
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 38 The Outrageous Current Situation

Fishman Street, behind Fishman Island, has no bubbles and no air. It is dilapidated and rotten. It is the slum of Fishman Island, a lawless zone without legal control.

Who would have thought it would be an orphanage before this.

"It's so dark..." Shirahoshi hid behind Otohime in fear.

"It is indeed a very scary place." The three Shark Star brothers were nervous and cautious.

"You were born at the top of Fish-Man Island, enjoying the best light and environment, but this is the darkest and most dilapidated place on Fish-Man Island." Adolf said calmly.

"Did Aaron grow up in a place like this..." Shyarly looked around.

"King Adolf, I know some people here."

"I'll tell them to come out!"

Hodi and Jinbei took the initiative to speak.

"No, it's easier to reason with a direct display of force in a place like this..." Adolf raised his hand to stop him.

Then he came to the top of Fishman Street and looked down at the entire dilapidated and dark place.

'Mermaid Jiu-Jitsu: Undersea Maelstrom—'

His hands grasped the invisible sea water as if they were solid, and his armed domineering energy turned into tentacles and extended to the sea water. With a sudden pull and flick, the seabed surged, and a huge water whirlpool stirred throughout the Fish-Man Street.

"This! Such a big scale!" Neptune and others were surprised.

"As expected of the bearer of Conqueror's." Jinbei calmed down.

It just made them wonder, was there really such a strong person on Fish-Man Island before? He was so strong that he was captured and auctioned by human traffickers?

But I am here now, and what I see with my own eyes is the truth, and there is no point in having more doubts.


As the whirlpool on the sea floor rolled, the broken wooden houses, silt, sand and gravel were all rolled up like a tornado, giving the invisible water an outline, and the huge scene was particularly spectacular.

I don't know how many fishmen who were hiding in the dark were forcibly brought out, and they swam desperately to escape from the churning whirlpool.

"Hey what's going on! Why is there such a whirlpool here?"

"Damn it, Laozi's family has been destroyed!"

"Look there's someone up there! It's King Neptune——"

"And boss Jinbei is here too!!"

Finally, someone discovered something unusual in the sky, the huge mermaid Neptune.

Adolf went down, came within their sight, and was recognized at once.

"He is... Adolf who has a bounty of one billion beli??"

"The hero who killed the Celestial Dragons??"

"Look, it's really him!!"

Fish-Man Island is just under Mariejoia. It is the race closest to the Draco, and it is also the race that is most hidden. The Tiger incident also occurred.

If you have an unforgettable hatred for the Tianlong people, you will have endless gratitude and admiration for Adolf.

Jinbei, Hodi, and even Neptune came behind him, seeming to express something.

Adolf's eyes were cold and full of majesty, and the Conqueror's eyes opened wide and flashed out. Dark red and black thunder flashed, full of terror and power, as if coming from destruction, shocking everyone!

If it wasn't for the control, all the fishmen in the entire Fishman Street might have been knocked unconscious!!

Even Jinbei was shocked.

"My name is Adolf, the mermaid who killed the Celestial Dragons, and now the king of Fishman Island——"

"I will lead the compatriots on Fish-Man Island to strive for self-improvement and resist those who oppress us and enslave us, even the Celestial Dragons!!"

"We are a race that lives in the sea, and we should swim freely in the sea that belongs to us!!"

"The compatriots who are willing to follow me, integrate into Fish-Man Island, and come to me——"

The majestic and domineering words echoed on the bottom of the sea, making all the fishmen laugh with excitement, raising their arms and shouting his name.

"Really? Can we really go back to Fish-Man Island??"

"Hahahaha, I can finally resist those garbage!"

"King Adolf, lead us——"

Who wouldn't want to fight back after being beaten? It can be said that this race has accumulated eight hundred years of unwillingness and humiliation.

"As long as I don't kill my compatriots and love my race and country, anyone can return to Fish-Man Island!" Adolf raised his arms in an affirmative tone.

The situation was opened up and everyone was treated equally, not caring about where they were from Fishman Street or their character.

Do they want to be bad? Do they want to be evil?

Who doesn't want to be born into a royal family and enjoy everything??

"The king of Fish-Man Island? Hahahaha, just a mermaid slave! Even if you kill a Celestial Dragon, it's just a fluke. I don't recognize a king like you!" Suddenly several fish-men came over wildly.

"It's Macro, Gallo, and Tansi!"

"Capture mermaids and sell them to the scum of the human traffickers!"

Everyone glared at him, immediately recognizing him.

"Capture mermaids? Sell them to human traffickers?" Adolf narrowed his eyes slightly and a murderous intention flashed through him.

Immediately afterwards, the hands and feet of the three people were separated, and blood spurted out.

"What? What happened??"

The trio of human traffickers didn't even react, they just started f**king!

Can anyone tell them what's going on? What happened??

They only said one line!!

"Wait until I finish solving the problem on Fish-Man Island, and then I'll deal with you bunch of rubbish!"

Take out a healing dandelion and crush it, mix it with sea water and drop it on the wound to stop the bleeding. Now that you are dead, that will be a relief!!

"Everyone who is willing to follow me, come with me!" Adolf said and swam overseas.

Countless people turned into a long queue and followed him. The total number of zero and zero was over ten thousand, which was almost the entire Fishman Street.

Taking so many people is not directly back to the island, but to look for food.

Mining kelp in vast tracts, slaughtering thousands of Poseidon species, and taming large numbers of sea beasts...

Mermaids feed on various seaweeds, oysters, shellfish, and sea fruits. They do not eat meat and can communicate with ordinary fish.

In addition to these, fishmen also eat meat, such as sea animals, Poseidon, etc.

However, Fish-Man Island only has a population of five million, and the rest of the islands are too scattered to count. It can be said that it has endless marine resources.

It's not rich to describe it, it's endless! I can't finish it at all, and I can't waste it no matter how much I waste!!

There are even countless underwater shipwrecks, underwater minerals, etc., which allow everyone on the entire Fish-Man Island to live a royal life!!

But the reality is that in the dilapidated Fishman Street, some people are even hungry enough to rob??

Adolf felt ridiculous after hearing what he heard. It was really outrageous, okay?————

For eight hundred years on Fish-Man Island, every royal family has been a waste, including Neptune and Otohime!!

Innately stronger than human wrists 10 times, innate ability to survive in the sea, with such rich natural resources, more than 99% of the sea area...

It is no exaggeration to say that the throne-led breeding pig can become the only dominant race in the world!!

As a result, he ended up in this kind of land??



Fishman Island·Recruitment·Pig breeding——

Recruiting a large number of male time travellers, requirements: Big sex is good, 10 times a day; less than 10 times a day is not allowed, those who are not interested in women, gay men, and infertile are not allowed.

Unlimited recruitment of female time travellers, requirements: 18 or above, good pregnancy, like sex, but not if not, can sleep until five o'clock every day, and have enough cakes and milk tea.

Salary: One devil fruit·can be specified, eternal pure gold·1 cube, one uninhabited island·you can build your own crystal palace, start your ancestor's dream, warning warning! Illegal construction of Loli islands is prohibited, but lonely children are taken in Girls are also helpful.