
Rumble-Rumble Fruit

In the world of One Piece, nestled among the ethereal white clouds, lay the celestial city of Birka.

Here, a young man named Brontes was engaged in a frantic search. His muscular figure, standing at an imposing 1.9 meters, darted through the clouds, his dark hair shimmering like obsidian under the sun. His ocean-blue eyes, filled with determination, scanned the surroundings.

His age was hard to discern, but his robust physique and mature facial features suggested he was in his early twenties.

In his right hand, he wielded a long iron staff, its metallic sheen contrasting sharply with the pristine white clouds. His breath was ragged, his heart pounded in his chest, but his resolve remained unbroken.

He was on a mission, a quest for something of great importance.

After an hour of relentless pursuit, exhaustion finally caught up with him. He slumped onto a cloud, his body begging for respite.

"Damn! Where is it?!" He muttered, frustration seeping into his voice: "I've scoured every inch of Birka, yet it eludes me."

His mind wandered to Enel, a mere child in this timeline, but a formidable adversary in the future.

"Could Enel have it already?" He pondered, but quickly dismissed the thought: "No, the odds are slim. He's just a child now."

His mind raced, considering every possibility.

"Could it be on another island?" He wondered aloud: "But according to the original work, Enel and his followers were born in Birka. The Rumble-Rumble Fruit (Goro Goro no Mi) must be here. But where?"

Brontes was an anomaly in this world. He had appeared on this Sky Island about a year ago, reincarnated from another world for reasons unknown. His first day in this world was a shock, to say the least.

The sight of the island's inhabitants, each adorned with angelic wings, had left him dumbfounded. He had thought he had ascended to heaven.

Language was not a barrier for him. The tongue of the Sky Island was etched into his mind, as familiar as his mother tongue. When he learned the name of this celestial paradise - Skypiea - he realized he was in the world of One Piece.

His memories of his new life were hazy, but he remembered being born in East Blue and joining a group of adventurers to explore the wonders of the sea. A catastrophic storm had claimed their ship and the lives of his companions. He alone had survived, washing up on the shores of Skypiea.

The current timeline of the One Piece world was a mystery to him. The time on Sky Island was inconsistent with the world below, leaving him in a state of temporal disorientation. But one thing was clear - he was in a race against time to find the Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

The revelation of his reincarnation in the world of One Piece, specifically on the Sky Island, Skypiea, had set Brontes on a singular path. His mind was consumed by the thought of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, the powerful Devil Fruit that Enel would one day possess.

It took him a year to uncover the existence of Birka, a year of relentless investigation and gathering of information. He had learned of its location, far to the southeast of Skypiea, and had set out on a journey through the clouds, using the methods of the Sky Island's people. After a month of drifting, he finally arrived in Birka.

His first sight of Birka was a relief. The city still stood, untouched by the future destruction he knew was coming.

Among the inhabitants, he spotted a peculiar child, one without wings and with earlobes that stretched down to his chest. It was Enel, the future 'God' of Skypiea, still a child and an outcast among his own people. This sight confirmed Brontes' belief that the Rumble-Rumble Fruit was still hidden somewhere in Birka.

In the chaotic world of One Piece, power was a necessity for survival. The Rumble-Rumble Fruit, being the strongest of the Logia-Type Devil Fruits, was the key to obtaining that power.

It was known to bestow immense strength upon its owner from the very beginning, making it the perfect tool for Brontes to establish himself in this world.

Despite a month of thorough searching, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit remained elusive. Doubts began to creep into Brontes' mind.

Was the fruit really in Birka? He gazed at the city from his perch on the clouds, his eyes drawn to the temple at its center. It was a sacred place, accessible only to the ruler of Birka. It was the only place he hadn't searched yet.

As night fell, Brontes made his way into the city. He knew he was an outsider, a fact that made him repulsive to the Sky Islanders.

He had seen the discrimination Enel faced, and he knew the future 'God' held no love for the city or its people. Brontes speculated that this hatred was what led to Birka's future destruction, though the original work had left the details of its downfall a mystery.

Brontes was not concerned with Enel's fate. His focus was on his own survival. He could have chosen to live a quiet life on Skypiea, but he had been given a second chance at life in an extraordinary world. He was not content with being ordinary.

He yearned for power, for the ability to shape his own destiny. The Rumble-Rumble Fruit was his ticket to that power, his shortcut to becoming stronger. Without it, he would be just another face in the crowd, lost in the vast seas below. He was determined to find the fruit, to seize the power it held, and to carve out his place in this world.


Under the cloak of night, Brontes silently infiltrated the sacred temple.

His heart pounded in his chest as he navigated the hallowed halls, his eyes scanning for the elusive Rumble-Rumble Fruit. But all he found was a clay statue of the god.

"Damn!" He cursed, his voice echoing in the empty temple. His last hope seemed to have been in vain.

Frustration bubbled within him. He had come so far, only to be met with disappointment. His only other option was to wait for Enel to grow up and then attempt to snatch the Rumble-Rumble Fruit from him. But that could take decades, and by then, he would be too old to even consider fighting.


In a fit of rage, he kicked the statue. It toppled over, shattering into pieces upon impact with the ground.

"What is that?"

But amidst the rubble, something caught his eye. A golden box, hidden within the chest of the statue. His heart pounded as he opened the box, revealing a pale golden fruit and a rolled-up piece of paper.

"Sure enough, it's here, I finally found it!" He laughed, clutching the items in his hands. But his joy was short-lived. The sound of the shattering statue had alerted the temple guards.

"Damn outsider! You actually destroyed the statue of the God! Put down what you are holding right now!" The ruler of Birka, an old man with a white beard, shouted at him.

Brontes had no good impression for this man. He had been imprisoned by him when he first arrived in Birka, and he had no intention of being detained again.

"You're too late." Brontes retorted, biting into the deep blue fruit. The old man's eyes widened in shock as he ordered his guards to attack.

Four burly men lunged at Brontes, their spears aimed at his chest.

But something miraculous happened. Their spears passed through his chest, leaving four blue holes but not a single drop of blood. It was as if they had pierced through air. The old man and his guards were stunned, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible in this world. Goodbye now, old man. I've already got what I want." Brontes laughed, grabbing two of the spears. Blue arcs of electricity danced along his arms as he uttered a single word: "Discharge!"

"Boom! ZiZi!"

Lightning sparks filled the temple, followed by a deafening explosion. The temple was reduced to rubble, leaving a gaping hole in the ground. When the dust settled, Brontes, the old man, and the guards were nowhere to be found. All that remained was a deep pit, a testament to the power of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

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