
One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)

When reborn in a world as a Fishman, in a world where you can chase after your ambitions and have unimaginable physical power... being average isn't something he plans to do. But his ambition is too big for just him to acomplish by himself... well then... he will simply have other people whom he knows will support him. And who is more supportive than family... He has no cheat, nor any amazing talent. His strongest weapon is his common and future knowledge. —————————————————————— Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N for 30+ chapters in advance: patreon.com/HolyJoker JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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135 Chs

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Title: Water-7…

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker



Naruto looks at the strange man and can't help but ask. "Woah, that looks pretty cool."

As he says that Franky looks at him and smiles. He then does a pose while saying. "Super~"

When Naruto sees Franky do that, he too does a pose that he thinks makes him look cool.

Dead Cat blinks at this. 'This is so dumb…'


While that was happening, Rob Lucci, is on top of the roof, looking down on Naruto. 'That… that is… I can't believe it. He is his son. How is that possible? What is he doing here? Is he with that weak crew from before? Can't believe the Strawhats have a 100,000,000 ß Captain. It also seems like Naruto too has a bounty of 80,000,000 ß too.'

Rob Lucci frowns slightly and he then sits down on the roof. 'Nico Robin and the Strawhats are now only 2nd place of concern… because this Naruto is now my top one concern. I can get Kaku or Blueno to get in contact with Nico Robin.'


-Iceberg POV-

I look at the simple office around me, I frown a little as I look at the letter in front of me. 


Be careful, CP-9 are after you. If you want safety, join the J.A.W Secret Alliance. The World Government will never let you go because of Pluton.

By- Kisame (Emperor Jaw's son) 


I don't know what to think of this. Water-7 and the World Government are known to have a certain relationship and status quo between themselves. I can discard World Government agents and not meet them when I want not to.

But… associating with someone like Jaw can bring the whole World Government to keep an eye on me. Not like they aren't already doing so, but if I join Yonko Jaw, the next thing I know I will have an assassination directed at me. I know how they act, also Jaw isn't a necessarily dependable ally either. I doubt he would go to open war with the World Government over me. He is not irrational, I do not know him personally, but his actions show something scary about his intelligence and foresight.

At least he was polite enough to warn me about the threat. I doubt that he would lie to me, he most likely sent this because soon there will be an assassination attempt and then he will be like 'I told you so'... then I will have to join.

Also what is scary is that Jaw knows about Pluto… damn, how did he get that type of information. Only me and Franky are the ones in on the secret. But that means that even if I die, no one knows that Franky is holding onto the blueprints. At least I can take solace in that… but damn… either joining Jaw or getting killed. I am not sure which sounds worse, being controlled by one man or dying…


I contemplate this decision of mine until evening. The cooks come around and give me some food, I also did some research on past actions of both sides. 

The World Government obviously has some fu*ked up situations on their hands. I know how they can be… when they killed Tom…

Still, I don't know if joining Jaw is any better, the man requires absolute obedience and control over his subordinates. They must listen to his orders and not step out of line, also he is surprisingly good with money, every place that is under his control has had an economic boom. 

But at the same time, once I look closer I can see how he keeps such good control over his territories. He doesn't need to keep bases on the territories at all, true he has some pirates who have decided to join him to keep the peace in these islands. Those pirates are more like chore boys, because what keeps the places more in control is the dependence they have on Jaw… he is the middleman, a word of the law so to say that keeps these islands connected together. He keeps them working with each other and not fighting, but he also pushes other islands to be the best at what they are good at. 

He would turn Water-7 into a shipbuilding machine… and nothing more. He would have us depend on him for food, resources, and everything else. He will become our drug but at the same time our medicine. 


Suddenly I hear the door opening, I look towards the door and see that it hasn't moved at all. Where did that noise come from?

I suddenly look to the side of the room and see a man with a bullhead mask just walk in with a door behind him shaped in that form.

So that is it then? The assassins? This must be a Devil Fruit or something since I know that there is no door in that place.

I am sitting down on my desk and wearing glasses as I look at the people in masks. I also see the only member of the group without a mask, and she is wearing a green cloak.

I immediately recognize her, she is Nico Robin, a woman who landed here yesterday with a group of pirates. 

"Ladies and gentlemen…" I say so calmly, though I am nervous on the inside I don't express it. "What can I help you with?"

"We want the blueprints of Pluto." Says one of them as they start taking off their masks. 

What?... "Lucci?" I couldn't help it… I was shocked. I look at the others and see Blueno, the guy who works at the bar, and… "Kaku?"

I can't help it as rage swells up inside of me. "So… you guys are the spies from the World Government then?"

"Yes." Says Lucci calmly, I don't argue with any of them. 

I only sigh in resignation and… suddenly scream out loud. "INTRUDERS!!!!!"


I see Kaku move faster than I can follow and put his hand around my throat. Stopping me from saying any more, but the deed is already done as countless people are already coming.

Lucci only looks at me with a smile and says. "We are assassins… and the best at our job."

He then goes to the door and opens it.


Two bodies fall on the ground as he does so. 

"We have already dispatched off everyone inside the mansion. No one can hear you now." Explains Lucci, I know that he is saying all this to put pressure on me and as an intimidating tactic. I can also feel Kaku's grip on me tightening...

Welp seems like this is it then. This is where I die, well I wanted to live some more, but this is good enough I guess. At least now the new mayor will have to think about Jaw and the World Government not my problem anymore.

*munch* Suddenly I hear a munching sound and I look towards the window, the direction where the sound came from. And I see four people, a yellow-haired brat with whiskers, a green-haired man with three swords, a blond-haired man with a swirly eyebrow, and a brat with a straw hat who seems to be eating.

"You need help, blue-haired man?" Asks Naruto with a confused look on his face.