
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 87

The so-called archipelago is a combination of many small islands.

  On a small island in the archipelago, near the sea, a little girl is holding a sailing book and watching carefully.

  The little girl has beautiful orange hair, and her smoky eyes are a little burgundy, like two rubies inlaid on this delicate little face.

  The little girl was sitting barefoot on the beach, her pleated dress was pressed under Xiao Pigu, covered with sand on the beach~

  "When I learn something, I will use my sailing skills to travel around the world, and then make a map of the world that I can see with my own eyes~"

  Thinking of her dream, the little girl couldn't help secretly making up her mind. She clenched her small fist, raised her head and looked at the distant sea and sky, her eyes filled with hope.

  But what the little girl didn't see was that a shadow was slowly extending towards her from the ground.

  After getting close, the owner of this shadow stretched out a delicate little hand, and pinched it on her Longling's small ears, followed by a mischievous laugh: "I caught you~"

  "Oh~ It hurts to death~ Nuoqigao, can't you just start it lightly?" Without looking back, the little orange-haired girl knew who was pulling her ears.

  "How about 09? Nami, this is the punishment for you! Who made you steal so unskilled, so Mr. Ajian came to ask Aunt Bellmer to ask for an explanation." The little girl preached to Nami seriously.

  Her hair is sea blue, her skin is healthy, wheatish, and her facial features are relatively more angular than Nami, and she has another beauty.

  "Anyway, Aunt Bellemel will take care of Mr. Ajian. I will return these books after I read them. It can't be considered stealing~ I borrowed them~"

  Nami spit out her little tongue, and she said different things.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully possessing the fourth student, Nami!"

  As the system's voice sounded in Qin Tian's mind, Qin Tian had a line of sight before his eyes.

  "Huh? This little girl is so familiar~"

  What greeted Qin Tian was a little girl with sea-blue hair, who was about 10 years old.

  Then she looked at her body again, she was a little girl about 8 years old~

  This combination of two sisters seems to be very impressive in the original book...

  At this moment, Qin Tian heard the little girl with sea blue hair say: "Nami, you go back with me now, and apologize to Mr. Jian first, otherwise Aunt Bermel will be told that she didn't teach her children well~"

  Hearing this, Qin Tian immediately understood that the student possessed this time turned out to be Nami~

  Moreover, Qin Tian also heard the name "Bermel", so that, at this time, Bellmer is not dead yet~

  Since Bellemel is still alive, in other words, the current Cocosia Village has not been victimized by the Dragon Pirates.

  Nami has not started her career as a thief for nearly ten years because of the village~

  Of course, this is different from the original, and it is not certain whether the Dragon Pirates can come.

  However, when Qin Tian was on the ship of the Pirates of the Sun, he knew that the evil dragon had indeed left the Pirates of the Sun with a group of murlocs.

  If according to the urinary nature of the evil dragon in the original book, he is very likely to choose the weakest East China Sea as his base, and thus begin to develop his power.

  "I don't want to go~" Nami twisted her body like a sly loach, slipping out of Nuoqigao's hands, and then she ran away without looking back~

  "Nami, you..."

  Nuoqi didn't catch Nami with a high hand, her two slender arms were on her waist suddenly, and she sighed, like a little adult~

  Nami ran to the back of a reef, hid and continued reading~

  Seeing Nami so easy to learn, Qin Tian is very touched~

  Little girls like Nami are like children with extremely difficult families in their previous lives. They also want to enter the campus to learn knowledge, but unfortunately because they have no money at home, they can only drop out of school to work.

  Fate is actually very unfair to them~

  If they can enter the campus and learn knowledge, maybe their future path will be very different!

  Like Nami who steals books for learning, she is a really good child who loves to learn.

  But... stealing is not right after all~

  If it is only for your own study, regardless of the loss of the bookstore owner, this is also an extremely wrong concept.

  However, Qin Tian was relieved that Nami didn't steal money or anything, but only read books because she wanted to learn sailing skills.

  From this point of view, Nami's nature is still very good!

  Therefore, Qin Tian thinks that Nami should be allowed to establish correct values, instead of just considering herself and disregarding the feelings of others~

  Thinking of this, Qin Tian said softly: "Nami, it's wrong for you to do this~"

  In this secluded group of reefs, the voice of a strange man suddenly appeared, and the little girl was frightened, and the books in her hand were all out of her hands.

  Seeing this, Qin Tian hurriedly controlled his left hand to stretch out, and grabbed the book before it fell into the sea.

  Originally, a sudden sound was scary enough, but now I don't even listen to my little hands~

  This time, Nami was even more frightened!

  Nami screamed, and immediately stood up and started to run.

  But because her left half of her body is now controlled by Qin Tian, ​​she immediately becomes unstable when she takes a step, and she squats on the reef~

  "Ah! Let go of me! Let go of me!"

  Feeling that she couldn't walk, Nami's small arms and legs kept waving and yelling in horror.

  Hearing that, Qin Tian is big for a while~

  If someone passes by here now and hears this call, they will think that someone has done something for three years of blood earning~

  "Hey, Nami, don't be afraid, I'm here to help you. I can realize your dream of traveling around the world!"

  Qin Tian already has a lot of experience in coaxing children, so he came up to talk about Nami's dream.

  Sure enough~400

  This trick really works!

  Nami suddenly stopped struggling, her big eyes showed a surprised look: "You...how do you know that my dream is to travel around the world?"

  "Well, not only do I know your dream, I will help you realize it!" Qin Tian smiled gently.

  "You...you won't lie to me? Aunt Bermel said don't believe in strangers. Are you a bad person?" Nami asked nervously with a little worry still on her little face.

  "What your aunt said is right, you really can't trust the words of strangers. However, I am not a stranger, I am a teacher given to you by the heavens!" Qin Tianhuyou said.

  "The teacher God gave me?" The little girl had no social experience, so she was naturally taken aback.

  "Yes, although you have the dream of traveling all over the world, you can't complete this dream only by relying on your self-study. However, your persistence and hard work have moved God, so I will be responsible for helping you complete your dream in the future!" Qin Tian Continue to say.

  After all, she was just an 8-year-old girl who had never been out of the island, so how could she stand Qin Tianhuyou.

  Nami gradually began to believe Qin Tian's words, and her little worried emotions dispersed a lot. She got up, looked around for a while, put her little finger on Yingfeng, and asked curiously: "Where are you? Why can't I see it~"

  "I'm in your body!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

  But as soon as these words came out, the little girl's mood just calmed down again, and she was shocked: "Ah--"

One hundred and sixty-three chapters of Huangtian Thunder Prison (1/8)

  (PS: Let me just explain that Nami's age is just 8 years old now. In the last chapter, I mentioned that 9 years old was one year old, and now I changed it to 8. Guina just reached 11 years old, not yet die.)

  ......The following is the text......

  Half an hour later, under Qin Tian's "enlightenment", Nami's little emotion slowly calmed down again.

  "So, big brother, are you my little secret now?" Walking down the reef, Nami's little face appeared-happy.

  For a little girl, having a secret that is different from others, it will inevitably produce a sense of superiority~

  "Well, yes. But, Xiao Nami, you have to call me a teacher in the future, so that you can be a good obedient boy~" Qin Tian said with a smile.

  "Oh~" Nami nodded her head, and said nicely: "Hello, teacher~"

  "Well, really good~" Qin Tian was in a good mood when he heard that, and then remembered about Nami stealing books, so he educated: "Little Nami, we can't steal books in the future. Stealing books is wrong, teacher Students who don't like stealing books."

  "But I will still pay it back. This can only be regarded as a loan~" Nami pouted, feeling that there was nothing wrong with herself.

  Qin Tian smiled and took the nautical book to Nami's eyes and said, "Nami, look, after we read this book, will there be some wrinkles?"

  Nami's eyes widened, and then she nodded her head: "Well, yes."

  "Think about it, if it were you, you went to a bookstore to buy a book and found that a book was old, would you take this old book or another new book?" Qin Tian asked with a smile.

  "Ummmmm..." Nami tilted her head and thought for a while, then answered truthfully: "I will definitely get a new book~"

  "So~ even if you return this book, it will be difficult for the old bookstore to sell this book. Then the bookstore owner will lose money for a book. Do you understand?" Qin Tian Reaching out and knocking on Nami's forehead lightly, she asked seriously.

  "Oh~ it seems so..." The little head lowered, and Nami's little face showed a look of shame.

  Qin Tian was very happy to feel the change in Nami's state of mind. This shows that Nami's heart is pure, but she lacks correct guidance in the process of growing up.

  Of course, Qin Tian didn't mean to blame Bermel here.

  Bermel was able to bring two orphans back from the battlefield to raise them, and he was already the true heart of the Virgin.

  However, it is really difficult for her to support two children as a woman. She has to take care of the orange garden while doing housework every day. There is really no room to educate the two children.

  To put it in plain language, Nami and Nuoqigao are in free range...

  "Ding! Divine Extinguisher—Huangtian Thunder Prison! Please check it with the host!"

  Hearing the teaching resources this time, Qin Tian stared!

  Huangtian Thunder Prison! ?

  This is the second highest goddess in the high school world!

  At the beginning, Qin Tian's classmates recommended him to watch this episode of High School of Devil.

  Qin Tian originally refused at the time, but his classmates blinked at him with a funny look, and told him that it was so pretty~

  So Qin Tian entered the pit~

  As Qin Tian's classmate said, it's really good-looking. You have to bring your own paper towels when you look at it, mmmm, it's beautiful~

  Huangtian Thunder Prison, a god-killing tool, has only two abilities.

  Ability 1: Control the weather.

  Ability 2: Dominate all attributes.

  As the saying goes, the more powerful things are, the less explanation is needed.

  The Huangtian Thunder Prison falls into this category.

  The two abilities add up to only a short ten-word introduction.

  However, these two abilities are too strong to imagine!

  The first is to control the weather. This ability alone is enough to walk sideways in the Pirate World.

  Think about the battle between Roger and the Golden Lion. If it weren't for a storm, the Golden Lion might have wiped out Roger's group!

  And if at that time Roger's regiment had a person who could control the weather, he would throw a few storms over the Golden Lion before the war...

  Gee, don't you look good at painting~

  Then there is the ability to control all attributes, which is equivalent to being a magician of the whole department!

  You can burn the fruit to burn the fire, I will control the fire attribute, let the flame turn around and give you a Yandi!

  Your frozen fruit can be frozen, let me control the ice attributes, and backhand will give you an ice age!

  You can thunder with the fruit of thunder, let me control the attributes of thunder, and Thunder Wanjun will teach you how to be a man!

  Do you say that this god is hanging?

  It's so flying!

  Of course, if the hand-free state of the Huangtian Thunder Prison can be opened-the Holy Sky Rainbow Envoy will be punished, the final Qi Luoxing!

  It's even more hoisting and hoisting, the quadratic of hoisting~

  As for the shortcomings of this god...

  That is, there are too many abilities that can be controlled!

  And how can normal people have so much time to practice all these abilities?

  If the host possessing the Heavenly Thunder Prison cannot recognize himself and wants to be greedy, then the final result is likely to be a little master of this attribute and a little master of that attribute. As a result, the power of each attribute will be mediocre~

  Even the master of the God's Destroyer in the High School of the Devil, Diorio Jeziard, who is known as the strongest trump card in the heavens, only cultivated the ice attribute to the extreme. As for the other attributes, he is more or less. A little bit, but it didn't reach the strongest level.

  But this is enough, enough to make him the strongest trump card in the heavens.