
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 2 Follow My Command!!

"What!! The mermaid slave went on a rampage, took Tianlong as a hostage, and even wounded him with a gun?" Warring States suddenly stood up after receiving the information!

"It's really a big trouble to have something happen to the Tianlong people just after becoming a general..." Akainu Sakaski looked up with a cigar in his mouth.

"How long did it take for the fish-man pirates founded by Tiger to be eliminated? What do they want to do?! Akainu, I'm going with you!" Sengoku gritted his teeth and boarded the warship with Akainu!

The replacement of old and new, during the period when he first became Fleet Admiral, he really couldn't bear this kind of incident!

Marinefando is right next to the Sabaody Islands, and it didn't take much time in the past. However, the Marines in the Sabaody Islands are faster, and they are stationed here!

But after Marine surrounded a group of people, no one dared to step forward, let alone shoot.

"Whoever dares to take a step forward will die with the Tianlong people!!"

"With such a close-range explosion, it's impossible for the Tianlong people to be safe!"

"Key! Bring me the key to the collar, otherwise the Celestial Dragons will bury me with you!!!!"

Adolf was crazy.

The collar is a triggered explosion or remotely controlled.

However, the moment just now was too sudden. Shalulia Palace was controlled in one fell swoop, and she was even held to a position where she was in direct contact with his collar!

In this case, even if the explosion is directed inward, it can still damage Shalulia Palace!

'Gudu...' However, no one moved despite his shouting. They all gulped secretly and looked at Adolf anxiously.

"You! Go get the key! Otherwise I will kill him now!" Adolf immediately designated a guard and pointed his gun at the Celestial Dragon Shalulia Palace in his arms!

Two Tianlong people have been wounded by gunshots, and no one dares to doubt whether it is true or false!

"I'm going, I'm going right now!!" The guard panicked and lost all his weapons.

"Adolf, get the key and leave as soon as possible, otherwise the entire Fish-Man Island will be buried with you!" the brigadier general from the headquarters shouted nervously.

"Shut up!! Tell your people to put down their guns. I'll kill whoever goes off first!"

Adolf roared like a mad dog at the end of his rope. The brigadier general at the headquarters had no temper at all, for fear that he would really bite him like crazy.

This gun is already at Tianlongren's head, how dare he still have a temper?

If he has a temper now, his whole family will lose it!!

"Everyone lower their guns and take their fingers off the trigger!"

"Turn the cannon around and take out the shells!"

Not a single Marine hesitated, they all did as he was told.

They have been in the Sabaody Islands for so long, and they still don't know what the Celestial Dragons are?

To put it bluntly, they were more panicked than Adolf. If someone broke a jar and fell to the ground, how could they be the same?

Time flies very fast, but everyone feels like the days are like a year, and the pressure is too much.

Adolf was panting, and the tremendous pressure caused his adrenaline to surge.

But in this extreme situation, the body surged with infinite power, which was the squeezed desire to survive, and even the original physical pain was forgotten.

"Here, here are the keys!" The guard ran over with a bunch of keys.

"Stop and don't come here! Throw it over, throw the key over here!"

Adolf shouted, not letting them get close at all!

"Don't go there, don't irritate him!!"

The key was thrown lightly in front of Adolf. All he had to do was pick it up and open the collar, and he would be free again!

But his eyes were fixed on the keys on the ground, not daring to pick them up.

He was afraid that he would be attacked the moment he bent down!

The people in the Pirate World are so scary. It takes six or seven seconds for an ordinary person to run 100 meters. In the Pirate World, does it take one second for a strong person to run 100 meters?

Not to mention the superhuman stunt of shaving!

If he wasn't afraid of anything unexpected, the Brigadier General at the headquarters would have been strong!

"Everyone obeys the order! Move back ten meters!"

"Adolf, I can make way for you to leave. As long as you enter the sea, you will be free, but the Tianlong people must be let go!!"

The brigadier general at headquarters was even more nervous.

When Adolf looked at the other eight slaves in the distance, "Do you want to be free?!!"

"Whether this happened to me or not, becoming a Celestial Dragon slave will lead to death, unless there is a miracle!"

"But now it's a miracle!"

"Open the collar with the key. I can give you a chance to live. The only chance -"

The eight people looked at each other, and even looked at the three embarrassed Tianlong people!

"Please, mermaid!"

"Save us, you will be my good big brother from now on!"

"Even if I die with these Celestial Dragons buried with me, it's worth it!!"

"do my best!"

None of the eight people hesitated. They quickly ran over to pick up the keys and opened the collars around their necks.

The five men are the captain series slaves of Roswader Saint. They are huge in size. Although they are not as good as the giants, they can allow the Draco to ride on their backs. At the same time, as the captain of a pirate ship, he has the strength to have a bounty of 30 million to 50 million.

The other three purple-clothed dancers are very beautiful, one look at their figures, but they have no strength.

"It's unlocked, it's really unlocked!"

"Free, we are free, cool hahahaha!"

The collars are untied one by one, freedom is regained, and even the heart is freed.

"What are you yelling about! Did you escape?" Adolf scolded.

Let them calm down and circle Adolf one by one, facing Marine, "Boss, as long as you give the order, we will take you out immediately!"

One of the dancers in purple came forward slowly, personally helped Adolf untie his collar, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

"Let's talk about it after we escape."

The collar was untied, and Adolf breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he clamored to be buried with the Celestial Dragons when he died, did the Celestial Dragons deserve the life of a dog?

"Let go, fish!"

"You are so afraid of death that you don't dare to kill us, because if you kill us, these marines will kill you immediately, and the Marine headquarters will destroy the entire Fish-Man Island!"

"But I have to say that you won, because your life is not worth the gamble for us Tianlong people! Even if you are injured, it will be a shame!!"

Shalulia Palace was extremely unwilling to speak. It could be seen that she had brains and extraordinary courage. She was not afraid even if a gun was pressed against her head.

"Yes, I don't want to die! But without the determination to die and live together, how can we live??"

"So please cooperate with me, noble Tianlong!!!"

Veins popped up on Adolf's forehead, his left hand firmly held her neck, and his arm controlled her arm, resisting the urge to tear her into pieces.

The other two Tianlong people who were shot in the thigh were wailing in front of him, not giving them a chance to make small moves behind him.

"Okay! In the name of the Tianlong people, I declare you free and exempt you from your crimes!"

"This is the Sabaody Islands. Admiral Marine will be here soon. Without the orders of the Celestial Dragons, you can't escape at all."

"Even if you escape, you will still be hunted down by Marine!"

Even though Shalulia Palace had fallen to this point, it was still extremely arrogant, betting that he would not dare to kill them!

This is the confidence of the descendants of the Creator, their dignity!

General Marine can be mobilized if he is found in trouble. If he is killed, the consequences can be imagined.

The other eight slaves who were on guard were excited, "There is a command from Tianlong to release them. As long as they escape, they will be free!"

"Idiot, I only believe in myself!! It's only true if we leave alive!"

Adolf shouted, reminding the eight people who had just been liberated!

"Now, follow my command——"

"Marine leads the way, I want a warship that can go to sea!!"

"You bring the two Celestial Dragons on the ground, I want to be able to see them!"

"Quick! Can't you hear me!!!"

Adolf immediately pointed his gun at St. Charles, this time not the torso, but the head!!

"Lead the way, lead the way for them!!"

"As long as the Tianlong people are released, they will do whatever they say!!"