
One Piece: Nyx

A young boy slowly opens his eyes and notices he is in broken shackles, taking a closer inspection of his situation he notices he's been reincarnated into the One Piece world. After a few mishaps, he gains the power of Vector Manipulation. What will he do? Toon In To Find out! ___________________________________________________ The synopsis sucks but the story is pretty good, if you don't read your definitely missing out, haha suckers. ___________________________________________________ While I have watched One Piece, I practically skipped the first 400 eps and it's been around a year, so cut me some slack if I make mistakes. I will try my best to put down the correct information but when I make mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism! Now enjoy the story guys! Peace, Sincerely, Luxuriant

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


It was the next day in the morning, and a small black dragon could be seen gliding through the sky above Kuraigana Island.

'Nothing can beat morning cruises, I also had some great sleep last night.' Nyx thought inwardly as he practiced emergency moves such as rolling over in the sky and sudden flips.

Looking down, he noticed Mihawk was training by himself, he seemed to be practicing the basic vertical and horizontal slashes, repeatedly doing it while wearing black dress pants with no shirt on.

Slowing down a bit, Nyx started going downward until he suddenly transformed into his human and started falling down as he stood straight like a pencil.

As he was about to hit the green ground, the air seemed to have cushioned his fall and slowed him down significantly as he calmly lands on the ground.

He looked around and noticed he and Mihawk were in a small opening in the tropical forest with coconut trees completely surrounding them, the beach seemed to be only a few hundred feet away.

Mihawk seemed to have noticed Nyx's presence and promptly stopped training.

"Is everything alright?" Mihawk questioned as he wiped the sweat off his face with a towel he had on the ground.

"Yeah, I just noticed you when I was flying and wanted to check up on you since I was bored." Nyx replied as he walked toward Mihawk while scratching his hair boredly.

"Shall we do a duel then?" Mihawk suddenly questioned with a slight smile.

"That's too easy." Nyx replied with a smirk.

"You act like both of our winning percentages isn't practically 50%." Mihawk retorted while helplessly shaking his head.

"As if-" Before Nyx could reply, both he and Mihawk simultaneously glanced toward the beach's direction.

"You sense that?" Mihawk questioned as his tone turned cold.

"Yup. It seems we got company and this time they might be a bit troublesome." Nyx nonchalantly spoke with his hands behind his head but his eyes were also gleaming coldly.

"I see about 2 navy ships, one seems to be led by a Captain while on the other ship is what I believe to be a Rear Admiral from what his coat says." Mihawk spoke with narrowed eyes as he could see the enemies approaching from the sea through all the trees.

'Maybe if these trees weren't in the way I would be able to see them but other than that I can't see shit. His eye's truly are like a hawk.' Nyx nodded inwardly.

"Let's go." Mihawk put on his shirt from the ground, turned around, and started to walk to the beach.

"I don't think so." Nyx firmly grabbed Mihawk's shoulder from behind.

Mihawk glanced behind him with narrowed eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, you know we always prepared a plan for this, now follow it." Nyx said as he looked at Mihawk sternly.

They had a staring contest for a few seconds until Mihawk clicked his tongue and begrudgingly nodded in understanding.

"Stop being impatient, you'll be on the battlefield just as soon as you finish your part correctly. Now good luck." Nyx finally let go of Mihawks shoulder and smiled.

"Same to you." Mihawk replied with clear displeasure in his voice and started running toward the main estate.

'I'm pretty sure I know what's going on with him, I'll deal with it after this.' Nyx thought inwardly.

Nyx nodded contently once Mihawk was out of sight and started staring at the beach in the distance.

"This should be fun." Nyx remarked as he stretched his arms and walked toward the beach.


At sea 2 navy ships can be seen, on one of them there was a man at the front/top of the boat, staring at the island ahead with narrowed eyes.

He had on a gray striped suit outfit, a stubble, sunglasses, and a white overcoat saying 'REAR ADMIRAL'.

"Be ready men! This mission was given to us personally by the Fleet Admiral, there is no room for failure!" Rear Admiral Rino exclaimed as he turned around and looked down at the deck filled with navy marines hurriedly readying for battle.

"Listen up marines!" Rino exclaimed.

As soon as he said those words, all the men immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up at the Rear Admiral.

"As you've already heard, the enemy we face is a mystery, so you must be ready for anything! Do not fear! As we have each other for strength!" Rino continued.

"I know you marines must have spouses, family, friends, and children at home waiting for you! But do not waver! I will protect all of you with my life!" As Rino was about to end it, he was cut off.

"Sir! Look!" One of the marines on deck started pointing toward the sky, where a black projectile at inhumane speeds was approaching.

Other men started to gossip once noticing the approaching figure.

Rino frowned once noticing the speed of the black projectile.

"Ready for battle! At your stations!" Rino quickly exclaimed.

Rino looked toward the other navy ship and noticed they were also preparing for battle.

'Is that a large bird? Wait a minute, those scales- A dragon!' Rino exclaimed inwardly once narrowing his eyes to the limit to increase his observation haki's distance.

As soon as Rino was about to warn his men about the dragon, it was already flying over the other navy ship.

It seemed to be dropping barrels of something.

Rino was confused on what but he shook his head quickly.

"MEN! Be careful it seems to be a type of dragon! Be ready!"

As soon as Rino said so the men started aiming their cannon toward the black dragon in the sky.

"Can we really beat a dragon!?"

One marine suddenly exclaimed but was immediately smacked on the head by a fellow marine.

"Shut the fuck up and go back to work! I have a daughter to go back to!" The marine exclaimed at the fearful marine.

The marine immediately shut up and got back to work with beads of sweat on his face.

"Here it comes!" Rino exclaimed as the Dragon started flying toward them.

But rather than dropping anything on them it simply sped past them like a blur.

Rino frowned, he wasn't sure what game the dragon was playing.

"What are you guys doing!? Shoot the damn dragon!" Rino exclaimed as the marines were gobsmacked at the speed of the dragon.

As soon as Rino finished speaking, explosions of cannons started to go off.



The black dragon simply dodged all of them and turned around abruptly before heading back toward them.

"Shit he wants payback!"

One of the men exclaimed as they reloaded one of the cannons.



The dragon kept on flying toward them while swaying left to right and even doing some rolls in the air to avoid the cannons.

"Huh?" Rino questioned as the dragon flew over them again and was heading toward the other navy ship.

'Don't tell me it's been targeting that ship since the beginning!' Rino thought inwardly before his eyes widened once noticing the dragon's mouth opening and aimed toward the other ship.

A purple light slowly emerged from its mouth before a flash of purple light beamed out the dragon's mouth toward the other navy ship.


A large explosion encased the center of the navy ship but it seemed to still barely be stable as the center was caved in.

The dragon immediately noticed this and shot another beam of light toward it before speeding over the ship.


Another explosion encased the ship as it was broken in half and burning.

Screams of the soldiers could be heard from their ship.

"I c-can't believe it destroyed a navy ship in two hits." Rino muttered in disbelief as he watched the ship slowly sink.

Even Rino's men suck into despair as they watched their fellow marines dying.

"I knew I should have stayed home!"

"Fuck! Is this the way it ends?"

"I never even got to say goodbye to my only daughter."

Rino was about to order his men to start a rescue mission but noticed the dragon was flying in circles above the almost-sunk ship.

'Is it saying if we try to help, it'll do the same to us? It's definitely not a random monster, it seems to be a Zoan fruit ability user. Damn it!' Rino calmed down and tried to think of the situation logically but was frustrated at his current choice.

Should he risk saving those men at the risk of his own?

Or should he leave them behind and dock his ship on the island to fight the dragon?

'If only I could use geppo! I could fight that damn dragon in the air! While I was decently talented in terms of all haki except conquerors, geppo was one of the main reasons why I couldn't become a vice-admiral. If one couldn't do such a basic thing as geppo, he wasn't allowed to become a vice-admiral.' Rino cursed himself inwardly at his weakness.

"Retreat toward the Kuraigana Island! I repeat retreat to the island!" Rino exclaimed toward the deck.

'The majority should be fine, while it's unfortunate for the devil fruit users, I can't risk my men for something pointless.' Rino sighed inwardly as he watched the other navy ship become completely submerged in water with men on the surface of the water holding onto pieces of wood from the hull of the ship.

"But sir-!" One marine was about to complain but one stern stare from Rino sent him quiet.

The rest of the men on deck quickly increased their speed to maximum toward the Island.

After a few minutes of sailing, they docked on top of the sandy beach quickly.

'The dragon hasn't shown any aggressive movements toward us, plus it's too small/quick to even get a cannon to hit it. Don't tell me they're targeting the ship itself?' Rino furrowed his brows toward the dragon that was gliding above them, seemingly carefree.

"Alright men, get off! Hurry! Immediatley be on guard as soon as you hit the sandy ground! I will make sure the dragon doesn't attack any of you!" Rino shook his head and told his orders to his men while attentively watching the dragon.

'Hopefully this dragon is the only one.' Rino prayed inwardly.


"Ah that was surprisingly satisfying, it also seems this ship has a decent leader." Nyx muttered as he watched the marines below him quickly get off the ship and onto land, and the Rear Admiral himself was watching him like a hawk from the ship.

"Haha, I feel bad for these guys, especially that admiral, I can tell he's quite strong but it seems he lacks geppo. I never thought I would see a Rear Admiral that doesn't work out his legs. Well, now Mihawk's part is up." Nyx chuckled at his sarcastic remark as he waited above in the sky.


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