
One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery

The story of a guy who ended up in the world of One Piece. As a bonus, he received the Golden Lottery, in which he can win almost anything from the worlds of the omniverse. To buy lottery tickets, the MC will have to work hard, because the more he uses the lottery, the more expensive the next ticket will cost. Watch the life of a guy in this wonderful and dangerous world, while he has the advantages of different worlds, which at times are too unfair. ---------------------- This is my side story that I wrote to take a break from the main story, so don't expect too many updates. --------------------- Main story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/alexander-benjamin-tennyson_21838734606164605 My patr*eon: https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11 --------------------- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation, so there is no point in complaining about the grammar, but in the future I will try to find an editor like on the main story.

Zeckyll11 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

16. Seventh Ticket


Go to my pat*reon and you can get 3 chapters ahead.

https:// www.patr*eon.com/zeckyll11


- What… what…. are you going to do with me? - the paralyzed Nelson said in fear as I slowly approached him.

- Don't worry, I won't hurt you. - I said with a smile, after which I added: - Physically, at least.

- No… NO... DON'T COME TO ME. - With these words, I frightened the Commodore even more, and he screamed more than a pig in a slaughterhouse.

- Don't yell. Nothing will happen to you. Simply, the former you will no longer be. It doesn't count as death... Probably. - I said, less confidently at the end.

- NOOOOOOOOOOO…. - shouted loudly, at the same time crying, Nelson could only helplessly watch as I put my hands on his temples.

- Goodbye. - I said without a smile, more to delay the moment of what I was going to do with this person.

- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…. - Nelson shouted again, when I nevertheless gathered my thoughts and began to change his consciousness with the help of telepathy, which really hurt. For him.

I came on this ship precisely for Nelson's sake and precisely in order to brainwash him and make him a different person.

Completely devoted to me. This may indeed be considered the death of the former personality, although an ordinary death would still be more merciful. Not that Nelson didn't cheat on such a punishment...

Nelson Royale is the son of the Chief Treasurer of the Marines, Nelson Norfolk. No need to explain how a weak man like Nelson rose to the rank of Commodore, didn't he? Nelson was a spoiled child all his life who knew no hardships and did everything he wanted all his life.

His father, who was exactly the same, only indulged his beloved son and fulfilled all his desires. Nelson literally lived all his life like the same World Noble. True, all this led to the fact that Nelson, in his boundless arrogance, accidentally offended the royal person and because of this, he could be executed, but even then his father fussed.

Norfolk used his connections and put his son in the Marine, and sent him to serve in the weakest sea where it was safe and where he could hide from that royal family.

By bribing the right people, Norfolk also ensured that Nelson would quickly rise in rank, and just like that, in less than a year he was promoted to Commodore.

At the same time, he himself never does his job and blames everything on Hardy, who is prevented from getting a higher rank (although he has long deserved it and really deserves it) and continues to enjoy the delights of life, practically without leaving his cabin.

Of course, just because Nelson is a daddy's son and a spoiled fat man, I would never brainwash him, but after all, having at least some power in his hands, he completely lost the limits of what was permitted.

Compared to Nelson, the same Alvida and Gally are just innocent children. This 'commodore' more than once plundered villages (under the guise of taxes), raped girls, killed everyone who dared to contradict him, mocked his subordinates, more than once released the pirates who paid him, hobnobbed with mercenaries who were worse than some pirates and much, much more.

Nelson Royale is exactly the man who makes me disrespect the Marines and consider all their statements about 'absolute justice' to be extremely hypocritical. Before putting things in order in the world, at least try to deal with the garbage in your environment...

When I checked Nelson's mind and saw everything he did in his life, I with great difficulty restrained myself from tearing it apart with my own hands, but apparently, I decided to punish him in a more terrible way.

Although, it is clear that I am brainwashing him, not for the sake of restoring justice, but for my own selfish purposes. But I must say, the screams of pain as I completely erased Nelson's old personality were pleasing to my ears, especially after what I saw in his mind...

As I said before, now that I know that a conspiracy is being built around me, I need people who I can really trust and who will help me survive in this dangerous world. While Bobby is undoubtedly useful, she alone will not be enough.

And although Nelson is not a fighter, his position in the Marines and his high-ranking father (whom I also someday get to) will undoubtedly prove to be useful to me. At the very least, thanks to my new spy, I'll always be up to date with the latest news and Marines plans.

Although the Admiral should cover me, I cannot trust him, especially since it will be hidden help. And so, thanks to his father, Nelson knows much more than the average Commodore, and even the Rear Admiral, and has access to classified information.

Not for nothing, in the anime, Nelson knew a way to get immortality thanks to the dragon. It's good that Norfolk is such a fool and tells his son everything without fear what's going on in Marineford....

To be honest, I didn't want to use telepathy in this way, after all, it doesn't compare to simple mind reading and a little influence, like I did with Gally. This is a full-fledged creation of a new personality, after the destruction of the old one. It seems to me that even Nelson did not deserve this ....

But my current situation leaves me no choice. I need information and allies. And although I'm unlikely to ever forgive myself for what I did to this person, for my own survival, I must do it. Still, in this world you can't be soft-hearted. At least the fact that I did this to a bad person calms me down...

While I was wondering if my conscience was worth it or not, almost an hour passed and I finally finished the job. Removing his hands from Nelson's head, who had long ago stopped screaming, I barely took a few steps back, after which I fell on my ass. After all, it is very tiring to completely rewrite the mind of another person...

Twenty minutes later, when I was able to regain at least a little strength, Nelson, who was still standing motionless with a vacant look, blinked, after which he looked around in confusion, and when he noticed me, he quickly sat down on one knee and bowing his head, said respectfully: - Captain Nemo!

- At ease. & I said wearily, and then gave the order to my new puppet: - Go, search the ship and bring back all the valuables that belonged to the former Nelson. Also, bring anything you might find useful.

- Yes sir. - saluted the new Nelson and quickly ran to his cabin.

'There doesn't seem to be any problem, and he's completely devoted to me, and he doesn't find anything strange about it. Eh, I still feel disgusting…' - I thought as I got to my feet.

While Nelson was doing his thing, I did a quick memory job on the rest of the Marines, and now they don't remember that I ever met Nelson. For them, I left immediately after I gave Alvid and took my reward. It'll be better this way...

- Here, that's all I found, Captain. - Panting, said Royale, appearing on the deck with three chests. Still, it's hard to run so fast with his weight…

The first chest contained money, somewhere around 30 million belly, the second contained jewelry and about twenty kilograms of gold, and the third contained maps, books and, unexpectedly, shackles.

- Is that seastone? - I asked, immediately drawing attention to the shackles.

- Yes, Captain. - Nelson replied quickly, looking at me with immense respect.

- Wow, what luck. Besides, I have enough for the seventh ticket... - I muttered, sending all my purchases to the ring. I'll deal with this goodness later...

'This adventure turned out to be much more profitable than I thought. Now, I'm a little embarrassed in front of Alvida….' - I thought, remembering the pirate, who is now imprisoned in the hold, which I just dragged with me for several days.

- Okay, I'm done here. Now, listen to my orders. - I said, looking at Nelson.

- Yes, Captain. - again saluting, said Royale and began to look at me with maximum attention.

- Keep acting like the old Nelson, like nothing happened. But gradually begin to change for the better, stop committing crimes. Come up with some excuse that influenced your worldview. Start doing your job normally and treat your employees well, especially Hardy, he deserves a promotion. - I said sternly.

- That's right, Captain. - Nelson said loudly as I winced again at his loyalty. Hmmm, this is getting annoying...

- Here is my den den mushi number, call me every couple of days, using white den den mushi, and report all the latest information. Also, feel free to use your father's connections to learn something useful. - I said, handing over a piece of paper with the number of Patrick, the second snail that I use to communicate with the inhabitants of this world.

- And start training, or something ... - I added.

- There is. - Nelson said, looking down at his body.

- Go back to the cabin. Your people will wake up in a couple of minutes and they don't have to figure out what's wrong. - I said, taking out my baby den den mushi.

Saluting for the last time, Nelson took a sheet with a number and went to his cabin, apparently to continue dinner.

I, on the other hand, used my den-den mushi to call Gary and see if the link I had recently established was working. The snail woke up when I picked up the phone and after I dialed the number, it began to twitch its eyes, apparently establishing a telepathic connection with his fellow.

- [Captain?] - the call was successful, and the snail spoke with the voice of the Oracle.

- Oracle, is there any problem with den den mushi? - I immediately asked.

- [No, captain. Everything is functioning properly and I can safely use this snail.] - The Oracle replied.

- Great news. - I said with a smile.

I was still a little worried about the poor animal. After all, the den-den mushi is not intended to be connected to the quinjet's state-of-the-art computer. But it looks like Emma and Dick's engineering skills have proven to be useful and everything works great. The problem with the lack of communication is solved....

- [Are you done?] - the Oracle asked, distracting me.

- Yes. You can open the ladder. - I said and hung up the phone so that the little snail could continue sleeping.

Putting den den mushi in my pocket, I looked up and saw how the entrance to the invisible quinjet opened in the middle of the sky.

Using the power of the Outsider's Mark, I jumped onto the mast of the ship, and from the mast I moved to the jet itself, where Bobby was already waiting for me.

- Everything is good? - the android girl immediately asked, clearly noticing that I was not in a very good mood.

- Yes, just a load of decisions. Pay no attention. - I said walking past her.

- [Where are we heading, Captain?] - the Oracle asked, doing her job admirably as always.

- Gecko Islands. One cunning pirate is waiting for us there, worth 14'000'000 belly. - I said as I sat in the pilot's seat.

- [Acknowledged.] - The Oracle replied, and we changed course and flew towards Usopp's homeland.

- Bobby, can you feed the snails and scan these maps? - I asked, taking out one of the chests I received from Nelson.

- Okey. - Bobby replied took the chest and went to do the job.

'With these maps, the Oracle database now has a path to most of the inhabited islands of the East Blue. Now I don't have to frantically search for maps, at least until I get to the Grand Line.' - I thought as I watched Bobby feed Gary and Patrick.

There are only about six thousand islands in the East Blue, and only four hundred of them are inhabited. True, for the most part, these islands have only one city or village each, and there are really few large enough settlements in this sea. This I learned from Hardy's mind.

By the way, fun fact, did you know that this planet has eight moons? I didn't know, but it turned out that it was.

Apparently, it is precisely because of so many moons that the geography and oceans of this world are so crazy. And also, it explains how people could live on the moon in the past. Apparently, one of the moons is in the atmosphere of the planet. Maybe one day I will even visit her.

After I put aside these stupid thoughts, I decided not to put off the important thing and took out all the received jewelry, and once again engaged in looting, extracting all the gold that is in these jewelry.

Nelson obviously did not live in poverty, and after a couple of hours of work, I received about two more kilograms of gold.

With the kilogram that I have left from the last draw, my total fortune is now twenty-three kilograms, eight of which I immediately spent on a new ticket. And this is what came out of it:

[Your account received 22 kilograms of gold. Total amount 23 g…

Buying a lottery ticket for 8 g….

Thanks for the payment! Start of the next draw…

Your prize…

< Utility Item: Stark Industries Fabricator >

Thanks for participating!!! On your account left: 15 kg of gold. Cost of the next lottery ticket: 16 g.]

'Eh, sixteen kilos. The prices are getting more and more crazy…' - I mentally complained, first referring to the price of the eighth ticket.

- Hmm, another Marvel item. And what is it? - I muttered curiously as I opened the description of this 'fabricator'.

< Stark Industries Fabricator >

< Type: Utility Item >

< Origin: MCU (Earth - 199999) >

< Description: The Fabricator is the pinnacle of Stark Industries technology, with design capabilities to build or assemble just about anything, given a design. >

< Capabilities: Fabrikator runs on Tony Stark's Miniature Arc Reactor, so you don't have to worry about the power source. Using special cartridges with various materials, the fabricator can print almost any object, according to the design entered into the computer. If, of course, there are enough necessary resources and materials. A special siphon is also built into the fabricator, which can accept resources and, by processing them, fill cartridges. >

- Ha, it seems my problem with consumables and limited Nightwing's equipment, was solved by itself. - I muttered in amazement as I realized the full potential of this fabricator.

Quickly getting to my feet, I walked to the back of the Quinjet, where there was plenty of room, and took out the fabricator itself.

When closed, it somehow resembled a large metal box or even a solarium. But if you open it, then the fabricator becomes like a futuristic 3D printer (which, in fact, it is) with many hard holograms, which should be used to work with the fabricator.

Luckily, Nightwing gave me some good skills in working with advanced technologies, so I was able to turn on the fabricator pretty quickly and began to try to understand all its functions and how it works. Fortunately, the built-in computer had instructions.

- Huh, so that's how it is. - I muttered, more or less understanding how to operate this machine.

It turned out to be surprisingly easy, especially thanks to holograms, with which it is very easy to create your own designs. The Fabrikator practically does all the work himself, it just needs to be directed and given instructions, even with the help of verbal commands.

Unfortunately, it turned out that there were no designs inside, so I didn't get a free Iron Man suit, but there is an analyzer built into the fabricator that can examine the item and recreate it if the necessary materials are available.

This is what I decided to check, deciding to create a dozen wingdings so that they no longer have to save. I opened the scanning chamber and placed the wingding inside.

After a couple of minutes, the virtual model of my special shuriken was ready, and after I chose the titanium, as his material, the fabricator began his work.

And in just twenty minutes, I received a set of new wingdings that were no different from the ones I received from the lottery. It was, to put it mildly, amazing. And after all, I spent only 2% of titanium from stocks in cartridges.

- I think I now know what to do on the road. It will be an exciting night…. - I muttered with a smirk, taking out my bat-claw and putting down its analyzer. It won't be redundant…


< Name: Nemo >

< Gender: Male >

< Age: 17 >

< Race: Homo Superior >

< Gold: 15 g >

< Lottery tickets: 0 >

< Next ticket price: 16 g >

< Prizes:

1. (Free) [Character card: Nightwing];

2. (Free) [Vehicle: Avengers Quinjet];

3. (Free) [Character card: Emma Frost]:

4. (1 g) [Weapon: Element Guns];

5. Bonus (Free) [Additional Item: Interdimensional Ring];

6. (2 g) [Special Skill: Outsider's Mark];

7. (4 g) [Ally Card: T-1000];

8. (8 g) [Additional Item: Stark Industries Fabricator]. >

< Assimilated characters: Nightwing (100%); Emma Frost (100%). >

< Special Skills: Outsider's Mark. >

< Superpowers: Telepathy; Organic Diamond Form; Blink; Dark Vision. >

< Skills: Nightwing; Emma Frost (full list below…). >

< Vehicles: Avengers Quinjet; Wingcycle. >

< Weapons: Escrima Sticks; Element Guns. >

< Costumes: Nightwing Suit; Emma Frost dress. >

< Inventory: Nightwing's Equipment. >

< Interspartial Ring: Mera Mera no Mi; cloth; provision. >

< Allies: T-1000 (Bobby). >

< Additional Items: Stark Industries Fabricator. >
