
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 29 Robbery Of Marine Base

"What's that?" Whitebeard watched Adolf take out three test tubes.

"Water of life! I sold it to Doflamingo for 1 billion Baileys per test tube."

"One billion Baileys!! Just one drop? Isn't it too expensive?!" Everyone's eyes were about to fall out of shock.

Adolf opened the test tube and threw out the liquid inside, landing on Whitebeard.

Whitebeard didn't resist, and let it fall on him, but with a little curiosity.

At the moment of contact, a miracle happened. The scarred body that had experienced thousands of battles recovered in an instant!!

Especially the ailments that bothered White Beard have all disappeared!!

The healing fruit can of course heal not only injuries, but also illnesses and poisonings. It can be said that any side effects and adverse conditions can be cured!

This is the devil fruit...

"Yeah!" Almost at the same time, Whitebeard felt a long-lost sense of relaxation, and his heart was beating strongly!

'Boom buzz——'

The powerful aura is raging, as if a sleeping beast has awakened, causing inexplicable strong winds to rage!

"What's going on! What's wrong with dad?"

"What did this guy do? It couldn't be poisoning, right?"

"You idiot, open your eyes and look, all the injuries on dad's body are gone!!"

Marco, who had been listless all the time, also opened his eyes wide, "Dad's disease is cured!"

Whitebeard's intravenous drip was never a shock.

What really troubled him was illness, which occurred as the body aged. Even people like Roger would die soon due to illness. Zefa also suffered a decline in combat effectiveness due to asthma.

"Gu la la la la la..."

"It's so relaxing like never before. It feels like I'm back when I was young."

Whitebeard stood up, his strong body full of strength, and a powerful force from the inside out came out.

"Kid, you should have waited until the challenge was over before giving this to me. There is no chance of winning now!" Whitebeard drank a few more gulps of wine. It was so satisfying.

"I didn't think about defeating you now. Wouldn't it be nice to see the world's strongest in all-round condition?" Adolf said with a smile.

"Dad, it's better to drink less wine." Marco, the pineapple head, was helpless.

"It's so rare to be so happy, how can I skip the wine." Whitebeard was a little helpless, but he was also very happy for this son who cared about him. This was his One Piece.

"Hahahaha Marco, dad's injuries are all healed, let's have a banquet!" The banquet gangster said happily.

"Hey, you guys have to work!"

"Three bottles of water of life worth 3 billion beli in exchange for 300,000 cannonballs!!"

Adolf is very troubled by this group of stupid pirates. Even the Whitebeard Pirates, who have a better reputation, are still pirates who burn and plunder!

But there is no way. It is difficult for good people to survive in this world, let alone support a force.

"300,000! Are you going to destroy a country?!"

"Buster Call doesn't even have so many shells!"

"But it doesn't seem like much to use against the world government, right?"

"Brothers from Division 3 are coming with me to rob the Marine base!!"

"This is Team Four!!"

"Team 5 gathers..."

"Where are the members of the Sixth Division? Don't let others get ahead!!"

Suddenly, the people who were still shouting about the banquet immediately went out to sea, and the atmosphere became like a competition.

Marco was puzzled, "Dad hasn't said anything about these idiots yet."

"What does it matter? I am also very happy that my son showed his filial piety to his father." Whitebeard was moved and shouldered a huge responsibility on his shoulders.

"This thing has a billion bottles, and you already know the effect. The best way to use it is to fight for your life in high-end battles, without worrying about mere fatal injuries."

Adolf threw the remaining two bottles to Whitebeard.

Two strong men of similar strength had seriously injured each other. You suddenly took out a bottle of red, and the gap widened instantly.

To the extreme, bet on lives and dig out each other's hearts.

I just don't know if these big and arrogant pirates can pull off the dirty tricks. If they are too stupid, they might take them out and throw them to the ground.

Because I feel despicable...

"A mere fatal injury..." Everyone looked at Adolf speechless and could not speak.

Marshall D. Teach looked at the two bottles of test tubes and couldn't help but ask, "Is this a devil fruit ability? Or is it a scientific potion? Does the panacea really exist??"

Adolf looked at him and saw that he was still a fat man who got along well with his companions. He didn't even have a beard, and he didn't have the slightest trace of cruelty, greed or sinister ambition. He smiled meaningfully, "Secret."

He quite recognized Teach. Among all the pirates, he was the only one who seriously played the role of a pirate, not the prince's travels.

Although they are sinister and cruel, they are ordinary people.

Quietly lurking in daily life, risking everything to seize the only opportunity that comes your way.

"Ah, sorry, this is a treasure worth 1 billion Baileys." Teach scratched his head in embarrassment, looking harmless.

"Then Whitebeard, let me see the strongest person in the world next."

Adolf was furious.

Warring States Period Akainu's bloodline factor allowed him to grow rapidly, and he could no longer restrain his greed for monster-like power.

"La la la la... Then come back!" Edward Newgate laughed.


"Report, this is the Whitebeard Pirates surveillance ship, we have discovered Adolf!"

"Adolf! Finally out!!" Veins popped up on Seng Guo's forehead, and uncontrollable anger burned in his heart.

"Hahahaha, don't be angry at Sengoku. Ask that boy what he's doing, and ask Whitebeard to rescue him?" Garp couldn't help but burst out laughing, not trying to comfort him at all.

"Asshole, you're laughing too! It's embarrassing for our whole Marine family!" Sengoku couldn't help but roared over.

Randomly holding back his anger on the phone, he asked, "What did that kid do?"

The phone bug perfectly imitates the Sengoku period of gnashing one's teeth but having to endure and maintain rational restraint.

"It's too far away to confirm, but the captains of each division of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly went out on a boat?"

"Going out? At this time!" Warring States frowned and felt extremely suspicious.

The distance was too far, otherwise he would directly see that Whitebeard had recovered from his injuries and illnesses, but Marine knew that it was only a matter of time.

"Oh no! Whitebeard is attacking us!!"

'Boom, bang, bang -'

Even though it was hundreds of miles away, a warship was torn apart in an instant, everyone was shocked to death, and then was submerged by a raging tsunami.

"That guy with Whitebeard isn't going to Fish-Man Island, is he?" Garp asked while chewing senbei.

"If Whitebeard wants to intervene, things will be complicated! We are not ready for a full-scale war with Whitebeard, and fighting under the sea is also very detrimental to Sakaski and the others..." Warring States also became embarrassed.

The three major generals now are not 8 years from now, and they have not yet grown to that point.

But now Whitebeard is not old and seriously ill for 8 years, and he is not still dragging out the diaphragm before the war.

It can be said that there is a huge difference in combat power.

Especially at the bottom of the sea, if the Zhenzhen Fruit goes crazy, no one with abilities will be able to escape!!

Who is not afraid of this??

"Garp, you...huh?? Where's Garp???" Seng Guo suddenly came back to his senses and realized.

"War... Warring States Fleet Admiral, Lieutenant General Garp said that he will go back to the East China Sea for vacation. This year's leave will be taken early..." The adjutant next to him was even more embarrassed.

"What?? Garp you guy-"

Zhan Guoqi's nose was crooked. He actually ran away when he was needed at such a critical moment????

But something happened that annoyed him even more.

"Sengoku Fleet Admiral is in trouble, the G-7 base has been attacked! It's the Whitebeard Pirates!!"


"Requesting support, G-8 base was attacked by pirates, it's Diamond Jozi, come to support!!"

"Foil Bista appears at G-9 base!!"

"Hold on, I've asked Porusalino to support him! Damn it! Does that Whitebeard guy want to start a war?" Sengoku clenched his fists to suppress his anger.




Lord foster father, please give me some support and ask for everything.