren't caught very often. So, it's unlikely that one will appear"

<Entry number 16!!! And we have the captain of a pirate ship!!>

Disco, the owner of the auction house presented the next item.

<This 17 man's name is Lacuba!! A pirate known as a cunning strategist!! His bounty million Berries and his strong body point of pride!!>

<You can ride him, use him for manual labor, or as a sandbag!!-->


"What's wrong with him?!" The attendants looked at the pirate slave in surprise as blood came out of his mouth and he collapsed on the floor.

"What just happened?" Krieg questioned.

"He bit his tongue off…" Wyper calmly stated while smoke billowed from his cigarette "…Rather than living a miserable life as a slave, he chose to die here. He made the right choice if you ask me, I respect that"

"What a waste, give me ten of that guy and I'll give you a pirate crew that you wouldn't wanna mess with" Krieg said.

<The pirate Lacuba was taken to emergency care for a nosebleed. But ladies and gentlemen, the item I am about present you will blow away all troubles in an instant!>

<Our special item!!! All the way from Fish-Man Island, Camie mermaid!!!>


"It's real, a real young mermaid!!" The spectators looked at her in awe.

When the Straw Hats saw that they tried to spend their money and free her but not before Charlos preceded them.

"Oh my god!! It's a mermaid they're selling a mermaid!!...500 million Berries!!!" Charlos declared shocking everyone in the room "I'll pay 500 million Berries!!!"

The Straw Hats looked helpless as they didn't stand any chance.

"500 million, huh? It's like money has no value to these guys, they could just waste all that amount in an instant without any care" Kai remarked.

<Time's 500 up!! Today's grand prize Camie the mermaid will go to World Noble, Saint Charlos for price of million>

"Tsk, what a farce" Kid said "huh?...What's that sound" Suddenly, everyone could hear a loud screaming approaching before something crashed into the building.


KA-BOOOOOM!!! It was Luffy and Zoro who crashed into the auction house as the Fish Rider he was with could not land properly.

"Luffy!! Zoro!!" Nami and Straw Hats were astounded by their sudden arrival.

"What the hell was that?! Can't you land any better?!" Luffy yelled at the Fish Rider.

"How was I supposed to?! This is a flying fish, you told me to get in, didn't you?!"

"That's Straw Hat Luffy" Kid glanced at him with curiosity. He became very interested in him since the Enies Lobby incident.

"Oh, the main star has arrived" Kai smiled as he finally met Luffy.

Upon seeing Camie, Luffy rushed to the stage despite the protest of Hatchan, who tried to restrain him. This unfortunately revealed his identity as a Fish-Man to the crowd, and they immediately raise a panic.

"It's a Fish-Man how disgusting!!"

"Why is a Fish-Man on land?! Disgusting, look at the color of his skin and his arms!!"

"Go back to the sea you monster!!"

"Hachi, you got to get out of here right now! You're in danger!" Pappag warned him, however Hatchan didn't listen to his words, and he was suddenly shot from behind.

"Mufufufuf!… Mufufufuf!…I hit him! I finished off that Fish-Man!" Charlos declared while dancing around and swinging his pistole in excitement.


When Luffy saw that his expressions darkened, and he slowly approached Hatchan who was drowning in his blood.

"Father, Look I caught this Fish-Man!! I caught him se he's free, right?" Charlos exclaimed in excitement "Take him away! A free slave, an octopus for free!"

Luffy's veins bulged in anger, he clenched his fist and glared at Charlos with hostility. Hatchan tried to stop Luffy, but the latter couldn't contain his anger any further.

"You damn fish!! I shot you but you're still talking, you piss me off!!" Charlos pointed his pistole at Luffy and Hatchi.

Luffy slowly walked up the stairs while glaring at the Celestial Dragon.

"Do you not see this?!" Charlos asked him while aiming his weapon at him.


"What's he going to do?!"

"Straw Hat-ya…?"

"Is he serious?!" Kid questioned.

Kai watched him with anticipation "Hahaaha, I like this…do it Straw Hat"


"You annoy me, too!"


"VUHAAAAAAA!!!!" Charlos shot Luffy a couple of times, but the latter easily dodged the bullets before he rolled his fist back and punched Charlos in the face so hard that he sent him flying back unconscious.

Kai's smile widened after witnessing that "Damn!! That's one hell of a punch!"