
Chapter 9: Ghost Ship

Opening my eyes I let out a small wince of pain after I did so.

Since the second after I did I was met with pounding headache.

'Looks like I drank too much last night.' I thought.

Taking a moment I inhaled and exhaled several times, hoping the pounding in my head would dull. Thankfully it did.

Once it did I moved to get up. Only to finally realize there was a weight on my chest.

Looking down I saw a mess of silver hair, and then finally noticed Alfia was lying atop me. Using me as a human body pillow.

Upon realizing this I tried to gently escape her grasp as to not wake her up. But my efforts were futile, since this girls grip around my waist is iron tight. Right now she's like a human vice-grip.

In fact the moment I tried to free myself she squeezed me tighter. Pressing her generous chest into my own as she did so.

This in turn caused my morning mast to stand at attention almost immediately. Which was positioned right at Alfia's stomach. So it began poking her immediately. Making the situation very uncomfortable for me.

Seeing that there was no other options I decided to wake Alfia help.

Leaning down to her ear I whispered. "Alfia. hey Alfia, wake up. Rise and shine." I said.

"Nhn." Alfia groaned. Stirring at my whispers into her ear.

Leaning back I waited until she was fully awake.

Once she was she looked me directly in my eyes.

"Morning." Alfia said.

"Good morning to you as well." I replied. "So, do you mind letting go of me?"

"Why? It seems a part of you really doesn't want me let you go." Alfia said. Putting a rare teasing grin on her face.

Too bad she's a couple decades too early to be teasing me. I'm not some beta male MC or virgin cherry boy. This level of teasing won't even phase me.

"Well if you're not going to let me go then can you at least take care of my discomfort?" I asked. Putting a grin on my own face as I did so.

But when I asked my question Alfia suddenly got serious. "Sure." She said.

Seeing this I started looking at Alfia seriously. "Hey. I'm just joking. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

"I know. But I want to do this Roberts." Alfia said. "If its with you I-"


Hearing a crash Alfia and I immediately looked in its direction.

Only to see Bepo, lying back first on the floor a snot bubble coming out of his nose as he slept peacefully. A serene smile on his face.

Even though from the looks of it he just fell off of the table where he passed out last night.

Since Bepo was drinking right along side me, Law, and Alfia last night. If we're going to take him out to sea as a pirate and have him fight and kill people then he can certainly drink alcohol in my book.

"Let's check on Bepo." I said.

"Right." Alfia agreed.

The mood having been completely ruined.

But I'm not upset. There will be plenty more chances for Alfia and I to climb the stairs to adulthood together.

Getting up we moved to check on our new polar bear mink crewmate and saw he was fine. But I made a note to have Law give him a real examination later.

Oh and speaking of Law last night he agreed to also be the crew's vice-captain along with being our doctor. While Bepo happily agreed to become our navigator.

Three birds, one stone.


Standing alongside my crews ship I gave it an inspection since we are getting ready to set sail once more.

After spending a week on Swallow Island getting to know Law and Bepo and having them get their affairs in order it is now time for us to head out to sea once more.

In no time at all I finished my inspection.

Just as I did so I spotted the others heading towards the ship.

Seeing them I boarded, and then they all followed suit. The moment all four of us were safely in the boat I weighed the anchor and we set sail.

Twenty minutes after we did so Law asked me a question.

"So captain, what's our next move?"

"Yeah, are we finally going to the Grand Line like you've been saying for years?" Alfia questioned.

I shook my head. "No, we're not going to the Grand Line yet. We're nowhere even close to ready to face that monster of a sea. Sure, now that Law and Bepo are with us we have a navigator and a doctor, but we still need several other things before heading to the toughest sea in the entire world. Like a proper ship for instance. On that note, anyone know where we can get one around these parts?"

"I do." Law said. "I worked on a patient who was from an island called Wishing Well a few months ago. He ended up sharing that they repair ships for the marines there and even build ones if the price is right."

"All right then, Wishing Well is our next destination." I proclaimed.

Once I did so I worked with Bepo to set a course. Since he knows nothing about navigation I'll teach it to him.

Since if I let Alfia do it she'll definitely traumatize our lovable bear.

She expects perfection on the first attempt. Since she can so easily do most things the first time around herself.

It's one of her best and yet at the same time worst qualities.

Nevertheless I cherish her all the same.

Once the course was set Law took up watch.

As he did so I lied down and got as comfortable as I could.

Closing my eyes.

Since today is the perfect day for a nap in my opinion.


"Captain, captain!"

Hearing Bepo calling my name and also shaking me I opened my eyes.

"Yes, Bepo, what is it?" I asked him.

Noticing it night had fallen.

'Looks like I was more tired than I initially thought.' I thought.

"Captain!" Bepo exclaimed once more. His entire body shaking as he spoke. "G-ghost, ship!" The polar bear mink cried. Pointing straight ahead with his right hand as he did so.

Looking in the direction of Bepo's pointed finger I saw a massive decaying ship floating lazily through the water. What remained of its flag indicating it was once a pirate ship.

[Image Here]

As I continued looking at the old and decrepit vessel I completely understood why Bepo called it a ghost ship. It has an eerie feeling to it.

"What's going on?" Alfia asked.

"Bepo, what is it?" Law questioned.

"A ghost ship apparently." I casually said. Pointing to the vessel in front of our ship.

Turning their gazes to the ship Law and Alfia both simply stared at it and nodded their heads.

But I expected that since they have similar personalities.

After they took in the ship they looked me.

"So, what's the move Roberts?" Law asked me.

When he did so I put a grin on my face.

"Oh no. I know that look. You want to explore that ship don't you?" Alfia asked.

"You read my mind." I retorted. "Alfia, you'll remain here with Bepo and make sure he doesn't die of fright. Law you are with me. We're going to explore that vessel."

Since I have a feeling in my gut there is treasure aboard it, and as a pirate how can I possibly turn down treasure.

So it's time to explore the ghost ship.

I can't wait to see what treasures it holds.

Next chapter