
Chapter 89 Inside Impel Down

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With a sudden "Pfft!" a cloud of purple smoke burst out from behind Magellan. His complexion changed drastically, becoming extremely unsightly anf pale.

Brontes couldn't help but step back. This wasn't just a bad smell; it was a lethal poison that could kill anyone just by breathing it in.

Without a word, Magellan hurried to the nearest toilet and ducked inside.


Shortly after, more purple smoke wafted out. The guards, who seemed used to this routine, each pulled out a gas mask and put it on. Brontes also put on a gas mask, which Hannyabal had given him.

Hannyabal explained: "The Chief Warden is always like this; he can't help it. Ever since he ate the Venom-Venom Devil Fruit, his body has been producing poison. Everything about him is toxic, even the food he eats turns deadly once it's inside him."

Brontes nodded: "That's a strange Devil Fruit, indeed."

As time went by, Brontes continued to discuss the state of Impel Down. Then, the sound of a toilet flushing broke the silence.


Magellan came out, holding his stomach and looking weak. He walked towards Brontes and apologized: "I'm very sorry."

Brontes replied with understanding: "It's okay. If you don't feel well, Deputy Warden Hannyabal can show me around."

But Magellan insisted: "No, I'm fine. I'll do it."

Brontes had stayed in Impel Down even after Jinbe had left. He was curious about the prison and had asked Magellan to give him a tour.

As they were talking, a guard came over with a plate carrying a cup of water and some pills: "Here, sir, your medicine."

Magellan quickly swallowed the pills and chased them with water. Then, with a burst of energy, he said: "Alright! Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok, this way, please!!" He led Brontes to the elevator, and they descended to the first underground level.

"This is the Crimson Hell." Magellan said as they stepped out of the elevator.

He began to describe the first level of the prison.

Under Magellan's lead, Brontes reached the heart of the Crimson Hell, the Forest of Red Trees. The leaves were as sharp as knives, and the ground was covered with grass as pointy as needles.

For the prisoners, avoiding these sharp spikes was almost impossible unless they stood completely still. But standing still meant they would starve, and hunger would eventually drive them toward the only way out—a round hole in the center.

Brontes couldn't help but think that the person who designed Impel Down must have been quite extraordinary as he gazed into the dark hole before them.

They continued their journey, arriving at the elevator to descend to the second level.

Unlike the first level, the second level was almost empty except for the surveillance room.

This level was known as the Wild Beast Hell, a place filled with all kinds of ferocious animals.

The prisoners here were constantly on the run, chased through the corridors by these creatures. The constant threat wore down the prisoners' spirits, leaving them either too broken to continue or too scared to attempt escape, even with open cell doors.

As they walked, a small hippopotamus ambled up to them. It sat down in front of Brontes and yawned widely.

The Marines following Brontes were taken aback: "They use these kinds of beasts here?"

 "Don't underestimate them. These beasts are strong enough to keep the pirates on this level in check. If any prisoner escapes their cell, they become prey for these creatures." Magellan said in a serious voice.

"They don't look that powerful."

One of the Marines shook his head, clearly skeptical of the beasts' strength.


Magellan just laughed softly. The beasts seldom attacked the jailers, let alone the Chief Warden of Impel Down, so they looked harmless to the Marine soldiers.


"Wooo! Roar!"

Suddenly, a loud roar broke the silence as a group of lions strolled by, conversing in their own way, with the last one even letting out a fart. This prompted a jailer to kick it, sending it flying away.

Magellan and Brontes didn't linger long on the second level and moved on to the third, which was a stark and barren desert.

They didn't stop to explore; the third and fifth levels were known for their extreme harsh conditions.

The first and second levels, by comparison, were almost bearable. Prisoners who followed the rules could survive there for some time.

However, the third level, known as the Starvation Hell, offered no food, scorching air, and endless sand. Prisoners here were left to suffer and slowly meet their end.

The fourth level was even more terrifying, dubbed the Blazing Hell. Here, a pool of boiling blood was kept at a relentless boil by a fierce fire, making the entire area unbearably hot. The heat was so intense that it even warmed the level above.

Magellan's office was located on this fourth level, strategically placed so he could always keep a watchful eye over Impel Down.

Magellan had given Brontes a tour and then invited him to a grand meal in his office.

They might be extremely harsh to the prisoners, but they made sure to treat Brontes with great hospitality, preparing an extravagant spread for him to enjoy.

Following the feast, they ventured down to the Fifth Level, known as Freezing Hell, where the temperature dropped sharply, enveloping them in bitter cold.

This level housed a considerable number of prisoners, each carrying a heavy air of despair and terror in their eyes.

These were mostly pirates with bounties exceeding one hundred million, many hailing from the notorious New World.

As Brontes and his entourage made their way through, the prisoners barely managed to lift their heads for a brief look. Some sneered at them, while others huddled into themselves, trying to ward off the intense chill.

Guarding the perimeter of the Fifth Level were snow wolves, trained to attack and kill any prisoner who attempted escape.

"They're Marines!"

Suddenly, one of the prisoners recognized the marine uniforms worn by Brontes's men and reacted with surprise.

The sight of Marine soldiers was unexpected, causing a stir among the prisoners, making them question their own eyes.

But it was the sight of Brontes leading the group that sparked a reaction of shock and fury from one of the prisoners.

"Ragnarok!" He bellowed with rage.

Despite the howling winds of the blizzard, Brontes, with his keen Observation Haki, picked up on the shout. He turned to see a figure approaching, his body already encased in ice.

"Who are you?" Brontes asked in a curious voice.

"You've forgotten me, you damn bastard! You're the one who slaughtered my crew. It's all your fault. I will have my revenge, RAGNAROK!" The pirate's voice was thick with anger.

His shout reverberated throughout the level, and at the mention of "Ragnarok," many prisoners' eyes snapped open. They moved towards the bars, gripping the icy metal, their gazes fixed on Brontes.

"It's really you, Lightning Demon. Today, you're going to beg us to end your life." Taunted another pirate with a sneer.

"Ragnarok, you poor thing, kicked out of the Marines, huh?"

"Haha! You're nothing now. Come on, try to kill us if you can!"

The sight of Brontes sent the pirates into a frenzy, hurling insults and expressing their violent desires against him.

Magellan turned to Brontes and said: "Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok, should we...?"

Brontes dismissed the idea with a shake of his head: "No need. They're nothing but trash. What can they do besides hurl insults? They don't even have the guts to end their own misery. Why should I bother? I left them alive so they could suffer here. The real punishment is in their minds. Let them keep barking."

Accepting Brontes's decision, Magellan's body then began to release a purple substance.

"Venom Dragon!"

Three Venom Dragons materialized behind Magellan and lunged at the prisoners. A deluge of poison engulfed the inmates, dooming them to a slow and painful torture.

With a casual laugh, Brontes looked at Magellan and said: "Let's move on to the sixth level to visit some old friends."

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