
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 45 Akainu Regrets!

"I am not a person with abilities that only rely on Devil Fruit!"

Akainu didn't start from a distance. He was afraid that Adolf would be frightened and he would run away. After he catches him, he will release all the suppressed anger——!!

Bear it, you must bear it!

Just a little bit————

"Got you!! Adolf----"

Grinning crazily, his ferocious expression gradually became twisted and twisted, full of perverted pleasure in revenge. Even if he was as calm as he was, he was losing his composure at this moment!

He has been waiting for too long. Marine looked at him with strange eyes. He has been waiting for too long!!

"Idiot, I caught you -" Adolf grinned, also showing an excited smile.

The two of them crossed their fingers and intertwined their ten fingers, both afraid that the other would run away!!!


"What's going on with this monster-like power?! It's evenly matched with me?!"

The moment his fingers crossed, Akainu sensed something was wrong. The powerful force should overwhelm him one-sidedly.

But as he exerted force, Adolf also exploded with strong grip strength??

No, not evenly matched, but causing him pain?!

Even the five fingers are twisted, and the power is far superior to him!!

"How is that possible!" Although there will be a certain degree of weakness when exposed to sea water, what is his strength?

Marine's highest combat power, General!!

My mood is like a jumping machine, from excitement to abyss in an instant!

It was a pitch black, bottomless abyss that could kill people————

'Mermaid Karate·Hailang Bangquan—'

Adolf grinned and expressed his excitement and madness. His left hand connected with Akainu heart to heart, and his right hand was raised to dig into his heart!!

'Dog bites black fist——'

Akainu's pupils shrank, his armed color was activated to the extreme, and he punched him with a pure punch as if it was made of steel.


Visible air waves erupted from the collision of the fists. They were astonishing and unstoppable waves of air that spread like an invisible sphere!

The armed domineering force of both sides destroyed the interior with one blow, and even the sea water was forcibly pushed away for more than ten meters, turning it into a vacuum!!

'The same power as that monster Whitebeard!! And the sea water restrains me!' Akainu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

A punch that gathers sea water has a natural restraint on the ability user, and the collision between the two is directly weakened by three points.

What's even more uncomfortable is that the five fingers of my left hand are intertwined and I can't even retreat!!

Only then did he realize who had caught whom—

I have no choice but to grit my teeth and harden my anus. I don't even care about the bubbles. I have to use all my strength to hit him until he lets go!!



A punch filled with top-level weaponry and domineering force landed heavily on Adolf's chest, causing his chest to sink directly and three or four of his ribs to be broken.

No resistance?

Akainu's pupils contracted, he already thought about what was going to happen!!

"It's my turn!!"

Adolf resisted a blow, blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and his internal organs were injured. He did not have the vitality like Kaido, and he could not do what Wang Luffy did lying on his back. He was injured with a full blow.

But his eyes revealed the madness of success!

He wanted to use this chance of a hard-fought blow to end Akainu——

Akainu's pupils contracted, but it was too late!!


The injured blow that has not yet recovered is definitely not comparable to Akainu's attack, but how can the bubble with the color of blessing and armor be able to withstand it? It shattered in an instant——

"Hahahahaha... you lose! Sakaski -" Adolf grinned wildly.

"Adolf——" Akainu's heart sank deeply, his eyes filled with madness and unwillingness!!

But the sea water has come in all around...

But he could only watch the drowning, and he didn't even have the chance to take his last breath.

"I hate it!!"

'Wow ah ah...'

The unwillingness to resent seemed to have turned into reality, but it could not stop the erosion of the sea water. The sea water poured into the mouth and nose, bubbles appeared and drowned on the spot, making Adolf grab his hand and lift it up!

In front of the sea, no matter how strong he is, it's just an appearance. Anyone with abilities will be finished!

And in this world, except for the Red Earth Continent, 99% is the sea——

Marine is an army sailing on the sea!

"Sakaski!" Aokiji was shocked. It was actually like this. He quickly used his ability to freeze it!

'Ice Age--'

As long as the seawater is frozen and the seawater is no longer liquid, it can greatly ease the mobility of the esper, making it possible for Akainu to move again!

"How can I let you save me!"

'Mermaid Karate·The sea collapses and dominates the sea——'

Conqueror's entanglement, like the thick gathering of the entire sea, the blue water waves roar with the punch of dark red lightning.

'Rumble, rumble...'

The endless sea water froze and swept over unstoppably like an avalanche.

However, just freezing it will not stop his attack!

It shattered all the kilometers of ice like a torrent, and heavily bombarded the ice ship!!

Countless cracks and cracks have made up for it, as if it will collapse in the next moment!

Aokiji was so frightened that he had to give up and try his best to save the ice ship——

"It's actually a Conqueror's entanglement? How is that possible!!" Aokiji can't believe it at all. This kind of man was captured as a slave? How dare the Celestial Dragons? How dare the human traffickers????

Fegalande Galin Saint was also shocked, this was beyond his expectation.

Upon discovering this, the two of them looked at each other with ugly expressions.

This is the deep sea, the opponent's home field.

Akainu was captured because a punching bubble was broken, so how could he fight???

"Come on, handcuff our respected general and send 500 people to the underwater cave to serve him well. Just soak him in the water and don't let him have the strength to resist!" Adolf threw Akainu to the soldiers on the side.


Adolf then took out a drop of healing tear, and the injury recovered instantly.

"Adolf, you have deceived everyone. I'm afraid even the Five Elders didn't expect you to have such strength!" Fegaland Garin Sheng said in a deep voice, and his original arrogant temper could no longer be lifted.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than the people...

"The situation is like this now. Are you two willing to surrender?"

"I can tell you that I have asked people to relocate the explosives in the passage. Although the amount is not as large as before, it is still no problem to blow up a large amount of rocks to block the retreat. It may not be able to block for long, but it will definitely be able to block you!"

"Because I'm here..."

Adolf was extremely confident, and it didn't look like he was lying at all.

But if you believe it, you've fallen into the trap, or if you don't believe it, just pretend he didn't say it.

This made the two of them very uncomfortable. Believe it or not, the suspense was already on their mind!

"Adolf! We have me, Fegalande Galin Saint, and 10,000 Marines here, and you haven't won yet!"

"Let Sakaski go, and I can end the crusade against Fishman Island, and Marine will not be involved in this matter again."

Aokiji's rare serious proposal.

"Huh? I thought you were the most rational among the three generals, but I didn't expect you to be the most dreamy. You haven't woken up yet!"

"In this situation, you still want to compete with me and negotiate terms??"

Adolf mocked, the invisible water gathered in his hand, forming a water trident, "Then let's fight, and I will defeat you completely! It will also allow my people to broaden their horizons and see the vastness of the world -"

"Huh, that's how it should have been from the beginning!"

"Bowing your head like garbage will only make you even more garbage than garbage——"

The supreme commander of the Knights of God, Fegaland Garin, drew out the Western sword from his waist. It was wrapped with powerful domineering power and flashed with dark red lightning. It was full of intimidation and terror, making people feel afraid when they saw it. ! !

"Adolf, tricks are just tricks after all. Let me show you what real strength is!!"


Fegaland Galin Saint rushed out of the warship with the bubble in his head, tore open the ice ship with one blow, and the red slash that entangled Conqueror's was more than a hundred meters apart, like a dragon flying towards Adolf, which was shocking.

'Poseidon·The Wrath of the Sea——'

Adolf holds the trident as if he is holding the sea itself. During the swing, the entire sea is turbulent, and invisible undercurrents roll like a storm, erupting with terrifying power that can overwhelm the river and the sea!

Stab it suddenly, the blue water seems to be real, emitting the thrilling light of the sea!