
One Piece: New Era

"P-Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy has found the one piece with the new hero of the Marine Koby!" "W-What?!" "Y-YES! It is being streamed on all TVs!" Upon the uproar of this news, a 5-year old boy was listening, and as he tried to climb up on the back of his father to look at the TV, his eyes widened... To be continued... ----- (This is my first fanfic, so please have some mercy with me .) Also, I'm not an American - English isn't my mother language.) - *Apart from my original content, the rest is all made by the hands of Oda - This is a fun project, and yeah :) - Let's enjoy this Lil project of mine, my fellow one-piece Fans! -Cover: https://wonderfulengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/one-piece-wallpaper-12.jpg

PaiiNz · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The three types of Haki

On a flat island, several people stood in front of a single man as then a tall man about 10'2 shouted out: "Red King Lucca, son of Red Hair Shanks!" As he shouted these words out, silhouettes surrounded Lucca.

"Admiral Sen, daring today, arent we ?" Lucca asked as a smile appeared on his face.

"Do you really think that we will let your son down?" Admiral Sen replied as he draws his sword while the four silhouettes surrounded Lucca.

"Hm, we both know that if we would fight that it wouldn't end good," Lucca said with a confident smile as he looked to Admiral Sen, ignoring the four silhouettes that surrounded him.

"You son of a bi-," one of the silhouettes shouted out as Admiral Sen killed it, not giving it any reaction time.


"Watch your mouths; the man in front of yours is one of the strongest pirates I've ever met..." Admiral Sen warned as he draws his sword, and armament wrapped the blade of his sword.

Lucca couldn't help but sigh as he activated his conqueror haki, which triggered an earthquake. The ground split, and all the silhouettes fell on their knees, and even Admiral Sen felt some pressure on him.

Drawing his saber Lucca jumped towards Admiral Sen, ignoring the silhouettes behind him as he shouted out:

"Then, my friend! LET US FIGHT!" As he shouted at Admiral Sen, a black-red layer wrapped the blade of his saber, and lightnings appeared on his blade.

"HAHA! LUCCA, EVEN IF THREE ADMIRALS WOULDNT BE ENOUGH TO STOP YOU! BUT EVEN THEN WE NEED TO OBTAIN THE FIVE DIVINE FRUITS!" Admiral Sen cried out as he began to laugh like an insane person and more silhouettes appeared.



Meanwhile, at Shanks and Justus's training...

"Justus, today I will teach you what Haki is," Shanks said as he looked at Justus.

Shanks asked then:

"Justus, you have already seen this dark layer thing, right ?" As he took the club that Justus used, and a dark layer appeared on the club.

"Y-Yes! This is what you have used to fight that sea beast! And Auntie Marigold against those bunnies!" Justus shouted out as he looked at the dark layer recognizing it again.

"Well, you have only seen this on weapons, but..." Shanks spoke as a dark layer wrapped his hand up, making it look like dark steel. As Justus saw this, his eyes lit up as he wanted to speak but got interrupted by Shanks for another question.

"Justus, can you attack me ?" Closing his eyes with a smirk.

"I- Sure!" Justus replied as he jumped on Shanks and tried to punch him, but at the same time he did, Shanks dodged easily. As Shanks dodged, Justus fell to the ground with his head kissing the ground. He got quickly up and asked in confusion:

"How could you dodge me? I am sure that I was quiet and not too noisy!" But then he remembered...

'Auntie Marigold could also easily dodge this other bunny without seeing it... Is it also Haki? Has Haki more than one ability?' Justus looked up to Shanks with this in his head as a satisfying smile appeared on Shanks's face appeared.

"Justus, you have understood. The Haki has two types that anyone can learn. But then there is another type that only one in a million people have." Shanks spoke as he then released a power that forced Justus on his knees, but as he felt this pressure, he remembered...

'This... Back then in the pub...' Recalling his memory, he felt familiar with this pressure; it was back then in the pub when his Grandpa wanted to test his determination!

Shanks stopped, and Justus could finally take a breath again. Although Justus was on his limit, Shanks simply continued with the explanation.

"The first two types you saw were the Armament Haki and the Observation Haki. The Armament Haki is strengthing parts or full-body, or even your weapons, but another topic. The Observation Haki makes it possible to predict your enemies' attacks or even see some time in the future to certain points. And the Haki I just showed you is the Conqueror Haki, the type of Haki that only one in a million possesses."

Shanks paused and continued as he pointed at Justus with his index finger.

"And you are one of them."



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Question: Do you want an time skip or a small training chapter ?