
One Piece: Perfect System

Being reborn in One Piece, he was the ultimate blank state. He then unlocked the perfect system, one that will allow him the chance to obtain everything the world has to offer.

Mr_Yami · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Training And Hunting

Words: 1656


It has been a day since I reincarnated into One Piece.

After I helped Luffy and Ace with the gorilla, they agreed to let me stay at their tree house. It was quite cozy, to be honest.

My current goal for today is to train, with Luffy and Ace if they want to. The only focus today is my Rokushiki training. Good thing I have my Rokushiki Manual.

I woke up in the middle of the night when Luffy and Ace were deep in their sleep. If I want to be the strongest, I need to put in more effort than anyone.

I jumped off the tree house and onto the grassy floor, trying to be as quiet as possible. Don't want to wake up Luffy and Ace.

' System, open Inventory", I told the system, to which it obediently responded almost immediately. A screen opened in my head.

I withdrew the Rokushiki Manual, and after a white flash, a thick book appeared in my hands. Time to get to grinding.

I'll start with probably the easiest to learn here, due to my Oden's bloodline. Tekkai, also known as Iron Body.

Tekkai hardens the users' muscles to the level of iron, allowing them to withstand and effectively nullify any damage they might have taken from attacks. It was supposed to be quite easy for someone with muscular strength like me. All because of my bloodline

The book instructs you to stand as still as possible, before tensing your muscles an extreme amount.

The way to train this technique and gradually harden your muscles. is by naturally hardening your body. How you do this is by resistance training, meaning weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and so on.

It would also help with all the other techniques, as Rokushiki is entirely "physical based", according to the book.

I grab a nearby boulder, deciding to physically train my body until the sun rises. I lay down and started to repeatedly bench the humongous rock.

I realize I could do more reps than any normal human should. I smiled, as Oden's Bloodline had been the best gift I could ask for.

After doing 300 reps of benching the boulder, I decided to train my legs. As the book states, "To perform Tekkai at its full capacity, one must train every fiber of muscle in their body".

For the rest of the night, I made it my mission to make my body reach its limits. I tried every exercise that was featured in the book. A mixture of weight lifting and bodyweight exercises was my formula for pushing my body to its limit.

As the sun peaked over the horizon, I awaited for my new roommates to wake up.


(Ace's Pov)

I woke after the surprising day I had yesterday. I got up and surveyed my surroundings. My brows furrowed as I look around the room and my new roommate there. What was his name again? Adam, I think.

I looked over at Luffy. He was still deep in his sleep, with no signs of ever waking up. I decided to let him stay asleep. I had no intention of hunting so early.

I peeped outside of the tree house, trying to find where Adam had gone off to. My eyes widened at the scene.

Adam was laying down, panting with sweat all over him. There were items all around him, a book and a boulder. My brain connected the dots.

Was he working out? By the amount the sweat I'm seeing on him, he had to be going at it for a long time.

Adam spotted me looking at him and smiled. I started to get mad.

I grabbed my new Cutlass before jumping down.


(Adam's Pov)

Ace walked over to me, visibly mad" I won't let that happen again".He plunged his sword into the grass. I was confused.

"What do you mean".

Ace gained a serious look." I won't let you beat me to training, as I'll become the King Of The Pirates".

I smiled before getting up."That's fine by me because I'm not going to be the Pirate King". I stood tall and faced Ace.

"I'll conquer not only the sea but the land as well. I'll become King Of the World", I said, brandishing a smile.

Ace was shaken by this declaration. That was my first step in recruiting him to my crew. People follow Kings, and Kings follow Gods.

" I'm not even halfway done with my workout. Would you care to join me", I proposed to Ace. He was reluctant at first, before developing a grin.


Ace and I started to train with each other. He asked me a question, concerning the stuff on the ground.

"Yo Adam, where that book comes from", he asked me. It was a question I already prepped for in the middle of my workout.

"Oh, I went over to my small home in Gray Terminal and got it. Stole it from some bandits. It's good for training", I answered the question. Ace understood before getting back to his training.

I gave Ace some advice, he should get used to his Cutlass before engaging in learning of the Rokushiki techniques. He agreed with me. Ace, uses a cutlass like his father. It was beautiful.

Luffy decided to wake up an hour later. He was mad we didn't wake him up, but he got over it. He then asked me what I was doing. I informed him about Rokushiki, to which he begged me to teach him.

"Luffy, you should focus on your rubber techniques. Gaining control of those abilities should be a priority out of anything", I told Luffy. He was stubborn for a little while after, before finally complying.

By noon, all of us were tired.

Ace, was a pretty quick learner of how to use a cutlass. He understood and could apply the basics of using a sword. It was crazy because he taught himself. Probably using a cutlass just something he got from his father.

Luffy was gaining more and more experience with the Gomu Gomu No Mi. He was getting powerful pretty fast, like anyone with a Devil Fruit.

I, on the other hand, was learning Tekkai and I also started to learn Soru. Figured why not double my workload?

Soru was a technique, that involved stomping the kick off the ground 10 times or more. While at its full capacity, it will allow the user to move at extremely fast speeds, to either avoid or attack.

We took an hour's rest, where we just talked to each other.

Ace started to ask about my backstory. " Why were you banished out of Goa Kingdom to the Gray Terminal". Luckily for me, during my training in the night, I concocted my backstory.

" My family were a bunch of bandits. They cause crime throughout the Goa Kingdom. When they got caught, they were banished. I was banished too as I was family and a part of the bandits' crimes.", I lied to Ace and Luffy.

Ace and Luffy thought my story was cool, but Luffy had something on his mind.

"I'm hungry. I want Meat", Luffy blurted out.

"As rare as it is, Luffy is right. We need to go hunting. You're coming, Adam. I was serious about the no freeloading.", Ace exclaimed.

Cool, my first hunting session. Ace fashioned his cutlass with a bandanna across his legs before we departed.

We kept an eye out for animals suitable for eating. It was just any animal with a sufficient amount of meat to last the three of us.

"Ace, now that we are back to a group of 3, no more of those portions you loved this past month", Ace told Luffy, to which he gained a frown hearing. I knew they were referring to Sabo, but I didn't press the matter.

We finally found our target. It was a big tiger who was laying down, relaxing without a care in the world.

The tiger exuded a sense of elegance and grandeur, complimented by its molten gold fur and its impressive size.

" Ok, the plan i-", Ace tried to say before he was interrupted by Luffy.

Luffy jumped out of the bush, extended his arm, and punched the tiger. Ace cursed Luffy's habit of not following plans. It seemed like that was my cue.

I rushed out of the bushes too, towards the tiger that was not alert and on its paws, ready for a battle. The tiger lunged and swiped at me with its massive claws.

I responded by jumping over the tiger, before taking a downward swing at the tiger, sending him into the ground.

Ace was next to jumping out of the bush. He withdrew his cutlass from the bandanna, ready to attack the stunned tiger.

The tiger recovered though and got ready to clash with Ace. Ace didn't mind though, as he knew what would happen.

Right before the tiger could attack Ace, another extended punch from Luffy hit the tiger square in the face, interrupting his attack.

Ace readied his cutlass and took a mighty swing at the tiger. His upward motion cut the tiger's face from top to bottom. That would leave a scar.

The tiger had no time to react though, as I grab it from its hind legs, and swung the beast around, before launching it into a tree.

"Your freakish strength still shocks me", Ace said with a chuckle.

We walked over to the knocked-out tiger. Ace used his cutlass to finish off the tiger. I picked the tiger up, as we walked back to base. That was where we would cook it to eat for the rest of the day.


That's it for the 5th chapter. I decided to get you guys another chapter, courtesy of me, Mr Yami.

Drop a powerstone, or add to your collection. Comment what you think, as I love to read them.