
One Piece Pirate? No, I Want To Be Poseidon!

Are you a slave when you first come? Even Marine Admiral Fleet Admiral is here? Damn it! Kneel down and hold your head! Otherwise I will kill the Celestial Dragon—— 'boom!!' 'thump--' Warring States Period, Akainu's eyes are splitting: Old bird!! How dare you publish it in the newspaper—— Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom: Hahahaha, what a masterpiece! How dare you kill the Celestial Dragons? Damn it, the World Government cannot tolerate provocation! Destroy the Fish-Man Island and exterminate the Fish-Man race—— Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru in the water prison emitted a deafening silence:... —————— We are the people of the sea, born phantom beasts, elves in dreams!! What human race, giant race, and Lunaria race! In this sea, we, the sea race, are the only overlords—— Straighten your back and stand up! Let us be our own sun, no need to rely on anyone else's light—— Now encourage childbirth! As long as we have a population of 5 billion, the world will listen to our voice! As your king, I should take the lead—— For the sake of world peace, all races are integrated, the human race, the fur race, the giant race, the long-legged race, the small human race, the long-hand race, the ghost race. Do you know what marriage is? ———— You pirate trash, you are clamoring to become ONE PIECE every day, don't say no, even if you do become one, you are just a mere thief king, why should you be rampant in front of me, Poseidon? Cut off all the hands and feet and cut them into piglets, then hook the pipa bones with sea tower stone chains and hang them in the sea! Let me see who will come to save you! Multiple heroines

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 18 Sit Down And Talk

At night, Aina, Sarah, and Heda looked at the Kuja pirate ship docked on the shore.

"Stop hiding, you should be like me! What should I do? Do I really want to give up?" Aina was distressed.

"But Hancock has been with Brother Adolf, so he has no chance to make a move." Aina was also confused.

"She is the king of the daughter country. Even if the three of us are together..." Heda was desperate.

"No, I am willing to be a maid. Anyway, we are like this, so what can we do?"

"That's right, Brother Adolf will leave here sooner or later, so why not risk it now!"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded vigorously.

Derrick and the other pirates were disapproving when they saw them boarding the ship.

They all know the little thoughts of Aina, Sarah, and Heda. How can any girl not love heroes, let alone the combination of hero + savior, so why not commit yourself to them?

As for the five of them, they are envious, but they are also purely longing for women.

True love? There is no true love among these pirates. Treasure and power are their eternal pursuit.

Shalulia Palace looked at the three of them and followed them hesitantly...

"Adolf~" Hancock covered himself with a blanket and lay in front of Adolf like a cat, savoring the affectionate aftertaste of the waves crashing on the shore.

Adolf played with Hancock's hair with one hand and held his beautiful back with the other to enjoy the silky smoothness.

Who can stand the vain attitude of pure love, and he is no exception. Isn't this the purpose of life's efforts?

"Lord Adolf, Aina, Sarah, and Heda are looking for you." Green-haired Sanda Sonia said.

"Let them in." Adolf smiled.

"What are they doing here at this time?" Hancock expressed dissatisfaction. This was the time for her to be intimate with her dear.

"Brother Adolf!!"

Entering the room, one glance found Adolf and Hancock in an intimate relationship. The blush on Hancock's face and the mist in his eyes made even the girl's heart flutter. She stayed with Adolf and wanted to join them.

"Then...that we want to stay with you!" Aina mustered up her courage.

"Okay." Adolf agreed happily.

The three girls appeared at the auction as dancers, and were favored by this Tianlong. They were very beautiful in themselves, and now that he took the initiative, he had no interest in giving them away.

"Really!" Hedda was pleasantly surprised and looked at Hancock nervously.

Hancock pouted in disbelief "Is it really that simple!"

Adolf patted Hancock on the back and held him in his arms, speechless for a moment in love.

"What's true? I have an undisguised love for beauty. You were originally a South Blue dancer. Speaking of which, I've never seen you dance."

In the world of pirates, it is really not something that is unspeakable. Being upright makes you appear heroic and a true man.

"He's still a South Blue star~"

Aina adds a different kind of sexual interest with just one sentence, and at the same time she performs a graceful dance, which is very exotic.

Dancing, she came to Adolf, and her jade fingers crossed her neck, showing the graceful arc of the Meishan Mountains in front of his eyes.

The beautiful mountains and rivers moved Adolf's heart. He couldn't help but take a trip at once. Fat Ci gently said to the side, "Sit down and rest..."

Aina sat down obediently and performed a moving spectacle at close range.

Sarah and Heda also came to the side at some point to help Adolf enjoy the scene.

Hancock originally had strong opinions, but when he was so dissatisfied, Adolf put a finger in front of his lips and could only mutter vaguely, "I am the real palace..."

The sound of the music was like the ups and downs of the sea. Sometimes the waves surged, and sometimes the tide receded. The fierce and huge waves submerged them all, sinking them into the hot water.

As a darling of the sea, he naturally likes to roll in the waves, explore bottomless caves, dig out treasures in the depths, and taste the sweet spring of love.

"Brother Adolf, the Celestial Dragons want to see you!" Sandasonia came to report with great anticipation.

The two sisters were guarding outside, so of course they knew what was going on inside and what was happening!

If it were someone else, they would be very impatient, but if it was a Celestial Dragon, they would be eager to see it on the spot!!

Seeing the World Noble who claimed to be the descendant of the Creator being brutally pushed to the ground——

"Dragon!" Hancock was startled, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he proactively said, "Let her in."

Shalulia Palace came in and felt even more nervous when she saw the scene in front of her. "I have something to ask you."

"I beg you at this time, should you show off?" Adolf put Heda down and pulled out the shiny performance props that were being maintained.

Everyone else is looking forward to looking at Shalulia Palace and looking at the superior Celestial Dragons!

Even Hancock doesn't care if there is another Adolf. Instead, he hopes to see Shalulia Palace take the initiative to show off his talents.

Shalulia Palace clenched her fists, trying not to give up, but she still took the initiative to sit down and talk in detail!

"You can do whatever you want to me, but I want to go to sea with you!!"

"Going to sea? This is not possible."

"Although it's perfectly safe within our sight, I hate it if this happens."

Even if it was such a sincere conversation, Adolf refused directly.

"I promise I won't run away, you can cuff my hands and feet!!" Shalulia Palace was anxious.

Shalulia Palace was completely humiliated, but even so, she did not refute, "If you are still worried, you can turn me into stone."

"Is it because of Derrick and the others? That's understandable." Adolf thought.

He also wants to trust these men, but the best way is not to give him a chance!!

"Then show your initiative, and I agree." The corners of Adolf's lips curled up.

Shalulia Palace had no choice but to perform hard.

Father, this man is too terrifying. You are the only one who is hopeless and unworthy of being a woman.

From now on, we will never have any ties to each other——

I made a decision secretly in my heart and felt less guilty...