
Limit of The World

"Jewel of Four Souls?"

Sengoku heard a completely unfamiliar word, and Toguro had no intention of hiding his secret, "This is a tool that can fulfill the user's wish. It once turned me into a half-demon, and now I want to use it to become a complete demon!"

"... " Sengoku was having trouble processing all this information at once, but he knew that he could not stop Toguro this time.

Toguro was very strong. Sengoku did not use his full strength in that punch just now, but neither did Toguro. It was safe to say that Sengoku's opponent might be as strong as him. It was definitely not an easy thing to fight with such a person.

If he wanted to take down Toguro, he needed to call Garp. Moreover, he could not take him down in the sea. If they fought on the sea, he'd be in a disadvantage.

"We will meet again."

Toguro put on the black sunglasses again and then turned around indifferently. He just turned away and left without any hesitation.

Sengoku bit his lips. Even if he wanted to attack, he couldn't do it. Because most of the Marines fainted after Toguro released his aura. Some of them were crushed to death by that power. It was really rare and unheard of in this world!

"Half-demon? Monster? Toguro, the Jewel of Four Souls, the invisible empire..."

So many things filled Sengoku's head. He just stood there and tried to process everything, but there were too few clues.

"It seems that I can only report the news to Fleet Admiral Kong and Five Elders first, and then...

Scratch that, I'll rendezvous with Garp first!"


"The combination of the Jewel of Four Souls, Haki, and 100% power is indeed powerful..."

Toguro recalled the power he displayed as he gradually disappeared into the distance.

As the future Fleet Admiral, Sengoku was one of the people Roger acknowledged. He had joined forces with Garp to defeat the Legend Shiki and Bullet, so there was no doubt in his strength.

And now that Toguro could fight with such a strong individual to a draw, it proved that his strength should be effective the decisive battle of God Valley, and after using 100% strength this time, he discovered a problem.

Toguro's strength was not as simple as strength multiplication. For example, the difference between his 80% power and his 100% was not merely 20%.

Toguro lost to Yusuke Urameshi at his 80% strength, but he could crush or even kill Yusuke Urameshi at his 100% strength, let alone at his 100% of his 100% strength. However, when he used it in this world, he found something off.

When Genichi just got Toguro Character Card, he tried using various percentage of Toguro's power, 45%, 80%, and even 100%.

At that time, his strength did increase according to this multiplier, but during his fight with Sengoku, it felt different!

It was as if there was some kind of restriction in this world that made it really hard to become stronger once you've reached a certain level!

That might be why the future Four Emperors barely got any stronger as they had hit their limit.

"Only 100 million Emotion Points worth Character Card could bypass One Piece Universe's limitation. It seems that the Character Cards and Tools that he got with Emotion Points below 100 Million would be adjusted according to the law of this world.

Except for the completely unknown Im, the truly strong people in this world were Roger, Rocks, or later Luffy once he went through "Awakening", so the closer one's strength to them, the slower they will grow.

So when people like Garp, Roger, or Shanks, who were considered to stand on top of this world with only Haki would barely get stronger if they ate a Devil Fruit.

"In other words, 100 million Emotion Points is very important. The Characters I've got can be upgraded through other means. It is even possible for Mr. Satan to become a Four Emperor-caliber powerhouse given the correct means to train him. However, it is absolutely impossible to surpass the limit of this world...

He could become the world's strongest, but he could not surpass the world itself. If he wanted to transcend this world, he had to use 100 million Emotion Points. Genichi really don't know what kind of Character he'd get with 100 million Emotion Points.

They must have the ability to destroy this world, right?

Were they stronger than the God of Destruction in Dragon Ball?

However, 100 million Emotion Points would take a while to accumulate. After all, he only got around one million Emotion Points despite the ruckus that Nine-Tails had caused. Besides, he'd get less Emotion Points the more Emotion Points he had amassed.

Toguro could kill weak demons with only 80% of his demonic aura, and he could devour the soul of the living.

Toguro was deep in thought as the brief fight with Sengoku just now already made him a little tired.

At present, it seems that his strength was pretty good, but not so much for his endurance. His 100% power was too taxing for him. Toguro must devour others' souls to maintain his 100% power longer. With Jewel of Four Souls and Haki, it wasn't that taxing, and Jewel of Four Souls' ability prevented him from dying like in the manga where Toguro could not handle his own strength.

"Next, I should train Haki while waiting in the God's Valley."

Toguro continued to walk alone in the vast sea. He knew that his next destination would be full of the Marines, but that was what he wanted.

The battle of the God's Valley would be more intense. The more skilled combatants came, the better!

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