
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 22: Peace Out

There was a smile on Teach's face as Patton felt vague premonitions in his heart, but it was too late.

Anthony's voice rang out, "Spear·Blasting Bear." This powerful blow poured into Patton's heart, delivering the final fatal strike.

"This can't be!" Patton couldn't believe it as he looked down at his chest, blood flowing out. His blood sickle field was fading, no longer sustainable. He closed his eyes, and the great pirate Patton fell in battle on the war zone.

Patton died under the joint hands of Anthony and Titch.

Teach moved his body, observing Anthony who had lost his energy, and delivered the final blow before falling to the ground, panting.

"The New world has not even reached its most chaotic times. The navy has no soil for survival in the new world, after staying here for so long, you should know the powerful might of the pirates," Teach spoke slowly, turning around and walking away. "Patton's attack was just a demo of what's coming, especially when 'They' are soon going to rise in power"

"They?," Anthony questioned.

Anthony glanced at Teach's departure, the last two moves replaying in his mind. They were quite the techniques. "What a kid," he thought. When he was young, he couldn't be compared to Teach.

"Am I getting old?" Anthony questioned himself as he saw his reflection and thought about Teach.

On the other side, Annie watched the battle fade away, knowing it was over, but tension still gripped her heart.

A familiar figure gradually appeared in the distance, "It's Teach! Victory! Teach did it," Mobius recognized Teach with excitement.

"Haha!" Teach laughed heartily.

"Teach, what about my father?" Annie asked worriedly. "Don't worry, the injury is serious, but not life-threatening," Teach reassured her.

The battle ended with them defeating the Pirates.

As the news spread, the island was filled with both joy and sorrow. There was celebration for the victory and mourning for the huge casualties caused by the pirates' invasion.

The remaining pirates of the Pirate Group scattered upon hearing the news. Some were wiped out by the remaining navy and angered civilians, given the destruction they caused upon their arrival at the port.

However, the Navy also suffered heavy casualties. Losing half of the hundreds of naval was better than expected, but it was still a significant blow to the naval branch on Seth Island. This loss cast a somber atmosphere over the branch, overshadowing the joy of victory.

"Well done, Anthony! This victory wiped out all the Blood Blade Pirates," Admiral Sengoku praised over the snail worm, his mood evidently uplifted, boosting the navy's morale.

"But Anthony, come back to the base. Going deep into the new world is too dangerous, and the navy cannot support you there," he advised.

Anthony remained silent, he gazed outside, seeing the residents of Seth Island in silence. It was late at night, and even the pirates dared not cause trouble. The stores remained closed.

"I'm sorry, Fleet Admiral," Anthony said slowly, "I'm going to retire."

"Why? Anthony, you're still young!" Sengoku couldn't help but protest through the phone worm, not willing to lose such a high-end combat power in the Navy.

Thought to be good news, they were met with bad news.

The officers in front of Anthony were taken aback by his decision. They had been loyal followers of Anthony for over a decade. Anthony was known for his strength, mild treatment of subordinates, generosity, and willingness to share, making him the backbone of their team.

"I have decided," Anthony sighed. Thoughts of Teach, his words, and his beloved wife and daughter weighed heavily on his mind.

"I joined the Navy at the age of thirteen, and it's been thirty-two years now. Half of my life has been dedicated to justice. I am tired. I have guarded Seth Island for 13 years. It's like my second home. After retiring, I will dedicate my spare time to protect Seth Island," Anthony explained slowly. Sengoku had nothing to say, wanting to persuade him otherwise but realizing it was futile. They understood why Anthony chose to stay on Seth Island after being away for 13 years.

"From now on, I am no longer a member of the navy," Anthony declared and ended the call.

Anthony looked at his loyal subordinates, who had been with him for ten years, and bowed to them apologetically, "Please forgive me for making this decision without consulting you."

" Sir I want to stay and guard Seth Island with you," one officer stood up.

"Indeed, my son is already seven years old. He's settled here. Where else can I go?," another naval officer added.

Without exception, some of the other remaining naval officers expressed their willingness to continue following Anthony.

"You guys!" Anthony was deeply moved, tears welling up in his eyes.

The news of Anthony's retirement and decision to stay on Seth Island spread quickly, and it was met with a mix of emotions on the island after the battle.

Lot of the navy comrades were also willing to stay. Many had married here, and even kids, a whole family to say. "Wonderful! he resigned from the navy and plans to settle on Seth Island,"someone exclaimed excitedly.

"No, we should call him the mayor now, haha, with his power he can easily be the mayor," another person shouted, and soon, a lot of people agreed.

Meanwhile, at the navy headquarters, Sengoku was frustrated and angry. "Anthon, is too selfish. He didn't even consider the position or the opinion of the Navy," a high ranking navy officer sneered, showing dislike for Anthony.

"I suggest we send troops to apprehend Anthony immediately," another one proposed.

Sengoku was angered by the comments, and in anger he smashed the table. It the first time he smashed the table in front of him into pieces.

The powerful Conquer Haki of Sengoku surged, and his body emitted a golden light, exuding a powerful killing intent aimed at the two.

"calm down," Kong intervened, helping Sengoku regain his composure. The terrifying power of Sengoku overwhelmed everyone.

As the golden light faded, Sengoku returned to his normal state. He had a good relationship with Anthony, who was a little younger but highly admired by Sengoku for his strength and personality. However, due to some scheming individuals, Anthony was forced out of the headquarters. This incident had happened a long time ago, so the offensive words of the two had pushed him over the edge.


Sengoku couldn't help but sigh. "It's not just Anthony that we've lost. With his influence, many elite navy officers will stay on Seth Island. They are no longer part of the navy," others couldn't help but express their sorrow as well.



This turn of events did not affect Anthony who now was leading the navy branch, or rather, the Mayor's Building, commanding the entire island and overseeing the reconstruction of the destroyed ports and ruins. His prestige on Seth Island had reached its peak. He was hailed as the hero who rescued the island and defeated the fearsome Patton, and now, he was recognized as the mayor of Seth Island. His sudden rise to becoming a Mayor might seem unrealistic but with great power comes great benefits.

Exhausted from the great battle and the multitude of responsibilities, Anthony worked until late at night. After he was done with work he quietly went to a familiar place filled with warmth.

The light in the dessert shop was still on as Anthony instinctively looked around, scanning the empty surroundings. Reassured, he quietly entered through the back door alone.

He knew none of them had slept; Annie and Fanny had been eagerly awaiting his return, sitting on the sofa. When they heard Anthony's familiar footsteps, Annie jumped up excitedly.

As soon as Anthony walked in, Anne ran over to him with happiness evident on her face. He embraced her warmly, his own happiness matching hers.

"Anthony!" His wife Fanny also rushed over, tears of relief streaming down her face. "You're safe, thank goodness." She embraced both Anthony and Annie tightly, gently touching Anthony's bandaged chest.

"I'm fine, and I won't ever leave you again," Anthony said, stroking his wife's long hair, a smile on his face.

Their family was now complete, and they found joy in each other's presence.



Meanwhile, in the silence of the night, Teach continued his silent training. The entire island was still, as someone watched from a distance, silently learning and mimicking Teach's exercises—it was Mobius.

The next morning, part of the new port had been established at the original location. Teach's boat had been destroyed during Patton's invasion, so he had to board a merchant ship heading to the next island.

Teach had no intentions of staying any longer; he would have left the previous afternoon if not for the unexpected events of the day.

At the new port, Annie and the others came to bid Teach farewell. "Teach, you must come back!" Annie waved reluctantly, wiping away her tears.

"Till then, I'll be a renowned pirate!" Teach declared confidently as he made his way towards the merchant ship.

However, before he left, Teach paused and turned back to Annie, "Remember, you named my future Pirate Ship yesterday."

Annie was taken aback, "I did?"

"Yes! Queen Annie's Revenge. I've decided, isn't it imposing? She'll make a name for herself alongside me, haha!" Teach laughed heartily before departing.

"my name?" Annie pondered, a smile spreading across her face.