
ONE PIECE:Rebirth As Celestial Dragon With Villain System

Aurelius was a 24 year old young man from earth. In his short life he tasted what it feels to be at the peak and bottom one after another. He was betrayed, used, humiliated. He tried to take revenge from the 6 closest people to him that betrayed him and made his life miserable. Unfortunately or fortunately before he could take his revenge from the last remaining person, he was killed by a hitman and left to die on a street. He woke up as Donquixote Aurelius, a celestial dragon...With a Villain system that claims Aurelius's existence in the One Piece world is intolerable. He will either get destroyed by fate itself or JoyBoy's will that resides inside Luffy. Unless..He uses his system and knowledge to destroy all obstacles in his path and achieve his obsession of being a god that can do whatever he wants.

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2 Chs

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Aurelius ignored Lilith who now had a very pale face, her warm smile that was forcefully kept up by her was shaky. She seemed to put great effort into staying still and not doing anything until ordered so that she wouldn't catch the attention of Aurelius who seemed scarier than ever.

Luckily, she was just overthinking things. Aurelius's attention was fully on the system panel. He asked directly, not wanting to waste time.

'What are villain points used for? What do you mean by protection?'

'Villain points can be used to exchange things from system shop. Gain your first villain points to open the shop function. Villain system protects you by hiding your traces from the fate of this universe. Unfortunately, system's protection is limited. Host will learn more as he proceeds in his path.'

Aurelius frowned before relaxing and closing his eyes. 2 minutes later his eyes slowly opened and he focused on a man in suits who seemed to have entered while he was deep in thoughts. He was a man of average height and looks. The suit he was wearing was pitch black however, he was wearing sandals that looked atrocious as they contrasted greatly with the suit. He seemed to be in his thirties which made his bald head which was now reflecting some light seem unfortunate.

However what caught Aurelius's attention was he had a humorous and lazy smile on his lips.

'Who is this guy to adorn such an attidute in front of a celestial dragon?'

Aurelius didn't know the man as he didn't have any memories of the previous owner so he just looked at the man and spoke calmly.

"Speak, why are you in my room?"

The man bowed and spoke respectfully, but the carefree and lazy smile on his lips had no signs of going away.

"Saint...I am of course here, to fulfill your orders. You seem a little bothered today. Shall I summon your favorite wives to pleas-"

"Wait outside."

Aurelius cut him off. He was quiet annoyed. This man was probably his 'caretaker' assigned to him by Msojguard. It was obvious, he was not some ordinary subordinate. After all which ordinary subordinate can act in such presemtious way in front of a Celestial Dragon like himself?

Aurelius was convinced in his mind that this subordinate wasn't dorectly working for himself and rather here to keep him in check or spy on himself. If it was the body's father Msojguard, it would make sense to do this to keep his son in check. But if that were the case this man was bad at his job. After all just recently the lrevious owner decided to marry with Sharlia and had a huge argument with his father.

Aurelius frowned.

'Since he is appearently not doing a good job, why would Msojguard keep him?'

Something...still didn't add up. Unfortunately Aurelius had little information to work on.

"Yes...of course." The man seemed surprised and even looked at Aurelius's face to understand what was up with him today thus was a little slow in leaving.

Aurelius raised his eyebrow and made a shooing motion which hastened the man's actions as he left and closed the door after him.

Aurelius turned towards Lilith with a surprisingly warm tone.

"Why are you so stiff?"

Lilith trembled slightly as she spoke slowly while her eyes dropped down to the floor. Unfortunately this wasn't a wise choice. The floor was decorated with warm Jade tiles and several diamond pieces covering the corners of each tile. It was extremely bright which hurt her eyes and added to her nervousness. She spoke hurriedly.

"I-I am sorry!"

She bit her lower lip as her eyes teared up. She spoke in a cracking voice.

"Saint...Please forgive me. I will do my best to satisfy you."

A flash of sometging that resembled disdain flashed in Aurelius's eyes for a split second.

Aurelius spoke kindly.

"Don't worry. Here, drink some water."

Lilith's eyes widened. She felt incredilous, many thoughts racing in her mind at that time. What did her master wanted to do with her this time? Was he bored by merely playing with her body and wanted to try a different method?

While this made her feel fear, her heart had a slight trace of hope awaken within for the first time ever since she came here. Maybe, just maybe her master... has changed? Her hand involunterily went towards the cup that was extended to her as if it was a lifeline. Her mind and gaze was completely focused on it as if this small cup represented something lifechanging. Her eyes were filled with fear, hope,longing...and something darker.

However she was woken up from her illusion by a dose of reality. Literally...She blankly looked at Aurelius, her clothes now completely drenched in water. Only sound in the room was water dripping to the jade tiles drop by drop from her wet clothes. Lilith was frozen still as if the time has stopped for her. Her hand was still extended above her head.

Aurelius put the now empty cup on the table. His cold eyes had an undisguised raw disdain as they locked on Lilith.

"Have you woken up yet? I asked you a question. Why are you so stiff?"

Lilith's lips partes but no words came out. She just looked at Aurelius silently, her mind still trying to comprehend what is happening.

Aurelius spoke again.

"Look at your situation and tell me what you are so afraid of? You are already living the worst of the worst. Yet you still smile and obediently offer your body...Tell me what are you so afraid to lose?Your life?"

Aurelius chuckled coldly before concluding.

"Are you...even alive?"

Lilith's lips trembled as tears flowed down her eyes to her cheeks. She was hit hard by these words. Suddenly many emotions that was surpressed for survival erupted. Frustration and sadness like a blanket covered her entire being. She balled her hands into fists, her nails dug into her palms. She started crying loudly as she choked om her tears. Her palms bled from the nails digging themselves deeper inside.

Aurelius spoke apprecitingly.

"Good...Feel frustrated. Feel angry. Feel hatred. I don't need broken toys."

Lilich flinched as she looked up into Aurelius's eyes. Her fake and forced smile was nowhere to be seen. Deep in her eyes was a trace of resentment. She spoke in an emotional voice, her voice cracking. Still her eyes held less fear.


Aurelius closed his eyes. While Aurelius had a god complex and believed himaelf superior to mere humans, he would never undedestimate the power of emotions. In his previous life he was at the bottom at one point. Humiliated,betrayed and pushed down constantly. Anger, frustration and ambition. These negative feelings were the ones that fueled him to tise back up step by step to regain his dignity,status and even take his revenge from those that wronged him. Without these wmotions how could he have the motivation to endure so much pain and overcome it all?

Thus Aurelius needed his underlings to feel emotions, rather than being emotionless toys. Those emotions should be manipulated and used so that they would be turned into a great and powerful force that helps his goal...Becoming the god of this world.

Aurelius's eyes openes one last time, with a final glance at the sobbing Lilith he walked towards the door as he collected his thoughts.

'I see...Her situation reminded a little about myself. That was the root of my annoyance. Whatever. I still need to deal with the clown waiting outside the door.'

Hope you enjoyed it

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