
One Piece: Ragnarok

In an age where the sails of pirates billowed in pursuit of glory and gold, the tides of time have shifted. Enter Brontes, a wayward spirit cast adrift thirty years before the legendary tales of One Piece unfold. Thrust into a maelstrom of chaos, Brontes devours the mighty Rumble-Rumble Fruit, a treasure destined for the original Enel. With the might of lightning at his command, he finds his destiny intertwined with the formidable forces of the Marine, standing shoulder to shoulder with legends in the making—Sakazuki and Borsalino. Let's embark on a riveting journey with Brontes, now hailed as the God of Thunder, Ragnarök. Witness a man's solemn vow to uphold justice and reshape the fate of the Marine. His saga is one of thunderous ambition and a quest to rewrite destiny itself. Join the odyssey and behold the rise of a new legend in the making. --------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers, Welcome to my opening raid into the realm of One Piece Fanfic. I must clarify that the elements within this fanfiction, including the cover image, are not my original creations. My intention is to present you with a new chapter on a near-daily basis, with the exception of Fridays. ----------------------------------------------------- Above all, I hope this work brings you joy and stirs your imagination. Now, without further ado, let us embark on this journey together. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------- You can enjoy more chapters in my Patreon:- patreon.com/RK98

Ragnarok98 · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs


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"Let's go, let's go and see!" Jonathan's voice echoed, filled with an uncontainable excitement.

Without a moment's hesitation, he and his comrades leapt off the warship, their bodies disappearing into thin air with the Moonwalk technique.

The new recruits watched in awe, their eyes wide with disbelief. The spectacle of the old recruits' swift departure left them dumbfounded.

Finally, under the stern gaze of Vice Admiral Kisho, they too began their descent onto the island.

Their boots hit the scorched earth, the ground beneath them still bearing the scars of a recent lightning storm. The air was thick with the residual heat, the temperature uncomfortably high.

The clouds overhead were heavy and dark, but the terrifying cacophony of thunder and lightning had ceased, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

Over a thousand new recruits gathered in the square, their eyes taking in the chaotic scene. The square was a battlefield, littered with broken walls and a layer of black basalt blanketing the ground.


The sound of collective gasps filled the air as the new recruits took in the scene. Was this the aftermath of a training session? Could the person who had just fought with the Admiral really be a recruit?

The scene was too intense, too thrilling, and it left them with more questions than answers.

In the center of the square, Borsalino and his comrades formed a tight circle. The new recruits couldn't see what was inside, but they knew better than to underestimate these seasoned warriors.

Their hardened expressions and battle-ready stances were a clear indication that they were not to be trifled with.

"They are the same as you. They just came here two years ago, but there were more than 1,300 recruits, and only forty of them were left in the end. Today they are about to graduate from here." Kisho explained, his voice steady and calm.

"More than 1,300 recruits, and only left forty?!" The new recruits were stunned. The elimination rate was staggering, almost impossible to comprehend. The reality of their situation was beginning to sink in, and it was a harsh one.

"Okay, that kid is not dead yet, where is the military doctor, come and check him out." Zed's voice cut through the silence. His tone was gruff, but there was a hint of relief in his words.

"Yes, sir." A military doctor rushed forward, his medical box clutched tightly in his hands. He squeezed his way through the crowd, his focus solely on the injured Brontes.


Zed glanced at Kisho, then turned his gaze to the new recruits. He didn't address them, instead, he turned his attention to Borsalino and his comrades.

"Assemble!" He Shouted.

The command was met with immediate action. Even Brontes, who could barely move, made his way to the assembly point. He was supported by Momonga, his face pale but filled with fighting spirit.

This was the first time he was being presented to the new recruits.

"The person who was fighting Admiral Zed just now was him." Kisho pointed to Brontes, his voice filled with a mix of pride and respect.

The new recruits turned their attention to Brontes, their faces filled with curiosity. They stared at the man who was about their age, their eyes filled with a mix of awe and respect.

Despite his current state, Brontes' sharp gaze and the palpable pressure he exuded were impossible to ignore.

Zed, standing tall on the high platform, surveyed the forty recruits before him. "Today, the final assessment is over, and now you should leave here. Before leaving, we'll arrange your duties. The final assessment is also a comparison of your strength. Now I can arrange your current ranks based on your strength." He announced, his voice echoing across the square.

At Zed's words, all the recruits, except for Brontes, stood up straight, their bodies rigid with anticipation. Brontes, still weak from his recent battle, leaned heavily on Momonga for support.

"Kadar, Jonathan, Comil, Doberman, Onigumo, Dalmatian... you are Captains. This rank is given based on your performance in the New World this year and your current strength. Report to the Marineford, where your specific assignments will be determined by Marineford," Zed declared.

Eight recruits stood up and saluted in unison, their voices ringing out: "Yes, Instructor!"

"Except for Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Brontes, the rest will be Commanders!" Zed continued, his voice steady and authoritative.

"Yes, Instructor!" The remaining twenty-nine recruits saluted, their voices filled with excitement.

"Sakazuki, Borsalino, you two will be Commodores from now on!" Zed announced, his gaze fixed on the two recruits.

"Commodore, well, it's better than I expected..." Borsalino mused, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Brontes." Zed paused, his gaze softening slightly: "With your strength, you're already more than qualified to be a Vice-Admiral, but your achievements are not enough, so you will be Rear-Admiral. Report to Marineford."

"Yes, Instructor." Brontes responded, his voice weak but steady.


The new recruits were in a state of disarray, their whispers filling the air. They were astounded by Zed's assessment of Brontes. To be rated as a Rear-Admiral right after graduating from the Elite Camp was an unprecedented feat.

However, Brontes' lack of achievements was a hindrance to his promotion. It was a stark reminder that strength alone was not enough to ascend the ranks in the Marines. Achievements and contributions were equally important.

Moreover, the rank of Vice-Admiral could only be bestowed by the Fleet-Admiral himself. Zed, despite his authority, could only promote a recruit to the rank of Rear-Admiral.

Whether Brontes could become a Vice-Admiral in the future was a decision that rested solely on the Fleet-Admiral.

"Go and pack up, then follow Vice-Admiral Kisho to report to Marineford." Zed ordered, his voice echoing across the square.

"Yes, Instructor Zed!" The recruits responded in unison, their voices filled with a newfound sense of purpose.

After the assessment and the assignment of ranks, the recruits' faces lit up with satisfaction.

The past two years had been a grueling journey, especially their time in the New World, which felt akin to walking through the fiery pits of hell. But they had survived, and their hard work had finally paid off.

Brontes' promotion to Rear-Admiral, however, was a surprise. They had never imagined that Zed would bestow such a high rank upon him. But they couldn't deny that it was well-deserved.

Brontes' strength was on par with a Vice-Admiral, and his last attack had demonstrated his immense power. If he hadn't deliberately controlled it, the entire island could have been obliterated.

Despite Brontes' promotion, there was no hint of jealousy among the recruits. Over the past two years, they had witnessed Brontes' relentless dedication to training, his courage in battle, and his selflessness in saving them time and again.

They had become more than comrades; they were friends. And the gap in their strength was too vast to incite any feelings of envy.

"Let's go back for a drink." Brontes suggested, a smile playing on his lips.

"Is there any wine here?" Sakazuki asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I know a place. After today, we probably won't be able to gather together like this again. Let's have a good drink." Brontes proposed, his voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation.

"Um," Momonga and the others nodded in agreement. They all shared a smile, a silent understanding passing between them as they walked away together.

Zed watched them leave, his gaze then shifting to the new recruits brought by Kisho. "You have also seen that these are the first batch of Elite Camp graduates. They have experienced two years of elite camp training. Maybe you are not very familiar with their strength, but you have to know that each of them has the record of defeating or killing hundreds of pirates. I also hope you can do this.

Why is the elite camp called the Elite Camp? It is because all the people trained here are elites. Only the elites of elites can stay here."

"Your batch includes more than a thousand recruits, but I don't need so many recruits. Just one hundred is enough, so in the next year, I will be very strict with you until there are only one hundred of you left." Zed's words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the grueling journey that lay ahead for the new recruits.