
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 19: Ship Name, Crew Name, and Pirate Flag

Standing at the front of my crews ship I wore a smile on my face as I faced them.

A big mug of ale in my left hand.

Although it's only been a few hours since we bid Wishing Well goodbye we're having a party to not only welcome Weisz officially to the crew but also to celebrate finally obtaining a real ship.

"Cheers!" I shouted. Raising my mug.

The others did the same.

Then we all drank simultaneously.

Taking my mug away from my mouth I let out a delighted sigh. "Ah, that's good."

"Yes. So anyway Roberts what's our next move?" Alfia asked me.

"Well before we discuss that I need to announce two important things. The name of our ship, the name of our crew, and show off the design for our pirate flag."

"That's three things." Alfia spoke.

"True but I'm only announcing two of them. I'm showing you the third." I replied. A cheeky grin on my face as I did so.

"Asshole." Alfia muttered.

"Yes, but I'm your asshole my silver Siren." I said.

I then closed the distance to Alfia and pulled her in for a kiss.

Which she leaned into. She even added a bit of tongue.

Not embarrassed in the slightest.

Due to her personality Alfia doesn't mind PDA (Public Displays of Affection) at all.

Yet another thing that makes her wonderful.

The two of us kissed for over a minute for I heard Law fake cough.

Looking at him I saw he was a bit uncomfortable. As is Bepo. While Weisz looks ready to cry tears of blood.

Deciding they had had enough I broke my kiss with Alfia.

A smile appearing on both our faces as I did.

"Let's save the rest for later." I said.

"Sure thing." Alfia replied.

"Now where was I? Oh yes, the ship name. If you guys have any objections let me know. The name I chose is Black Pearl."

"That sounds good." Alfia spoke.

"Yeah, it really goes along with the ships design." Weisz added.

Law and Bepo stayed silent so I'll take that as their acception of the ship name.

"Ok, onto number two. And three as well." I said.

I then walked over to the ships main sail and unfurled it.

Revealing the design I made for our crews pirate flag.

[Image Here]

"Oh, so cool captain!" Bepo brightly spoke.

"Thank you. So this will be our crews flag and as for the name I was thinking Thanatos Pirates."

Since my devil fruit abilities basically allows me to sick the life out of somebody I decided go with the name Thanatos. Since in my previous world he was the personification of death.

Sort of how like I am now.

No one spoke up so that means they all approve of my choice in both matters.

Ah, what a crew I have.

I sniffled and wiped a fake tear away from my left eye. "I love you guys."

"Sorry Roberts but your not my type." Law said. A smirk on his face as he did so.

Though the rest of us were stunned. Since Law has never made a joke since we met.

But it looks like that streak just came to an end.

A minute passed before everyone started laughing their asses off.

"Good one Law." I told him.

"Thanks." He replied. "So like Alfia said earlier what's next for us? The Grand Line."

I shook my head. "No. Not yet. There are still some things I want to do. First and foremost of which is visiting the other Blue Seas. It will give us a chance to recruit more crewmates."

Especially one crewmate in particular.

The raven-haired archaeologist with a morbid sense of humor.

Nico Robin.

There is no way I'm letting her join that loser Crocodile.

Sure I'll be stealing her from Luffys' crew but he'll be fine. He has the protagonist aura after all.

Unlike me.

Besides one of the reasons I became a pirate in the first place is to do what I want when I want. So if I want Nico Robin on my crew I'll have Nico Robin on my crew.

I also hope to make her something more than just a crewmate.

Though I do wonder how Alfia will feel about that.

I don't want her to develop any of the more extreme yandere behaviors.

What to do, what to do?


Eh, I'll leave it for future Roberts to deal with. I'm sure he'll handle it just fine.

"Alright, so which of the other Blue Seas are we visiting first?" Weisz asked.

"West Blue." I replied. "And no fear for I have a plan to get us there. So tomorrow we set full speed ahead for the Red Line. But today we party!" I said.

I then took another giant gulp from my mug.

The others joined.

Then after they did so the party really got started.

Lasting for the rest of the day until till dawn the next morning.

Good times.


Drinking some water to help alleviate my hangover even a bit I sat in a comfortable chair on deck.

Being the lookout.

While Bepo stood behind me navigating and steering the ship as our helsman.

Learning both jobs will do him good.

Taking another sip of water I picked up the binoculars sitting on my lap and did a quick survey of the surrounding area.

The moment I surveyed our port side I spotted a giant snail moving through the ocean.

Bearing the symbol of Germa 66.

Realizing this I clicked my tongue.

Standing up I ran over to the sails and adjusted them so the Black Pearl could gain more speed and get us out of this area as fast as possible.

I have no clue what Germa 66 is doing here but I don't want to stick around and find out.

"Captain what's wrong?" Bepo asked me.

"I spotted something dangerous off the port side. We need to leave this area of sea immediately." I explained.

I then called for the others just in case the need for battle arose.

But considering the measures I just took the chances of that are low, right?

Fuck I just raised a flag!

No sooner had I realized this than the rest of crewmates arrived on deck and two figures dropped out of the sky and landed in the middle of it.

Figures I recognized quite well.

Vinsmoke Yonji and Vinsmoke Reiju.

They look younger than their canon selves but it's definitely them.

Yep, I most definitely raised a flag.