
One Piece: Nyx

A young boy slowly opens his eyes and notices he is in broken shackles, taking a closer inspection of his situation he notices he's been reincarnated into the One Piece world. After a few mishaps, he gains the power of Vector Manipulation. What will he do? Toon In To Find out! ___________________________________________________ The synopsis sucks but the story is pretty good, if you don't read your definitely missing out, haha suckers. ___________________________________________________ While I have watched One Piece, I practically skipped the first 400 eps and it's been around a year, so cut me some slack if I make mistakes. I will try my best to put down the correct information but when I make mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism! Now enjoy the story guys! Peace, Sincerely, Luxuriant

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Nyx vs Mihawk! To Brotherhood!

Hey guys, I noticed I made the age to low, so I switched it from 5 to 12!



In the depths of Mihawk's estate, two figures can be seen battling in the empty green field as the sunlight shined down upon their figures.

Mihawk swung his katana horizontally toward Nyx, and Nyx himself bent backwards as he watched the blade slowly pass over him.

As soon as the blade passed him, Nyx noticed an opening and immediately swung his katana toward Mihawk's neck.

Mihawk's eyes slightly widened at the speed of Nyx's attack, and he immediately hopped back.



Mihawk softly touched his neck as he felt small drops of blood fall from his neck to his chest.

'After just one attack he nicked me, it seems I've underestimated him, my father made me out to be a once-in-a-century sword genius and I let it get to my head.' Mihawk frowned at his simple mistake.

"Is that all you got?" Nyx questioned with a smirk as he slowly crouched down and pointed his sword toward Mihawk while his other hand, faced the opposite.

Nyx knew the general basics of handling swords since he visited lots of Asian countries in his past life that had a history of sword techniques that were still being used.

"I won't make the same mistake twice." Mihawk determinedly stared toward Nyx as they slowly walked in a circle.

Mihawk made the first move by lunging at Nyx and bringing his sword down on his head.

Nyx immediately noticed this and slightly moved to the left.

He watched as the sword was only a few centimeters from cutting his face.

'He's faster!' Nyx exclaimed inwardly as he crouched down in an attempt to sweep Mihawk off his feet.

Mihawk noticed Nyx's attempt to sweep his feet from below and immediately did a backflip.

Nyx felt something off as he saw Mihawk stabilize himself in the air.

As he was getting up from his crouched position, he noticed Mihawk's sword shining green in the air and Mihawk himself was doing a horizontal slashing motion that discharged green energy.

"Aren't you only 12!?" Nyx exclaimed as he frantically rolled to his right.


Nyx's eyes narrowed as he noticed the green energy didn't even damage the grass beside him once he dodged.

'A distraction!'

Just as Nyx thought, Mihawk instantly appeared in front of him with his sword thrust toward him.

Nyx quickly reacted by bringing his sword up, until suddenly he decided to drop his sword mid-battle.

Mihawk's eye's widened at this sudden decision and realized it was too late to pull his sword back from "killing" Nyx.

Nyx himself smirked as he ducked under the sword and tackled Mihawk down, causing him to drop his sword.


They both fell onto the ground as Nyx was ontop of Mihawk, throwing a flurry of punches.

"Argh!" Mihawk grunted as he tried to block as many with his arms up.

'I'm practically as strong as I am from my past life and I'm only 12 years old.' Nyx deadpanned as he continued to punch the 12-year-old Mihawk, showing him no mercy since he understands he wouldn't want it any other way.

Mihawk pushed Nyx off him with all his strength and immediately crawled back.

"Come." Nyx grinned as he motioned Mihawk to get up.

Mihawk slowly got up and got into a boxing stance.

"Where'd you learn that from?" Nyx questioned with a raised brow.

"My father had some books for training, I'm self-taught. Now enough talk! I'm coming at you!" Mihawk glared determinedly at Nyx and launched a jab at him.

Nyx parried it down and attempted to do a counter attack but realized his arms were too short.

"Oh shit-"

Nyx's words were cut off as he brought both his hands up to block one punch from Mihawk.


Nyx was slightly pushed into the ground as he clenched his teeth.

'Damn! While I'm faster than him, he seems to be physically stronger than me.'

Nyx frowned, one thing he did not like was losing.

He dropped his right arm down and continuously punched Mihawk in the gut.

"Ugh!" Mihawk grunted as he staggered back.

But Nyx didn't give him any time and immediately rushed in and tried his best martial arts that made up for his small body.

Nyx sent a flurry of punches all over Mihawks upper body as Mihawk himself struggled to block any.

Until finally Nyx ended it with a kick to Mihawks ribs which sent Mihawk tumbling to the ground.

"Damn!" Mihawk punched the ground frustrated and got back up immediately.

"Anger is not good." Nyx remarked as he watched Mihawk start to jab randomly.

Nyx dodged all the punches and spun around Mihawk while twisting his arms and forcefully making Mihawk also spin.

"Skadoosh." Nyx smirked as he sent one last powerful punch to Mihawk's chest, causing him to get launched back a few feet onto his back.

Mihawk slowly got up and his eyes did not waver as he stared at Nyx.

'Anger is not good, I must have peace of mind in order to excel.' Mihawk slowly brought both his hands up.

"Take this!" Mihawk exclaimed as he brought both his hands crashing down, two green slashes of energy discharged from each hand and were sent toward Nyx who was in disbelief.

"This is not good-" Nyx deadpanned as the two green slashes of energy encased him into a small explosion of a few feet.


Mihawk's feet almost buckled but he remained standing with narrowed eyes toward the small cloud of smoke that covered Nyx.

After a few seconds, the smoke disappeared and Mihawk couldn't help but let his jaws drop at Nyx's hybrid form, left undamaged.

"I lost-" Mihawk attempted to say more but his knees gave out and he fell face forward, unconscious.


"What a little monster. He seemed to have exhausted himself, but the fact that he's only 12 and his training has gotten him this strong is crazy *huff* *huff*." Nyx fell on his ass soon after, his hybrid form slowly disappeared and he soon started to breathe heavily.

"If it wasn't for this devil fruit naturally increasing all my physical attributes, I would have lost right off the bat." Nyx muttered as he tried to catch his breath.

'But judging by my fight I have a better understanding of how my powers work, I only used my Vector powers once with that last punch because it seemed in terms of physical strength he outclasses me. Essentially judging by the memories my fruit gave to me, I believe my Zoan powers are based on a sort of dragon, while my Vector powers can be considered a Paramecia-type power. The main physical attribute that I seem to have the most talent in is speed, during the whole fight, I was faster than Mihawk but not physically stronger, maybe in my hybrid form but I can't even maintain that for more than 5 seconds. I need to dig more deeply into this so-called Mythical Zoan or whatever it is.' Nyx thought inwardly as he walked over to Mihawk and picked him up like a potato sack.

He then walked back into the main estate and put Mihawk on his bed and went off to do whatever he wanted until Mihawk woke up.


After a few hours of sleeping, Mihawk eventually started to stir awake.

His hawk-like eyes slowly fluttered open as he got up.

"Ugh, what happened?" He rubbed his temples as he had a slight headache until the memories started to come back to him.

"Hmph! To think I lost so shamefully." Mihawk grumbled as he got out of bed, he left his room and started heading toward the meeting room where he suspected Nyx to be.

As he was walking through the stone corridors, he could smell something delicious.

Unknowingly Mihawks footsteps quickened as he eventually appeared in front of the meeting room door where he and Nyx originally talked.

Entering the room, the delicious smell flooded his nose.

Mihawk noticed Nyx at the head of the table where he himself usually sat, happily eating food.

"Yo Mihawk, come and enjoy some food!" Nyx waved at Mihawk while eating what seemed to be a chicken drumstick.

Mihawk was dumbfounded, he's just been eating canned food lately because he didn't know how to cook, so how did Nyx get all this good food!?

"Where did all this come from?" Mihawk questioned confusedly as he walked up to Nyx and sat on a chair beside him.

"Bob and Jerry made a noble sacrifice for us." Nyx nodded with crocodile tears and continued to eat.

"Bob and Jerry?" Mihawk questioned.

"Oh I named one of the chickens in the backyard Bob and I named the pig Jerry in order to pay respects to them, may the animal gods take them to animal heaven. But I can't believe you had a whole mini-farm in the back." Nyx did a praying motion and looked up while chewing on a piece of bacon.

Mihawk just chuckled at Nyx's joke and looked down on his plate, he saw eggs, sausage, and bacon.

"To think you could skin animals and cook." Mihawk muttered in surprise.

"Of course I can, I have some experience in my past. Now finish eating." Nyx pointed toward Mihawk's food.

Mihawk nodded and started eating with a smile on his face.

Eventually, he was done after 10 minutes.

"I have a question Nyx." Mihawk suddenly spoke while cleaning his mouth with a napkin.

"Hmm?" Nyx looked curiously toward Mihawk.

"What is your goal?" Mihawk questioned.

"My goal huh? I'm still figuring that out, but I do like a good adventure." Nyx shrugged.

"I see. After seeing our fight from earlier, I think it's best if we partner up." Mihawk suddenly suggested.

"And why would I do that?" Nyx questioned curiously, he was slightly surprised Mihawk would make a offer like that.

"After fighting against you, I clearly out skill you in terms of sword skill, and if we continued to with swords, you would have lost." Mihawk deadpanned.

Nyx's smile didn't falter as he nodded in agreement.

"But in terms of hand-to-hand combat, you clearly out skill me, but what if we try to improve ourselves with each other? I become the Greatest Swordsman this world has ever seen and you can find your passion." Mihawk finished with a slightly nervous smile since he wasn't sure if Nyx would accept it.

'This seems like an amazing deal, my main goal is to survive, and I live in a world now where I'm not burdened with getting revenge for my parents, I might as well live it to the fullest.'

Nyx suddenly stood up from his chair and Mihawk soon did the same, they both were face to face in the meeting room.

"It seems it's us vs the world." Nyx smirked as he put out his hand for Mihawk to clasp.

Mihawk smirked too and clasped Nyx's hand.

"To brotherhood!" Nyx suddenly exclaimed.

Mihawk's widened at the sudden statement, he never had a brother before but he always wanted one, he was tired of being alone, maybe this time he doesn't have to be alone anymore.

Mihawk smiled and replied as he tightened his grip on Nyx's hand.

"To brotherhood!"


Let me know yall thoughts!