
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 35: Phantom vs Grim Reaper

(3rd Person: POV)

The moment Harlock and Roberts clashed blades an intensity spread out from the two of them.

Both of them began releasing an aura that said; Don't interfere.

Feeling this both Roberts' crew and the marines serving under Harlock instinctively understood the message.

So while their two captains clashed the crews focused on each other.

Descending Alfia began releasing sonic screams all over Harlocks' flagship. Killing even more marines and damaging the vessel.

While this happened a battle was taking place on the deck of the Black Pearl.

A shotgun in each hand Weisz dual-wielded and shot down marine after marine with a savage grin on his face.

"Damn blonde bastard!" One marine shouted at Weisz. He then raised the raised in his hands and took aim at Weisz, pulling the trigger the instant after he did so.

But using his observation haki Weisz dodged the shot the marine fired at him.

The blonde then aimed Punisher at the marine and pulled the trigger, blowing a giant gaping hole in his stomach.

After Weisz did this he ran for cover to reload.

Surrounded by several marines Robin kept a calm expression on her face, her arms folded in front of her.

As the marines eyed her wearily one of the older ones spoke up.

"Hey, that's Nico Robin!" He shouted.

'What, the "Devil Child" Nico Robin." Another marine shouted.

"What the hell is that demonic woman doing with this pirate crew?!"

"For the peace of the world let's kill her!" A marine shouted.

Outwardly Robin didn't show she was phased by what the marines said, but inwardly despite all the years of hearing such comments she felt hurt.

As the marines continued spouting harsh words and slurs at Robin all of them were suddenly silenced as they were hit with an attack from above.

Feeling a cold shiver across their bodies the marines turned their gazes upward to the sky. When they did so they saw Alfia looking down at them from above.

A smile on her face. But the smile didn't reach her eyes at all. Which too the marines below looked like black holes with no light behind them.

To the marines Alfia looked like an angel of death.

Frozen in utter fear and terror the marines on the deck of the Black Pearl were instantly taken out by Reiju coming in and delivering a barrage of punch and kicks to their bodies. Killing most of them while seriously crippling others.

But she did so without remorse.

"Don't ever speak ill of our crewmate ever again." Reiju said.

Alfia nodding her head in agreement.

Seeing their actions and hearing them defend her Robin felt a small warmth in her heart.

While his crew was basically slaughtering the marines under Harlock's command he focused on the marine captain in front of them.

After a few more seconds passed Roberts jumped back and broke their sword clash.

But the moment he did so Harlock rushed forward and started stabbing at him rapidly with the tip of his rapier.

Raising his blade and sensing where the hits would land using observation haki Roberts was able to block every single one of Harlock's attacks.

Seeing that his sword attack wasn't working Harlock changed tactics.

Stopping his assault against Roberts he performed and overheard swing with his blade.

Raising up his own blade Roberts blocked it.

But the moment he did so he felt a strain in his arms. Grunting Roberts felt himself sink slightly into the deck of the Black Pearl.

'What the hell. His weapon suddenly feels like it weighs a ton!' Roberts thought.

For in an instant the weight of Harlock's rapier sword changed.

Realizing this Roberts realized Harlock was a devil fruit user just like him.

This made Roberts put up his guard even further. Since he has no clue what devil fruit Harlock has eaten or what the limits of its powers are.

If he gets cocky or arrogant he could end up dead.

And he will not allow himself to go out like that.

As Harlock continued pressing Roberts into the deck of the Black Pearl the latter lashed out at him with a kick to push him back.

But when Roberts' foot connected with Harlock's chest he felt as if he was kicking a wall made of steel.

Even so the kick was enough to launch Harlock back and give Roberts a few seconds to regroup.

Taking it Roberts began quickly analyzing the information he had just gathered in his head.

'So, captain Harlock is a devil fruit user. And it looks like the fruit powers he possess allows him not only to alter the weight of objects but also the weight of himself as well.' Roberts thoughts.

Climbing out of the small hole he created in the Black Pearl deck as he did so.

As Harlock stopped skidding across the deck of the Black Pearl he rushed and closed the distance to Roberts, going back on the attack immediately.

Now knowing Harlock blows were heavier than they looked Roberts opted to dodge each and every one of them. Using his observation haki to do so.

Seeing Roberts was dodging all his attacks Harlock took a step back, then appeared behind Roberts using Soru. The marine captain then swung his blade at Roberts side.

Turning his blade Roberts managed to block the attack, but in taking it he felt as if someone had just hit him with a bag full of bricks.

As the air left his lungs Roberts was launched across the deck of the Black Pearl. His body twisting and turning in the process.

Pressing his attack Harlock moved to close the distance to Roberts and deliver yet another attack.

But before Harlock could reach him Roberts re-oriented himself and managed to dodge another slash from the marine captain.

The moment after he did so Roberts made a diagonal slash over Harlock's chest, drawing some blood with his direct attack.

Seeing this Roberts began delivering multiple slashes at Harlock. The marine captain blocking them with his rapier in turn.

As this happened Roberts found himself grinning. Excitement overtaking him.

The feelings of fighting a strong opponent, it was exhilarating.

'This feeling is incredible. I want more!' Roberts thought.

Who didn't realize he was slowly awakening as a battle maniac.

But that is a story for a later date.

Realizing he couldn't break through Harlock's defense Roberts threw a punch at his face, landing a direct it.

But just like before with his kick Roberts felt as if he was hitting a block of steel.

Despite this Roberts pressed on with his attack, managing to send Harlock flying back, the bones in hand perfectly fine. Since Roberts had been strengthening them with his finger push-ups.

Which just shows the grind gets results.

But even if the grind does get results Roberts would rather stick with his blade than direct hand-to-hand combat against Harlock. At least until he builds up a bit more strength in his fists.

Just as before Harlock stopped himself from skidding. He then rushed at Roberts and began throwing kicks and jabs with his free hand in his direction.

Not wanting to be hit with what he assumed was a one ton attack Roberts dodged each and every kick and jab Harlock through his way.

Then when he saw his chance Roberts jumped back and created some distance between the two of them.

The moment he did so Harlock looked directly into his eyes and asked him a single question.

"How does a pirate like you know haki?"

"Oh haki, what is that?" Roberts asked.

Since he definitely isn't going to give a member of the marines any information about himself. He's not a shounen protagonist who will willfully explain his capabilities to his enemy.

"Don't fucking play dumb with me!" Harlock shouted.

Yet Roberts kept a cool expression on his face.

"Fine then. Keep your secrets. You'll be dead soon anyway so it doesn't matter." Harlock spoke.

"Like I said before I'm not dying here." Roberts retorted.

Ignoring the retort Harlock launched himself forward and started slashing at Roberts again.

Dodging said attacks Roberts went in to slash Harlock.

But just as Roberts' blade made contact with Harlock body it passed through it as if it wasn't even there. Yet Roberts could clearly see Harlock standing right in front of him.

Sensing danger and recalling a similar ability possessed by a certain anime character from a different series Roberts jumped back.

But he did so a second too late.

Bringing up his rapier Harlock managed to create a sizable gash on Roberts left arm.

As his blood splattered across the deck of the Black Pearl Roberts made a pained expression on his face, while Harlock simply smirked.

'So his devil fruit abilities not only allows him to alter his weight to make himself heavier, but also gives him some sort of phasing ability. Roberts thought.

Despite the wound he had just suffered he was still analyzing his opponents abilities. Since doing so would be the key to victory.

'Alright. I think I know what the devil fruit Harlock ate could be. But if it is the fruit I think it is at my current level of strength there is only one chance I have to obtain victory.' Roberts thought. 'Ok. Time to go to work.'

Roberts began employing [Siphon] against Harlock.

Feeling this and seeing this instead of backing off Harlock rushed in for another flurry of attacks.

Dodging them as best he could with his damaged left arm Roberts bided his time, waiting until finally his opening appeared.

Swinging up his blade he aimed for Harlock's face.

"Didn't you learn your lesson, it's useless!" Harlock shouted.

"Useless. Please. After all I know haki, right." Roberts said. Putting a victorious smirk on his face after he did so.

Seeing it Harlock realized his mistake.

But it was too late.

Having imbued his blade with armament haki Roberts was able to bypass the powers of Harlock's devil fruit abilties and deliver a slash to his face.

"Agh!!" Harlock shouted.

Raising his hands to his face as he did so.

Taking advantage of this Roberts delivered a punch to his gut, sending him flying across the deck of the Black Pearl and back into the deck of his own ship.

"Captain Harlock!" The remaining marines shouted.

Since the rest of the Thanatos Pirates had decimated the others.

"Ok. Get us out of here!" Roberts shouted.

The moment he did so Law used [Shambles] to remove the grappling hooks the marines had attached to the railing of the Black Pearl.

Then after he did so Bepo steered the ship and turned it in a direction opposite of the navy vessels.

As the wind hit the sails of the Thanatos Pirates ship they began sailing away.

Escaping the marines just as intended.

Picking himself up off the deck of his ship Harlock stared at the tail end of the Black Pearl, blood dripping from the wound on his face as he did so.

"Just you wait Thanatos Pirates. One day I will take you down." Harlock spoke.

Thus the Thanatos Pirates gained an persistent enemy in the marines without even trying.

For now at least.


(Roberts: POV)

Staring behind us I breathed a sigh of relief as twenty minutes passed with no signs of any of those marine ships following us.

Meaning we have well and truly escaped them.

Turning my head away from our tail end I checked to make sure the others were alright.

Scanning them it looks like other than me no one else gained any significant injuries in the previous battle.


"Alright, let's find somewhere to dock." I said.

Since we all need some rest and recovery time after that battle. Weisz also needs to check the Black Pearl and repair any damage to her.

Nodding their heads my crew went to work.

But as they did so I sensed a strong presence approaching us with my observation haki.

Whipping my head around I looked out into the distance and saw several ships from the Happo Navy approaching us. Don Chinajo of all people standing at the front of the lead ship.

'Fuck me!' I thought.

It's true what they say.

When it rains it fucking pours.


Another double chapter release. You can thank me by giving me power stones. 🤗

Spoiler: This week's chapter was amazing Luffy vs Kizaru is going to be epic. Time for revenge for what happened at Sabaody.


A/N: So if you look in the auxiliary chapter you will see Harlock will eventually become an ally of the Thanatos Pirates.

But that will be in the future of the story.

Stay tuned for more.