
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

Intense Battle


"Shall we carry on this battle?" Wang Zhi inquired, striding confidently towards the battlefield's center.

The dark flame forming a mane down his back and arms and the stream of floating fire wrapping around his shoulder signifies that his Mythical Zoan fruit is awakened.

'I didn't expect this guy to be an awakened Mythical Zoan, it's gonna be harder to take him down that initially thought' Kai pondered 'I was wondering how he managed to tank those attacks without much damage or flinching...Even base Zoans are very durable, an awakened one should be superior'

"Kid let's separate these two, it's gonna be harder to fight them both at the same time" Kai said to his brother.

From the serious look in his face Kid seem to agree with the suggestion "I'll take care of Silver Axe, that cocky bastard...I don't like that smirk on his face" Kid said while gazing at him before clenching his fists tightly and charged towards him.

"Sahahaha! Give it all if you wanna stand a chance!" Silver Axe spun his axe in his hand before swinging it at Kid's direction.


"Silver Rush!!" 


His blade unleashed a silver liquid, forming tendrils that extended forward. These tendrils morphed into Silver Axe shapes, each adorned with Haki-infused fists wielding axes. They swiftly assaulted Kid with slashes from various angles.

"Silver?!" Kid quickly fashioned a large, sturdy shield from scraps, then raised it overhead to block incoming attacks.

BAM! BAM! BAM! The shield managed to fend off the worst slashes aimed at his vulnerable spots, yet he still ended up with numerous cuts across his body from those he couldn't deflect.

Right after the attack, Silver Axe swiftly charged at Kid, catching him off guard. He raised his weapon high, making Kid believe he was about to slash diagonally across his chest. In response, Kid quickly crossed his arms, coating them with Haki for protection.

"Got you!" Just as Kid did that Silver Axe stopped his attack mid-way and instead he aimed his left palm at Kid's stomach which was vulnerable before letting his Haki flow out of it, unleashing a invisible burst of Haki that knock Kid back a great distance and caused visible damage to him.

Crash!! Kid tumbled backward, hitting a building's wall at the far back.

"COUGH!!-COUGH!!...Huff...Huff...what was that just now?!" Kid was gasping for air as he held his stomach in pain "I felt a strong Haki in that last attack..."

Without allowing Kid a moment to strategize, Silver Axe swiftly closed the gap between them with great speed and struck down Kid with his axe.

BOOOM!! Kid managed to leap to the side avoiding Silver Axe's blade which ended up hitting the ground instead, shattering it into multiple pieces.

"You're pretty fast, your Haki and you're reaction time is not that bad as well, I thought you'd only be good at using your devil fruit abilities" Silver Axe comments made Kid angry as he didn't like the idea of someone taking him lightly.

"I will kill you!"

Kid proceeded to attract an incredibly large amount of metal, enough for him to create anything he imagine with it.

Using his magnetic ability, he shaped the metals into a gigantic humanoid robot made of scraps. The robot is composed of a head with a human like face where Kid seated himself in, controlling the robot from there, two arms, the right one has a massive drill attached in the forearm while the left one is a normal one with a normal hand but has a harpoon gun attached in its palm that can fire metal spears akin to a Gatling gun, and finally the robot has long legs.


"Punk Gunman!!"


The robot was big enough to dwarf Silver Axe who is 3 meters tall.

"A robot?! What the hell?!" Silver Axe was extremely surprise by that, yet he managed to quickly regain his composure.

"Eat this!!" Kid aimed his left open palm at Silver Axe and fired several metal spears at high speed.

"Punk Pistoles!!"

BAM! BAM! BAM! The metal spears where imbued with Haki and caused notable damage to anything they made contact with, prompting Silver Axe to dodge them before Kid appeared behind him.

He made the massive drill in his right arm spin at high speed before he thrusted it at Silver Axe.


"Heaven Piercing Drill!!"

Seeing that, Silver Axe had no choice but to extended his left arm and swiftly conjured a thick silver wall in the shape of a large rectangle, reinforcing it with Armament Haki.

"Silver Wall!!"

Although the drill couldn't pierce through Silver Axe defense the speed of which it was spinning generated enough force to send him crashing through several buildings consecutively.

"Hahahaha! You shall have a taste of what true pain is, I will kick your ass, kill your crew, steal your treasures and burn down your ship!" Kid exclaimed while staring at the direction where he sent Silver Axe flying "That's what you get for siding with Wang Zhi, our enemy!"


*CRASH*-!! Silver Axe brushed off the debris and emerged from beneath it. His clothes were grimy with dust, bearing a few scratches, but nothing grave.

He was clenching his jaw and fist tightly while his veins bulged from anger.

"KID!!!" He shouted in rage before launching himself at Kid and attacked the massive robot.

"You little shit!!" His entire body was flowing with Haki as he used Advanced Armament Haki (Emmision) on his blade and sliced the giant robot in half with one slash.



Nearby, Kai and Wang Zhi's fight was getting more intense as well. Kai found himself struggling against the superior opponent he's facing.

Clang! Clang! The city echoed with the clash of steel and thunder as Kai and Wang Zhi sparred, their swords meeting in a relentless exchange of blows.

"You nor your brother are capable of winning this battle, just give it up Eustass Kai!" Wang Zhi declared, his massive sword flowing with Haki as he was also capable of using Advanced Armament Haki just like Silver Axe. He swiftly swung his weapon vertically aiming to slice Kai in half.

Kai reacted by leaping a few feet back before extending his left arm ahead and aiming his palm at Wang Zhi, using his wind power to unleash a large vertical Haki imbued slash that traveled along the ground, destroying it on the way.

<World-Splitting Slash>

Wang Zhi didn't flinch as he stood firm in his place, observing the enormous slash that was heading his way before he simply deflected it to the side with a swift swipe from his sword.

The slash ended up cleaving several buildings and even accidentally injured some of Wang Zhi's own men.

"Tsk, the city will need to be rebuilt. This shit will cost me millions to get it back the way it was" Wang Zhi looked pissed while examining the damage that this war caused around the island.

"Your wish will come true after you die" Kai rushed towards him, his sword was emitting blue lightning streams as he infused its blade with lightning before using Soru to approach Wang Zhi and then slashed the air in front of him in a downwards motion, creating a powerful lightning infused slash attack and imbued it with Haki.

"Blue Cleave!!"

Lightning! Lightning! KA-BOOOM!! The attack was powerful enough to cause a massive burst of lightning power that engulfed Wang Zhi's entire body.

Seeing that the latter quickly reacted by hardening his entire body with Haki to minimize the damage. He then took the opportunity counterattack, without giving Kai the time to react he generated fire inside his mouth before expelling it out into a huge, conical blast towards Kai.


"Fox Fire!!"


Kai jumped back, startled and arms crossed in front, as the blast knocked him off his feet, causing him to grunt in pain "AGHH!!"

Fire is possibly the only natural element that Kai has somewhat of a weakness against as clouds are primarily composed of water droplets or ice crystals, which are susceptible to heat. Intense heat could also potentially evaporate clouds.

Kai planted his sword firmly into the ground to halt his backward momentum, then looked up at Wang Zhi "Huff…Huff…He can even use fire, out of all elements, a bad matchup…his Armament Haki is stronger than mine as well"

Kai felt extreme pain in his hand while clashing fists with Wang Zhi earlier even though it was hardened with Haki, suggesting that the latter's Haki was superior than the former's.

FWOOOSH!! Observing Kai lost in thought, Wang Zhi seized the opportunity, launching himself towards him and delivering a powerful punch while emitting a Hasshoken shockwave from his knuckles.

This time Kai didn't directly clash fists with Wang Zhi. Instead, he rolled his left fist back and proceeded to focus clouds around it to form a condensed, spherical dark cloud by charging it with inordinate electricity, and then proceeded to strike back Wang Zhi.

"Thunder Crash!!"

Thunder! KA-BOOOM!! Upon making contact the sphere burst like a bomb, causing an enormous lightning explosion that shattered the ground around the two pirate captains while releasing streams of lightning.

Wang Zhi stumbled backward, prompting Kai to act swiftly. He summoned a small sphere of dense yet flexible cloud substance above his hand and then he coated his sword with it before imbuing it with Haki.

<Mutation Cloud>

Kai then thrusted his sword ahead while stretching the cloud blade at great speed, aiming to impale Wang Zhi.

"What the--?!!" The latter was caught off guard, unprepared for such an attack, and the blade pierced his lower stomach. Fortunately, Wang Zhi's robust physique, bolstered by his Mythical Zoan fruit durability, prevented any significant harm as the wound wasn't deep enough to cause serious injury.

Kai smirked as he carried on his attack, releasing an electrical shockwave through the clouds, attempting to fry Wang Zhi from the inside.

"You little--" Wang Zhi attempted to step back and yank Kai's blade away, but Kai swiftly directed his left palm toward him, morphing it into clouds. With his mastery over wind clouds, he created a vacuum force, drawing Wang Zhi nearer.

<White Vortex>

"…" Wang Zhi gaped at it with wide eyes.


"Internal Shock!!"

"BLUGHH!!" receiving internal injuries, he threw a mouthful of fresh blood as he took a step back, clutching his injury in pain "You…Huff…I'll cut you to fucking pieces!" Wang Zhi declared exploding with energy all of a sudden, his entire body was flowing with Haki as he proceeded to create a gigantic fireball from the nine tails behind his back which he aimed forth before he hurled the fireball at Kai.


"Fox Flame Emperor!!"


"Not this time!" This time Kai countered the fire with wind, he grasped his sword tightly while infusing it with wind clouds and spun around himself at an incredible speed and with such a force that he generated a tornado.

<Gale Dance> 

Kai directed a fierce tornado at the fireball, resulting in a destructive clash that wreaked havoc on the surroundings. As the elements collided, they neutralized each other's force. However, this was merely a ploy by Wang Zhi to exploit an opportunity to attack Kai.


"…?!" Wang Zhi suddenly appeared before Kai, swinging his sword downward. Kai, anticipating disappointment after the failed attack, relaxed his guard slightly. However, he quickly realized his mistake as Wang Zhi showed no signs of backing down.

Kai tried to evade but Wang Zhi's blade still ended up slashing him across the face narrowly missing his left eye and leaving a cut across it. Luckily, he was able to avoid losing his eye from that, though the cut will still leave a visible scar. 

"…Fuck…that was close, I was gonna lose my eye if I was even a second late…" Kai clutched his bleeding eye in agony, muttering under his breath.

But Wang Zhi didn't halt his attack. He spun around himself while swinging his sword horizontally, striking Kai across the chest. The latter used his sword to block it, but Wang Zhi responded by aiming his palm at him while letting his Haki flow out of it, unleashing an invisible burst of Haki that knock him back a great distance, visibly injuring him and causing him to tumble along the ground.

"Where's your confidence now punk? You still think that you're gonna beat me, huh?"

Despite the beating Kai took, his resolve remained unshaken. He still wore that same confident grin that infuriated Wang Zhi "Kahahaha! If you think this is enough to break my resolve, then you really have to try harder…"

"…a future Pirate King can't be scared of a mere pirate captain who couldn't even make it as an Emperor of the Sea! How does it feel sailing for decades without achieving any notable things?"

'This guy, even when I say that he is still no joke. If I'm not wrong what he did just now was Emission Haki, he shot it from his palm…' Kai though in his mind with a serious look on his face.

'…Not yet, if I wanna win this, my Haki needs to bloom!'

"I will push through and kick your ass!"