
One Piece: One Punch Man

Byakuya transmigrates to the world of One Piece with the One Punch Man System, but it takes 3 years of Saitama Training before the Saitama Templates and system are activated. As a Marine, he upholds Justice in his heart and is also a Hero. But while he has a Heart of Justice, as a Hero, he is a Hero with Interest. People live with a dream, and his dream is World Peace, Byakuya will use his power to achieve his dream. Disclaimer: This is Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:OPM NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 20: Crazy Idea

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Krieg watched in horror as Gin went on a rampage, feeling a chill run down his spine. 

He knew that even he might not be a match for Gin, let alone the looming threat of Byakuya, who hadn't even made a move yet. 

Despite this, Krieg didn't want to give up his last hope and decided to make one last struggle.

"Hmph, I'll show you what the strongest pirate in the East Blue looks like!" 

Krieg brandished his spear, his golden battle armor shimmering in the moonlight, giving him the appearance of a war god. 

"Is that so? Quite bold of you," Byakuya chuckled. 

"Gin, why don't you go entertain Krieg?"

Gin flashed behind Krieg, his twin tridents poised to strike, causing sparks to fly as they clashed with the air. 

Krieg reacted swiftly, raising his spear to block the attack, but the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the ground, causing waves to ripple across the nearby sea.

Krieg was slammed into the ground, leaving a deep crater several meters wide. 

His golden battle armor was now in tatters, his spear broken in half. Covered in blood with his arms shattered, he looked utterly pitiful.

Just as Gin prepared to deliver the finishing blow, Krieg suddenly pleaded, 

"I was wrong, don't kill me! I'm willing to become your subordinate!" 

Although Krieg's act of surrender was despicable, Byakuya did not refuse his surrender. 

Regardless of Krieg's intentions, once he consumed the Monster Cells, everything would be set in stone.

Byakuya had no reason to refuse. 

It had to be admitted that, apart from his shameless methods, Krieg's talent was beyond the reach of ordinary people. 

With incredible strength, he could effortlessly wield a battle spear weighing over 2000 pounds with one arm.

After consuming the Monster Cells, his transformed strength surpassed Gin's in an instant. 

Byakuya also received a system prompt, indicating a successful change in the storyline. 

Over the past month and a half, Byakuya had essentially altered most of the original storyline from his memory. 

For example, he defeated the Black Cat Pirates on Gecko Island.

Unfortunately, luck was not on his side, as he hadn't found any trace of Usopp on Gecko Island. Opening the system panel,

[Host: Byakuya]

[Template: One Punch Man - Saitama]

[Integration Level: 5%]

[World Source Energy: 745]

[Increase Integration Level from 5% to 6%, cost of World Source Energy: 160]

[Open Level 2 Exchange Store, cost of World Source Energy: 1000]

745 points of World Source Energy were the result of Byakuya's efforts over the past month and a half.

[Increase Integration Level from 6% to 7%, cost of World Source Energy: 200]

[Increase Integration Level from 7% to 8%, cost of World Source Energy: 240]

Byakuya decisively increased his integration level by three points, spending 600 points on World Source Energy.

[Host: Byakuya]

[Template: One Punch Man - Saitama]

[Integration Level: 8%]

[World Source Energy: 145]

Feeling the surging power within his body, Byakuya let out a long breath, murmuring, 

"Perhaps now I'm qualified to stand before him?" 

Just three days ago, after dealing with the Black Cat Pirates, Byakuya had a crazy idea, one that had sprung into his mind as soon as he acquired the system.

That idea was whether he should try to kill Monkey D Luffy! Once this idea emerged, it was impossible to suppress, spreading like wildfire in his mind.

Through the incident of altering Nami's fate, it seemed that simply killing important characters from the original story didn't bring as much benefit as actively participating in events.

But if one were to weigh everything in life based on gains and losses, it would be too exhausting.

So, Byakuya went to Windmill Village. 

But, by some divine intervention (Plot Armor) when Byakuya visited a few days ago, Luffy's grandfather, "Navy Hero" Vice Admiral Garp, was also in Windmill Village.

Although Byakuya didn't have a direct encounter with Garp, he felt immense pressure from him. 

The chances of success were slim if he were to force his hand. 

Moreover, Byakuya still needed his identity as a Marine, so he had to put aside the idea of killing Luffy and decided to deal with the Krieg Pirates first.

Now, with another 3% increase in integration character, there was a significant improvement in his strength. 

This reignited Byakuya's desire.


Meanwhile, at the Marine base in Loguetown. 

In the office, a person draped in a Marine justice coat had their right leg resting on their left knee, smoking a large cigarette, exhaling smoke continuously. 

This person was awarded the rank of Marine Captain and was responsible for guarding the entrance from the East Blue to the Grand Line, Smoker.

As one of the top graduates from the Marine elite training camp and a Logia Devil Fruit user, Smoker's future was bright. 

To be stationed in Loguetown, guarding the entrance to the Grand Line right after graduating from the training camp, was a privilege not everyone had.

With Smoker's strength, suppressing the entire East Blue was no problem. 

However, he had to guard Loguetown and couldn't act on his own. 

Otherwise, he would have taken his men and cleared out the East Blue pirates one by one long ago. 

At this moment, Smoker was holding intelligence passed on from other Marine branches in the East Blue.

"Marine Ensign Byakuya single-handedly defeated the strongest pirate crew in the East Blue—the Krieg Pirates!" 

The headline in the intelligence report was striking. 

After quickly reviewing it, Smoker couldn't help but ponder, "Who exactly is this Byakuya?" 

From being unknown to becoming renowned in the East Blue, Byakuya had achieved this in just about half a month.

Almost all the notorious pirates in East Blue met their tragic end at the hands of Byakuya. 

From this perspective, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call Byakuya a hero. 

However, Byakuya killed Captain Nezumi of the Sixteenth Branch, which made his identity enigmatic. 

"Marine Ensign?" 

"Are you really the Marine?"

While Smoker was racking his brains over Byakuya's identity, Byakuya had already set sail for Windmill Village with Krieg and Gin. 

Regardless of the success or failure of this mission to kill Luffy, Byakuya wouldn't linger in East Blue any longer... 

Two days later, they successfully arrived at Windmill Village.

"Krieg, Gin, your appearances are too easily recognizable, so change it." 

"Yes, sir!" 

Krieg and Gin controlled their facial muscles, making subtle adjustments. 

After the adjustments, their previous identities were completely unrecognizable. 

This was also one of the abilities brought by the Monster Cells.

Looking at the two completely unfamiliar faces, Byakuya pondered for a moment before saying, 

"Since your appearances have changed, let's change your names from now on."

Following the method of rating monsters in One Punch Man, Byakuya divided them into four levels: God, Dragon, Demon, and Tiger.

Based on Krieg and Gin's current strength, Byakuya referred to them as Demon One and Demon Two. 

If judged by their bounty amounts, both of them should belong to the category of pirates with bounties over 100 Million Berries. 

"Now, let's go and see the 'Future Pirate King'." 

"If he still has a future."

<End Chapter>

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