
One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)

When reborn in a world as a Fishman, in a world where you can chase after your ambitions and have unimaginable physical power... being average isn't something he plans to do. But his ambition is too big for just him to acomplish by himself... well then... he will simply have other people whom he knows will support him. And who is more supportive than family... He has no cheat, nor any amazing talent. His strongest weapon is his common and future knowledge. —————————————————————— Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N for 30+ chapters in advance: patreon.com/HolyJoker JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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135 Chs

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Title: War on Marineford...


As Kakashi stabs Aokiji he immediately jumps back. As soon as he did so a wave of ice was shot at where his previous location was, Kakashi knows best how to take Aokiji on, he also knows that fighting against an admiral in a straight-on fight isn't a good idea. 

'This battle will have to be a little drawn out, but that doesn't matter at all, we have our own little plan on how to take care of the Admirals.' Contemplates Kakashi as he moves at top speeds to dodge Aokiji's attacks. If Kizaru were alive, he would have been the best opponent against Kakashi, a good counter to the latter's speed.

Garp looks at Kakashi and frowns as he sees Aokiji having problems against the kid, so he jumps up and is about to punch Kakashi.

But before he could do so, a spear made out of water hits Garp and pushes him away. Jaw has a serious look on his face as he says. "Oy! Oy! Garp… you have balls to try and hit my kids in front of me."

Garp has a grimace on his face as he looks at Jaw and says. "Shut the hell up you brat! You will die here. Pirates like you are the ones I hate the most."

"Jajajajaja…" Laughs Jaw out loudly. Annoying Garp to no end as he sees this. "Honestly, Garp, you used to be a terrifying old man. That attack of mine wouldn't have even made you move. But now, it can even hurt you, admit it old man… you have just gotten too old to be able to fight at this level anymore. I can see that you are already breathing heavily and are tired."

Garp smiles at this as blood runs down his face. "Heh! Don't worry about me Jaw, I can still beat you up and drag your face through Marinefore."

Jaw smirks at this, not bothered by the insult of an old man. "Your grandson just escaped, the living one with the Strawhat, I wonder if I should have my men kill him. How would you feel about that?"

Garp's face immediately morphs into an enraged one and Jaw's smirk widens at this. 'YES! Get angry with me old man, become so enraged that your Observation Haki becomes dull due to your emotions.'

Jaw plans to have the old man not be at its best because he knows that even though he is old, Garp used to be at the top levels of the world in strength and even cornered Roger multiple times. Underestimating him… would be foolish. Jaw knows that.

That is when Erza in the form of a swamp moves towards the battlefield and attacks Garp with a sword from beyond. The sword was almost about to pierce Garp when he turns around and punches the red-haired girl in the face.


The punch was imbued with Haki so it makes Erza fly away and crash into a wall. 

"Brat, you think I can't see what you were doing?" Says Garp as he looks at Jaw with a frown. "I have been fighting before your parents were even born, I have had tactics like this used against me hundreds of times.

Jaw only shrugs at this. "Oh well, you win some and you lose some… but still… as I said before… I don't like people hitting my children!"

As Jaw says that, he uses <Soru> and charges at Garp with his top speed, his leg muscles swell to three times their size and the ground under him cracks as he kicks off, creation a crater behind him. 


Jaw hits Garp in the stomach, and the old man spits blood as he feels his organs get hit by a shockwave. 

He flies off and crashes into a wall too, creating a huge crater, Sengoku takes this time to try and interfere in the fight. But a huge flying ship smashes into him, as Jiraya shoots some lasers at Sengoku, and Madara also uses his Yami-Yami No Mi to cancel out Sengoku's attacks and stopping him from transforming into his giant buddha form.


At the same time as this is all happening, around the Marineford residential area, Kisame was sunning around at top speeds and he has Ariel on his shoulder. She has a golden glow around her as she touches Kisame and says. "I am giving you as much luck as I can, but we still haven't found the fruit we were looking for."


A couple of minutes later after checking every house, finally Kisame finds a barrel of fruits with one fruit at the top standing out as unlike the other apples, it is white and it has spirals all over it.

"Is this it?" Wonders Kisame out loud.

"Yes, I am sure that is it." Says ariel with a happy tone to her voice. She has the Luck-Luck fruit, so she was sent by Jaw to be with Kisame and find some fruits around Marineford.


But while this was happening in Marineford, the world wasn't quiet as in Impel Down, Magellan was injured, and as he was laying down on bd. One of the guards barges through the doors, the guard's face is full of sweat and a panicked look is apparent on his face. 

"S -Sir, we are under attack!" Exclaims the guard fearfully. 

"By whom?" Questions Magellan, an angry look on his face, after all, Black beard and Shiryu had just defeated him, he wasn't exactly in a good mood.

"The Revolutionaries!" Exclaims the man in a panic, as his body shakes in fear.

"How many of them?" Asks Magellan.

"All of them sir!" Answers the man, but as soon as he does so, an invisible wave passes through the prison, and the guard falls on the ground, unconscious.

Magellan frowns at this and he clenches his teeth in anger. "That man is here." Contemplates Magellan out loudly, knowing that there is only one man in the Revolutionary Army whose Conquerors Haki is so heavy.


Back at Marineford Jaw and Garp were clashing against each other.


Their pinches connect against each other's punch too and they still come in a stalemate. Jaw frowns a little at this, Garp is not a Devil Fruit user so water attacks or a Seastone dagger aren't truly good against him. Still, he is unwilling to let his children fight the Hero of the Marines by themselves. 

Kakashi also was fighting against Aokiji and things were not going well as some of his siblings came to help him, Escanor and Deidara was the most prominent against him. But Aokiji still held back the kids, he has frozen his initial wound by Kakashi shut now so it didn't affect him while he fought against the kids, and even then he still seemed to have the upper hand as Kakashi was injured and has a cut along his chest.


Sengoku on the other hand had also learned of Madara's and Jiraya's tricks so he was able to easily handle the two novice Devil Fruit users. Their inexperience with their fruits made it clear who was stronger in this fight, but Sengoku didn't have it that easy as Nagato was sending giant Merine Warships and smashing them against the golden buddha man. 


But the other children were also absolutely destroying the rest of the marines as the Beast Pirate members had all retreated by now. So the marines were having devastating losses amongst their ranks. 



I wonder what the Revolutionaries are doing?🤔