
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 Become The King·The King Of This Sea!

"Elderly children, women, go back and pack your luggage now, and be ready to leave Fish-Man Island at any time!"

"The rest of my compatriots who are willing to fight side by side with me to defend the freedom and dignity of our people stay!"

However, after waiting for a while, no one left, as if they hadn't heard anything.

Adolf glanced around and repeated: "Old people, children, women... you can go back and pack your luggage now."

However, people on the left and right looked around, but no one left.

Instead, someone stood up and spoke.

"Boss Adolf, we female mermaids are the worst slaves, how can we just let you bleed and fight!"

"That's right, don't treat us as your own, Boss Adolf!"

"If you can't go to the battlefield, you can at least do some logistics and rescue work!!"

One by one, legendary mermaids stood up. They mustered up the courage to join the collective will and fight for their own survival!

The little fairy Ziweixing is all because the living environment is so good.

Not to mention being in an environment like this where you could be caught as a slave at any time, even Lao Mi can teach you how to behave.

"Idiot Xiao Puqi, you are so young, you should go back and let your uncle protect you!"

"Old men, children and women, please go back. The battlefield is our men's battlefield. It will not be your turn to appear before we are all dead!"

"Don't underestimate us women, or we'll beat you up, bastard!"

Adolf's high-spirited and emotional speech resonated with everyone, igniting confidence and passion, and a certain will was awakened!!

No matter male or female, old or young, your body is full of strength. Even if there are difficulties and obstacles, you are still fearless!

Because this is a fight for themselves!!


Neptune couldn't believe that so many people would join without hesitation, even the weak mermaid women, those children...


"You are not hopeless idiots. If you want to join, then come together -"

Adolf couldn't help but laugh. With so many people following him, how could he be unhappy!

Maybe not everyone thinks so, and more people are coerced by the atmosphere and join in the collective will.

Human beings are collective creatures. You would definitely not dare to run naked alone, but if you strip naked and walk down the street together, what's the point of embarrassment? Putting on clothes will become a different kind of thing.

"Adolf! Do you know how many people will die like this? Don't make this mistake again!" Princess Otohime couldn't help but worry.

She is undoubtedly a representative of the pacifist Madonna, but she cannot be considered a Madonna bitch!

Because she does dare to sacrifice herself instead of just letting others pay.

But this feeble approach won't work in the world of pirates where people cannibalize people...

"Princess Otohime, you are wrong! The crisis on Fish-Man Island did start with Adolf, but it is also a problem that we on Fish-Man Island have always faced. Even if we don't go out, we will still be captured and enslaved by the ships!!"

"In the past, we have been escaping. Even if our loved ones are caught, we can only do nothing. But now it is time to avoid it!!"

"Princess Otohime, you are from the royal family and are protected by so many warriors. How can you understand our fear?!!"

Before Adolf could speak, countless people spontaneously stood up to refute.

The inner belief was ignited, like a burning fire, and the extremely firm will could no longer be changed so easily, especially after Adolf pointed it out.

What's more, now she doesn't even have confidence in herself anymore, and she feels guilty and self-condemned.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. As a race of the sea, why should we be afraid of those guys who can't even breathe under the sea!!"

"That's right, our fish-men are naturally ten times stronger than humans! We have the advantage of being able to survive in the sea, so why should we be afraid of them?"

"We, the mermaid tribe, swim the fastest in the sea and can come and go freely. Why should we let them do whatever they want in the sea?"

"The previous royal family was too weak, which is why those humans became more and more excessive!!"

"Brother Adolf, we will always follow you!!"

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and the more I talk about it, the more annoyed I get. They clearly have such an obvious advantage!

afraid of what?

Is it because there are too many people in the human group? Or is it because Fishman Island will be devastated? Maybe it will be hunted down?

But if they couldn't show strong determination, wouldn't they be captured and enslaved?

Look at their current living environment. Even if they are like this, they still want to understand and take the initiative to get closer to humans?

Are you kidding——

"Princess Otohime! Neptune..."

"For this world, you are already a good king if you are not cruel and considerate of the people. But if you want to change the living environment of Fish-Man Island, that is not enough -"

"I'm going to teach you a lesson now!!"

Adolf took a deep breath and shouted with a ferocious face:

"What you can't get on the battlefield, do you want to get it with just your mouth??"

"Peace is not a gift from God. There is no strong force to curb war. Peace is just a wonderful illusion!!"

"Only the peace we control ourselves is the peace that belongs to us!!"

"We just want to tell those guys that offense and defense have changed -"

"The enemy can go, and I can go too!!"

As a member of the Yanhuang ethnic group, he knows that praying for world peace is useless!

As long as the motherland is strong, the world will naturally be at peace for you, and everyone will smile at you!

It is true that they are not strong enough now, but they also have the ability to destroy each other. This means that they have mastered the power of peace and must be rewarded by others!!

A great man once used the tactic of switching houses to make two powerful countries regress.

At that time, the country had just been founded, and its nuclear power was inferior to that of the other country. However, such a determination to destroy the country forced the other side to give up a war to destroy the country, and forced the other superpower to retreat!

This is peace——


"Brother Adolf!!"

Everyone shouted wildly, their voices filled with fanaticism and passion, and their faces turned red with blood.

Even those delicate female mermaids became crazy and shouted together.

Kou can go and I can go, this is what they have always expected.

At this moment, everyone shares the same hatred.

They have been oppressed for too long, a full 800 years...

"Become king, we need you Adolf!"

"Be King and lead us!"

"Become a king. Become the king of this sea——"

Fanatic shouting, the collective madness almost losing their minds, they needed such a king so much.

Bring them peace, freedom, security, confidence, and dignity!!


"Adolf...does he represent the will of the entire Fish-Man Island? Is this the true will of the people?"

Jinbei's eyes widened in shock, it was hard to imagine that he even shouted such a slogan!

"Unexpectedly...Am I that unqualified?" Neptune panicked, got scared, and backed away...

He never expected that things would turn out like this, with five million people collectively expecting another person to replace him and become king!!

"Why did you choose war, why..." Princess Otohime couldn't understand, and stared blankly at the boiling crowd in front of her, and at Adolf.

She once pursued everyone for signatures, but now everyone agrees so much that she would not hesitate to start a war with her life. Is it really her fault?

But war is wrong!

Many people will die, it will bring pain and tragedy, and hatred will be passed on to the next generation...