
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 8: It's Time To Duel

The three of us followed behind Law for several moment until we reached a clearing.

The moment we did so Law turned and faced us. "This is where we will conduct our battle." He explained.

"Sure, that suits me just fine." I replied. "So, what are the conditions for victory?"

"Your opponent either has to give up willingly or you must knock them out." Law explained.

At his words I nodded.

Once I did so I drew my blade and moved to stand in the middle of the clearing. Law doing the same with this Kikoku.

Meanwhile Bepo and Alfia stayed off to the side. The former getting 'mofu-mofu' by the latter. Since despite her usually cold demeanor Alfia loves cute and fluffy things.

That gap-moe is one of the things I love about her.

Soon Law and I reached the middle of the clearing.

The moment we did so the battle began.

Law raised his left hand into the air and said the iconic word from the anime/manga


The moment after he did so his operation room sphere appeared and covered the entire clearing.

Law then raised Kikoku and got ready to unleash a slash in my direction.

But before he could do so I rushed toward him and closed the distance within seconds.

I saw suprise on Laws' face at my actions but paid it no mind. Instead I lashed out at him with a punch from my right first, and managed to land a hit directly into his gut. The resulting blow sent him skidding backwards. Throwing snow up into the air as he did so.

But eventually he stopped.

Though right after he did so I closed the distance once more.

But before I could land another blow Law used [Shambles] and switched places with some falling snowflakes to avoid my attack.

I then sensed him launching his own attack with my observation haki and dodged accordingly.

Seeing me do this Law was surprised once more. But then quickly cooled his expression again. Eyeing me with an analyzing gaze afterwards.

I smirked at him in response to his gaze.

But too Law's credit he didn't get angry or upset. He simply raised his left hand in my direction.


Law spoke.

The second after he did so I picked up several rock pillars coming up from the ground towards me thanks to my observation haki.

When I did so I flooded by body with some energy from my reserves, boosting my overall physical abilities even further. From my five senses to my speed and strength, I increased it all many times over.

I call this technique [Overdrive].

Once [Overdrive] was activated I began running towards Law, dodging all the rock pillars he was pulling up from the ground to harm me by using [Tact] as I did so.

In no time at all I had closed the distance between us once more.

But just like last time Law used [Shambles] to change his position in the clearing with falling snow.

Though that doesn't bother me.

Since Law's fruit is a stamina monster, and although I am pretty sure he trains I don't think he has yet to acquire the stamina needed for a long drawn-out battle.

Meaning, this is my win whether he knows it yet or not.

Just like before Law sent slashing attacks toward me using Kikoku, attempting to slash my body into pieces so he could have the advantage in this battle.

But thanks to my observation haki I dodged each and every one. Knowing that if a single of those slashes hit me I would be in trouble.

Law kept slashing and I continued dodging.

Until eventually I saw an opening when Law momentarily stopped his onslaught of slashes.

'Got you.' I thought.

Raising my free hand I began stealing the vitality of Law.


I said.

"Gah!" Law cried, falling to his knees after he did so. He let our ragged breaths as I absorbed whatever energy and stamina he had remaining, replenishing my own and restoring my reserves. Since keeping [Overdrive] active requires I use up vitality/energy.

Before Law knew it his [Room] was gone.

Once it was I de-activated [Overdrive] and quickly closed the distance to Law. I then placed my blade against his neck. "Surrender."

Law looked up at me when I spoke.

A moment passed as he stared at me before lowering his head. "Yes, I surrender." He said.

Once he did so I removed my blade form his neck and sheathed it. I then offered Law a hand to help him help.

Just like a second ago he stared at it intently, before decided to take it.

When he did so I pulled him up to his feet.

"So, you're a devil fruit user." Law said.

"I never said I wasn't. You probably just amused. Bad move my friend. In battle never assume anything. Since that can lead you to death." I explained to Law.

"Yeah, I'll take that advice to heart. Captain." Law said.

"Oh, I see you're honoring the deal we made." I said.

"I am." Law replied. "You beat me fair and square, the only one I have to blame for my failure is myself. As such I will honor the terms we set for the duel. So I am now a member of your crew. As is Bepo."

"Welcome aboard then." I spoke. Putting a grin on my face as I did so. I then changed it to a serious expression. "Hey Law, just so you know now that you're a member of my crew I won't ever betray you. I'll go to hell and back again for you. And if there is something you need to do, or say someone you want to get back at just let me know and I'll help you. The same applies to Bepo as well. Actually that applies to anyone who joins my crew."

Since once you are apart of my crew I consider you family, and nothing is more important to me than family.

Hearing my words Law got a slightly shocked expression on his face.

Probably because he can tell I am deadly serious right now.

The shocked expression lasted for several more seconds before it vanished. Once it did Law nodded. "I see. Thank you for that, captain."

"Anytime Law. Anytime." I told him.

Once I did so we walked over to Bepo and Alfia.

Me with a huge grin on my face as we did so Arriving at the pair I shared the good news.

"It's official Law is now apart of our crew, as are you Bepo." I told him and Alfia.

"Oh, really. That's amazing." Bepo happily said. "Glad to be aboard, captain."

'Never change Bepo, never change.' I thought.

"And I'm glad to have you Bepo." I replied.

"Welcome you two." Alfia said. Her usual cold expression back on her face now that she has got out all her pent up need to 'mofu-mofu' Bepo. "You heard my name before, but just in case you didn't remember it I'll say it again. My name is Alfia."

Bepo nodded at Alfia's words, while Law gave a simple curt nod in response.

"Ok, now that that's settled let's head back to Law's and Bepo's cabin and have a party to celebrate our two newest crewmembers. Captain orders." I said. I then started walking back towards Law and Bepo's cabin.

"Ha, captain!" Bepo happliy exclaimed. Following right behind me after he did so.

Alfia also followed behind me, a small smile on her face as she did so.

"Hey, wait a moment. Why do we need to have a party?" Law asked.

But we ignored him and just continued walking.

"Dammit. Wait for me." Law said.

Running a bit to catch up with us.

Eventually he did, and once we got back to the cabin we parties all night long.

The first of many parties I hope to have with my crewmates.