
One Piece: Ragnarok

In an age where the sails of pirates billowed in pursuit of glory and gold, the tides of time have shifted. Enter Brontes, a wayward spirit cast adrift thirty years before the legendary tales of One Piece unfold. Thrust into a maelstrom of chaos, Brontes devours the mighty Rumble-Rumble Fruit, a treasure destined for the original Enel. With the might of lightning at his command, he finds his destiny intertwined with the formidable forces of the Marine, standing shoulder to shoulder with legends in the making—Sakazuki and Borsalino. Let's embark on a riveting journey with Brontes, now hailed as the God of Thunder, Ragnarök. Witness a man's solemn vow to uphold justice and reshape the fate of the Marine. His saga is one of thunderous ambition and a quest to rewrite destiny itself. Join the odyssey and behold the rise of a new legend in the making. --------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers, Welcome to my opening raid into the realm of One Piece Fanfic. I must clarify that the elements within this fanfiction, including the cover image, are not my original creations. My intention is to present you with a new chapter on a near-daily basis, with the exception of Fridays. ----------------------------------------------------- Above all, I hope this work brings you joy and stirs your imagination. Now, without further ado, let us embark on this journey together. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------- You can enjoy more chapters in my Patreon:- patreon.com/RK98

Ragnarok98 · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Brontes's Plan

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The sun hung low over the horizon, casting an orange glow on the sea where Garp, the legendary Marine, sat with a fishing rod in hand. The tranquility of the moment was broken by the approach of Dragon.

"Meeting?" Garp's voice rumbled with surprise, his eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Has that kid finished processing already? Well, as the Chief of Staff of the base, he does have the right to convene a meeting. Let's go and see what arrangements this little guy will have next."

The word of the meeting spread like wildfire. The other four Vice-Admirals received the notice, as well as all the officers above the rank of Captains. Whispers and murmurs filled the air; some officers were perplexed, unaware of Brontes's recent appointment.

"When did the G-2 base get another Chief of Staff?" They questioned among themselves. But marine discipline prevailed, and they quickly made their way to the conference hall.

The hall was a sea of uniforms, a testament to the might of the Marine force. Five Vice-Admirals, including Brontes, sixteen Rear-Admirals, and more than a hundred Captains filled the room, a formidable gathering of power and authority.

The logistics department had meticulously arranged the venue, with a table for the Vice-Admirals and Rear-Admirals and two for the Captains.

The Captains, a mosaic of determination and strength, arrived first, taking their seats with a sense of purpose. Then came the Rear-Admirals, their presence commanding respect. Fifteen of them sat in the front, leaving space for Garp and the four Vice-Admirals, who entered with an air of seasoned experience.

After a few minutes of hushed anticipation, Brontes made his entrance. His figure was imposing, his eyes sharp with intelligence. This was his first time appearing before the assembly in his new capacity.

"Hello everyone, I am the new Marine Rear-Admiral, Brontes. Some of you may know me, and some of you don't." He began, his voice carrying the weight of his new position.

"It's you, kid. It's only been a few months and you've already graduated." A voice boomed from the crowd. Vice-Admiral Dis, a man whose years were as numerous as his battles, chuckled heartily.

"Yes, Dis-san, thank you for last time." Brontes replied with a respectful nod.

"No problem, it's a pity though. The Golden Lion is too cunning. I really wanted to keep him, but unfortunately, he ran away before we could arrive. You graduated from the Elite Camp. Zed's evaluation of your true strength is that of a Vice-Admiral. I didn't expect you to be sent to the G-2 Base. I would have treated you to a drink earlier if I knew something like this would happen." Dis laughed, his voice rich with camaraderie.

Dis was one of the Vice-Admirals who had come to their aid with ten warships when they were ambushed by the Golden Lion Pirates a few months ago.

The other three Vice-Admirals nodded at Brontes, their gestures a silent acknowledgment of his prowess.

Though they had not met Brontes in person before, they were familiar with the reports of his clash with Shiki. At that time, Brontes was just a recruit, a promising seedling amidst the forest of the Marine ranks.

Now, as they looked upon him, they saw not a recruit, but a Chief of Staff, a peer whose meteoric rise spoke of a strength and potential that demanded respect.

The atmosphere in the conference hall shifted subtly as Brontes spoke, the weight of his words settling over the gathered officers like a tangible force.

The deep smiles of the Vice-Admirals had set a tone of respect that rippled through the ranks, and even the most seasoned officers found themselves reassessing the young Rear-Admiral standing confidently before them.

Brontes's reputation had preceded him, bolstered by whispers of his graduation from the Elite Camp—a program shrouded in secrecy and known only to those within the inner circles of the Marines.

Led by the formidable Marine Admiral Zed, it was a crucible that forged only the finest officers, and Brontes had emerged as a shining example of its rigor.

The news of his legendary battle with Shiki, which had once dominated headlines, now clicked into place for many in the room. They connected the tales of his valor with the composed figure before them, and a murmur of impressed acknowledgments filled the air.

"This meeting was initiated by me as the Chief of Staff of the G-2 Base. There are a few points to explain to everyone. Of course, the first one is to let everyone get to know me. After all, I just came to the base. Please take care of me in the future." Brontes stated, his voice steady and clear.

"You're too polite, Chief of Staff." A Rear-Admiral chuckled, his laughter warm and welcoming: "We're colleagues from now on, there's nothing to take care of. Plus, we are just a bunch of old men, so it will be us in your care, Chief of Staff."

The room was filled with seasoned officers, each with their own intricate ties to the political machinations of the Marine world. Their polite affirmations were not just empty words; they were an acknowledgment of Brontes's potential to add luster to the already illustrious reputation of the G-2 Base.

Brontes nodded, his polite smile never wavering. He had done his homework, familiarizing himself with the officers' names and roles. He was ready to lead, to strategize, and to inspire.

"Kid, is there anything else?" Garp's voice cut through the formalities, his casual demeanor a stark contrast to the tension in the room.

Brontes, unoffended by the term, understood Garp's character well enough to know it was not meant as a slight.

"I have roughly understood the situation of the base in these three days. To put it bluntly, our current branch situation is very critical. Pirates will not actively attack the base, but every month our supply ships will be attacked by pirates. I think everyone is clear about this." He explained, his tone serious.

"Right, those pirates won't actively attack the base. If they dare to come, they will definitely not return." Vice-Admiral Dis interjected, his fist clenched, his voice a confident boom that resonated with his fiery spirit.

Brontes stood at the head of the conference table, his gaze sweeping over the sea of uniforms before him. His voice, when he spoke, was infused with a gravity that underscored the urgency of their situation.

"Although the supplies from Marineford come once a month, the pirates attack the supply ships every time, which puts us in a dire situation." He stated, his tone leaving no room for doubt about the severity of the issue.

Garp, with his years of experience, understood the complexity of the problem. "It's not that easy to solve this problem." He said, his voice a rumble of concern.

The G-2 Base's reliance on supplies from G-1 and local purchases was a band-aid on a gaping wound. The daily needs of tens of thousands of marines were a logistical challenge that could not be ignored.

Brontes nodded, acknowledging Garp's point: "The problem of the supply line is our main priority. How can soldiers fight if they can't eat? I have already submitted a request to Headquarters on the intelligence side, using the intelligence agencies of Marineford and the World Government to investigate the location of those pirates. Once we know their specific location, we will carry out precise strikes."

Garp's eyes lit up, the prospect of action sparking the fire within him: "Are we going to war?!" He asked, his fist clenched in anticipation.

"Yes." Brontes confirmed with a decisive nod: "Once we know exactly which pirate group it is, we can't sit and wait for pirates to take our supplies."

"I like your plan." Garp said, his grin spreading across his face, a warrior's eagerness for the fray evident in his expression.

Brontes continued, laying out the second critical point of his strategy: "The training of the soldiers is also paramount. It seems that the base has not been conducting exercises and training. Soldiers need to see blood. This will allow them to grow quickly. To deal with pirates, we can't let them hit us actively. Sometimes we also need to take the initiative to attack."

He then turned his attention to the external threats that loomed just beyond their jurisdiction.

"I know that there are many pirate forces lurking around us, such as the Chinjao Family: Happo Navy from Kano Country in the West Blue. Although they are not pirates, their behavior is no different from pirates."

Garp's laughter boomed through the hall at the mention of Chinjao: "Chinjao? I'll take care of that guy." He declared, the old rivalry sparking a gleam in his eye.

Brontes laid out the orders, his command clear and precise: "Tomorrow is the day of supplies transportation. Vice-Admiral Dis will lead the team. I, along with Rear-Admirals Aron, Vaslo, and Feibo, the five of us will set off. Vice-Admiral Garp, you will temporarily stay at the base for now. Once we transport the supplies back, you can lead the team to find the Happo Navy."

The officers in the room felt a surge of morale. They were warriors at heart, eager for the opportunity to prove their mettle.

Garp's nod was one of approval and anticipation: "Good, I'm waiting for your good news." He said, his voice carrying the weight of expectation.