
1.Three Slaves

On top of the red line at the edge of a cliff over looking the sea lies a training hall for the Holy Knights . It was a marble building with gold trim and tall columns that opened up to a grand entrance. Inside was a standard training field with different practice weapons lining the walls , statues of different beasts and sea kings of the world . "Swoosh" "Slash" "Cling" was the sound as to entities clashed in the center of the dojo. "Ahh your getting better Lucian . Would have never expected much talent from a worm but shall I remind you of your place a nothing but a practice dummy " said an older man about 30 years of age, with a strong build that looks as though he could crush a building with just a wave . His hair was a scarlet red that shined in the sun , green eyes that burned with confidence and disdain for the young man in front of him . " Thank you for the praise master im just doing everything in my power to help you with your training" said a young man with white hair, dark brown skin and eyes as black as the the bottoms of the sea . His body had a muscular build but you could tell he was malnourished, his eyes were sunken in, his clothes were baggy and dirty and he was barefoot , with cuts and bruises all over his body . This young man was Lucian D . Ash A child born into slavery of the world nobles . " Lucian I say if you weren't just filth you'd make a fine soldier" the red haired man said with a soft smile Lucian eased up on his stance a little . Then the soft smile on the red haired man faced twisted into a evil grin and he flashed behind Lucian slashing at his back before he even knew what was happening. " But as we know trash will always be trash" was the last word Lucian heard before he passed out.

Under the floors of marejois a child with lifeless eyes sat twirling a wheel back and fourth as he had done every day for 17 hours a day 7 days a week and the last 12 years . A boy with pink lifeless eyes, a small frail build , and pink hair that looked like tentacles dangling down the side . He had been snatched from his homeland and abused until he was nothing more than a shell and stuck in here to work for life. This young boy is Atlas Kraven . "Whhhiip ". A slash went across his back . "Keep working trash or the next one will be aimed for your neck" said a large man . After the lashing Atlas put more effort into his work with a cold glare he started imagining all he would do to the man if he got free as a strange black substance leaked from his pores. As it fell to the ground its sparked turned into a small flame and went out . This phenomenon went unnoticed by atlas or the man.

In a warehouse packed full of newly arrived slaves sat a boy and his father the man was a small man ,with a strong build, black hair with gray streaks showing , and a swollen black eye he got from trying to save his wife . The boy was just as tall as his dad with black hair and a green streak going down the side . He had a muscular build and cold eyes after watching his mother be slaughtered for the entertainment of the world nobles . As the slaver went around giving the slaves there numbers and task the boy gritted his teeth in frustration. "How could they do this , treating people like cattle, taking away our name and giving us a number . These bastards killed my mom and laughed" thinking back on that day made every muscle in his body twitch his teeth gnashed together and every vain bulged from the anger . "I will kill all of you"