
Chapter 22

In the God's Valley, the place with the word "God" was generally related with the Celestial Dragons. After coming to this world and asking around, he found out that this God's Valley was a transit station for the Celestial Dragons in the New World. However, very few Celestial Dragons would go to the New World, so this place was not very important.

Even though there were not that many pirates who could threaten the World Government in the past, the pirates were becoming more and more dominant recently. The rise of Rocks Pirates especially gave the World Government a hard time.

If in a few decades, the pirates would gain more power. The rise of the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army made the World Government anxious. By that time, it was safe to say that the World Government had lost their absolute dominant position in the world.

In the past, the Marines could chase Roger and Whitebeard, but in the future, the Four Emperors mostly just sat in their own territory and no Marines dared to attack them. Moreover, the Four Emperors wouldn't lower their heads before the World Government.

Genichi didn't really have anything to say for the era that Roger pioneered.

The World Government was ruled by a group of stupid pigs. Roger was undoubtedly successful in stimulating the rebel forces to surpass the strength of those stupid pigs, but at the same time, the Great Pirate Era had indeed caused a large casualties among civilians.

Toguro would not change that era. At least before Luffy was born, he would not change the world too much, because he needed Luffy to contribute him abundant of Emotion Points. By that time, Luffy would be a better source of Emotion Points than Roger.

Once he accumulated 100 million Emotion Points, he would have enough power to surpass the World Government and everyone. At that time, he would change the world according to his own liking.

Toguro stood on a small island. This was not God's Valley, but a small island nearby. Despite rarely being used, some Marinea were stationed in God's Valley. When Rocks and the others arrived and fought, it would be the time for him to appear.

He had successfully shaken off the Marine's pursuit as he still had Cream with him.

At this moment, he was thinking about his next plan. How to maximize the amount of Emotion Points he'd get with the most powerful people of the current era participating in the fight.

"Rocks wants to start a world war, so he must be interested in Jewel of Four Souls..."

He hesitated for a moment, then looked at his current Emotion Points again.

"Positive Emotion Points: 112,354"

"Negative Emotion Points: 2,654,812"

After about two weeks, his Positive Emotion Points was back to 100,000 again. His Negative Emotion Points had also reached two million. It was safe to say that there were many people who were happy about the Heavenly Dragons being attacked. Still, those people weren't really influential people in this world. Some people just didn't care, and some people who sided with Heavenly Dragons hated Genichi.

It seemed that Positive Emotion Points was stable around 100,000, and Negative Emotion Points was also increasing very slowly.

"I wonder if the upcoming battle can get my Positive Emotion Points to 1,000,000, and my Negative Emotion Points to 10,000,000."

The sea breeze blew gently, and his right hand slowly touched his chest. In the next moment, he actually stuck his hand and reached out for his heart!

This was nothing but a suicide in ordinary people's eyes, but it was nothing to Toguro. When his hand came out, he was already holding a glowing fragment.

When he held Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in his hand while drawing a card, it could increase the probability of him drawing Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. He still remembered this reminder.

And at this moment, he needed more Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments.

Genichi immediately drew a tool with 100,000 Positive Emotion Points!

"Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments * 4: A sphere from Inuyasha Universe. It is a fragment of the Jewel of Four Soul. It can boost the user's strength. The more fragments one have, the stronger they get. Once it's complete, Jewel of Four Souls can fulfill the user's wish (When drawing a card, you can increase the chance of getting Jewel of Four Souls' fragment by holding the fragments in your hand)"

Four fragments of Jewel of Four Souls appeared in Toguro's hand, but ithere were only four fragments this time, even though he got five last time. it seemed that he was not as lucky as last time...

He put the fragment of Jewel of Four Souls that he pulled out earlier in his heart again. He thought about what he should do with the remaining four pieces and then embedded one of them into his head.

He could clearly feel that he had become stronger again, but...


He tried to activate his own strength.As his muscles enlarged, a powerful force spread throughout his body. His punch landed on the ground, leaving a black crack on the small island that went straight to the opposite side of the island!

Sure enough, it is just as he thought. The stronger his base strength was, the greater the increase in combat strength. In other words, the increase in combat strength brought by his Power Manipulation will be reduced. In other words, it will make his normal state stronger. However, he didn't get that much stronger after using his Power Manipulation.

It could be said that once his original strength was boosted, so that he would not have to be burdened by the transformation. This was undoubtedly a good thing. Perhaps one day, he would be able to reach the 100% of his 100% strength without using Power Manipulation!

He looked at the remaining three pieces of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in his hand, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"High risk, high return, but the only thing I can risk are these three Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments."

Jewel of Four Souls was indeed an amazing tool, but it weren't that useful for a truly skilled combatants with just one or two fragments, but that was all he could use as bait.

Although the more Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments gathered, the more perfect Jewel of Four Souls became, and the more the power of its user would be boosted, but now, the value of three pieces of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments was far less than what he could possibly gain in the future.

Under the stimulation of Jewel of Four Souls in his body, he felt that his Haki was also cultivating very quickly. Moreover, he vaguely felt that Haki was somewhat mixed with his Demonic Energy. Perhaps in the future, this Demonic Energy would completely transform into Haki or assimilate with Haki.

Just like this, he continued to train on the island. He didn't know how much time had passed. Perhaps a few days, or perhaps a few weeks. Once a month passed, Toguro, who was training, suddenly stopped.

He walked to the end of this very small island and looked at the fleet on the ocean. He said softly,

"They're here..."

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