
One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery

The story of a guy who ended up in the world of One Piece. As a bonus, he received the Golden Lottery, in which he can win almost anything from the worlds of the omniverse. To buy lottery tickets, the MC will have to work hard, because the more he uses the lottery, the more expensive the next ticket will cost. Watch the life of a guy in this wonderful and dangerous world, while he has the advantages of different worlds, which at times are too unfair. ---------------------- This is my side story that I wrote to take a break from the main story, so don't expect too many updates. --------------------- Main story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/alexander-benjamin-tennyson_21838734606164605 My patr*eon: https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11 --------------------- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation, so there is no point in complaining about the grammar, but in the future I will try to find an editor like on the main story.

Zeckyll11 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

14. Bobby


Go to my pat*reon and you can get 3 chapters ahead.

https:// www.patr*eon.com/zeckyll11


(Nemo POV)

'So that's how things really are.' - I thought after I finished listening to the whole conversation between Gin and Ryokugyu, all this time, being behind them in my astral form.

'Well, I got answers to some of my questions. Although, I didn't expect that at all.' - I thought again as I left the mayor's office, going to get my body. Anyway, I won't hear anything new.

I found it odd from the start that Gin didn't meet with me this morning, even though I knew he was on the island, as I could sense his mind within my telepathic detection radius, which increased slightly with the Mark. I still cannot read his thoughts, but just because of this, his closed mind is like a candle in a dark room for me. That is, it is very easy to find.

At first, I assumed that the old man knew that that I want to talk to him about Haki and he simply did not want me to bother him with this or he did not find the strength to refuse this request directly, and decided to hide from me. Basically, I can understand it. But then, during a conversation with an old woman, I felt a scrutinizing look on me.

Again, my instincts warned me that this man was incredibly dangerous and I shouldn't mess with him. What was my surprise when I felt Gin next to this person, whose mind I was also unable to read, since my telepathy stubbornly resisted this.

Deciding to check what the hell is going on here, and why a strong man, accompanied by my new informant, is following me so stubbornly, I decided to visit them in my astral form, at the same time, checking if the obvious owners of Observation Haki would notice me.

I pretended to leave the city, after which I left my body, after hiding it in an alley, and then went to the location of the stalkers. I arrived just in time to hear the heart of the conversation between father and son and learn the secret of my origin.

'From the context of their conversation, it's easy to deduce that this body is a clone created by Doctor Vegapunk from the DNA of several powerful people from the past. At the very least, I have the blood of Rocks D. Xebec and Captain John. Moreover, this is the ninth clone that was successful only because my soul occupied it after my death.' - I thought about what I had heard earlier.

'I knew that my new body would most likely have some kind of hidden past, but THAT didn't even cross my mind. Eh, I haven't even managed to do anything yet, but I've already found myself in the center of a conspiracy, who will decide the fate of the world, and they are going to make me the king of this world, without my consent. To whom I tell, they will not believe…' - practically crying from the realization of the problems that await me in the future, I thought, flying up to my unconscious body, which, fortunately, no one found.

'It's good that I knew about everything in advance.' - I thought with a sigh as I returned to my body.

- So what am I supposed to do now, huh? It's true what they say, happiness lies in ignorance, eh… - I said with a sigh, getting to my feet and brushing off the dirt.

- Let's start from simple. - I said aloud to better collect my thoughts, slowly heading towards the outskirts of the city.

- My goal hasn't changed. I don't want to die again, so I need to get stronger so that I don't get crushed by the powers that be, and to get stronger, I need to get gold to use the lottery. The new information did not affect my long-term plans in any way. - After thinking for a while, I said out loud again.

- But now, I know there is a big conspiracy surrounding me to put me on the Empty Throne instead of Im. Which, by the way, sounds very absurd and strange? Now I even wonder who came up with this 'brilliant plan'? Although it is not so important now. - I continued to speak my thoughts out loud.

- So, the known participants in this conspiracy are Gin, the former treasurer of the Rocks Pirates, his son, whose name I never learned, the future Admiral with the callsign Green Bull, and the chief scientist of the World Government, Dr. Vegapunk. Hmm, it sucks…. - continuing to talk to myself, I said, still arriving in shock from the ass in which I unwittingly ended up.

- And it was revealed that Luffy is the target of another conspiracy, main goal is to make him the new Joy Boy, and Shanks is behind this, who gave him the straw hat. It's not for nothing that I always found him suspicious, especially how he lost his arm to some pathetic East Blue Sea King that the same Luffy defeated with a single blow.

If remember the main story, then most likely Rayleighis involved in this plot, perhaps he settled on Sabaody Archipelago to wait for Luffy and prepare him for the New World. Although, again, this does not concern me now, just thinking out loud.

'Now the important thing is that I have a shadow support, which on the one hand will cover my back if I need it, and on the other hand wants to use me. For the greater good, of course. And I don't like it. I don't want to be anyone's pawn.' - I already thought to myself because a passer-by passed by.

'But on the other hand, nobody said I couldn't use these conspirators to my advantage. Instead of being a pawn in someone else's game, I can become the king of the game and make these 'saviors of the world' dance to my tune. Still, it's useful to have a personal Admiral.' - I thought, just as I finally left the city limits and entered the forest.

'Of course, they have a good goal, after all, it's time to get rid of the same World Noble, but I don't like the way they act. I'm certainly not going to become king and take responsibility for the whole world. I'm too young for this.

But at the moment, this stupid plot of theirs is useful to me and I shamelessly use them for my own purposes, as they were going to do with me. Although it seems I'm going to have to be a lot bolder and a little more radical to prevent myself from being taken advantage of. Still, this time, I was only able to learn the truth through luck.' - I thought with determination.

'Looks like my trip won't be as relaxing as I thought. I think I still have to find allies who will really be on my side. Not for their illusory ambitions, but because they want it. Though, it doesn't have to be by choice.' - I thought, mentally preparing to use my telepathy more radically.

- Ah, at least I have the Oracle and Bobby, who I can really trust, given their origins… - I said out loud, finally reaching the place where we had agreed to meet with my android first mate.

- Captain Nemo. - A beautiful female voice came from behind me, which immediately caught my attention.

- ….Bobby? - I asked incredulously of a very beautiful black-haired and black-eyed girl, 18 years old in appearance, in whom I recognized my T-1000 only because she still wore the same clothes as me, only women's.

- Yes, Captain. - The android, with a very attractive body, said with a stoic face as she placed the sack she previously held in her hands on the ground.

- Why are you a girl? - I asked in shock. Too many strange things are happening today.

- As you ordered, I went around the whole city, observing the behavior of people and learned a lot. I concluded that the appearance of a beautiful and young woman would help me mislead my opponents, as they would not take me seriously. At the very least, it will dull their vigilance. This is especially true for men. For some reason, males cannot take their eyes off the large mammary glands. - Bobby said, placing her hands on her very impressive breasts.

- Ahem… You learn too fast. — I said awkwardly, trying not to look where I shouldn't.

- Something is wrong, Captain? — Bobby asked, still holding her chest, looking at me with innocent eyes.

'Damn, I can't treat you like I used to.' - I mentally complained, but said aloud: - No, no, everything is fine. Once you decide that this appearance suits you best, then so be it. You don't even have to change your name. Bobby fits too.

- Thank you, Captain. - Bobby said with a weak smile.

'Oh, just yesterday it was a soulless android. I broke her too quickly… At least it won't affect her combat capabilities in any way. Although, whatever you say, Skynet did an incredible job if one day was enough to fully teach a soulless android how to be human. If I didn't know myself, I would never have believed that I was standing in front of a liquid killer terminator.' - rubbing the bridge of my nose, I thought with a sigh.

- By the way, whose appearance is this? - I asked, looking at Roberta now.

- Nobody's. I managed to scan ten of the most beautiful girls in the city, and then compiled the data, taking a little bit from each girl to get a new look. I thought it would be better this way. - Bobby said.

- Yes, I think you're right. It is better if you have your own, unique appearance. It wouldn't be nice if a random girl got hurt because of us. - nodding my head, I said.

- Besides… - Bobby began, but stopped mid-word.

- Yes? - I asked with curiosity, noticing new emotions in her voice.

- To me…. I like this look. Am I comfortable with him? - Bobby said inquiringly, unsure of her own…probably feelings.

- So that… - I said involuntarily.

'Not exactly what I expected, when I got the T-1000 Terminator… But maybe that's not bad. Still, it's better to have a living companion than a soulless machine. In any case, she is just as devoted to me and just as strong. At least I won't be so lonely and I will have someone to talk to… And it's time to get rid of my fear of getting close to people. Although, Bobby is not human.

I need to learn to trust again. True, this is difficult to do when it turns out that the first person with whom I tried to build trust in this world turned out to be a conspirator who wants to use me… At least you cannot be afraid that this will happen to Bobby. But, now you have to be on your guard with new acquaintances… Something again carried me to the wrong steppe… Eh, but it all started so easily…' - I thought, standing silently for two minutes like a fool.

- Bobby, you are an independent person and that's okay, that you have your desires. I don't mind if you make your own decisions. The main thing is that it has a positive effect on you. After all, we are allies and must support each other. From this, in general, our survival depends. So if you want anything else, let me know. - I said softly to the android in front of me.

- ….Thanks. - After a moment's hesitation, Bobby said. She probably would have blushed if she could…

'I thought I'd have to train the T-1000 like a newborn baby, but I ended up with a kuudere…' - I thought to myself, shaking my head.

- By the way, what's in the bag? - I asked, deciding to leave the extra worry, it won't change anything anyway.

- I used the money you gave me, captain, and bought a weapon that would fit me. And also I went to a few stores and bought a few items, which I think will help in the journey. - Bobby said, unwrapping the sack.

- It's good that you did it, otherwise it completely flew out of my head with the latest events… - I muttered as I looked at Bobby's purchases. Inside there were two flint locks, two long daggers of good quality, several books, maps, a compass, sleeping, hygiene and hiking kits, spices and the like.

- Well done for buying daggers. It's better not to shine with your liquid metal abilities for a while. Let this be our trump card. In addition, it turned out that if a person who is knowledgeable and experienced, he can determine that this is not the ability of a devil fruit. - I said, remembering that I never managed to fool Gin, and he realized that I did not eat the devil fruit. It's good that he misunderstood the situation.

- Well, firearms will come in handy for you too, especially if you take into account your skills in this direction, but then we will try to find something better. - I said, looking at the silicon locks, while remembering the movie.

I could certainly give Bobby one of the elemental pistols, but since she's not a living person, she can't use them. We checked it yesterday. It's a pity, she would have achieved incredible results with such a weapon…

- So, what kind of books? 'Navigation for Dummies', 'How to sail? ', 'All the dangers of the sea'… - I read, sorting through the books.

- I thought it wouldn't hurt to get this knowledge. As you said yesterday, everything in life can come in handy. - Bobby said.

- You're right, of course, but why do you need three cookbooks? - I asked.

- To learn how to cook. - Bobby said seriously.

- But you don't eat. - I said the obvious.

- Cooking for you. When you had breakfast today, you said that you would miss home cooking. I thought I could take on the responsibility of a cook. In addition, housewives in the city said that women should feed men with healthy and tasty food. As your right hand, I have to make sure you eat right. - the killer terminator said with determination.

- Um, okay. - I said, not knowing how to react to this.

- But there is no kitchen on the Quinjet. - I did find an answer though.

- Everything need for cooking is included in the camping kit. - Bobby said, pointing to the item mentioned above.

- I see you are well prepared… - I involuntarily said, receiving only a proud nod.

- Okay, we should be moving out, I'm worried about the Quinjet. There is a chance that it could be found. - I said, putting all the things I bought into the ring and taking out the Wingcycle.

- Who? - Bobby asked coldly, getting on the bike behind me, turning on her hunter-killer mode.

- I'll tell you along the way. It will be interesting to hear your opinion. - I said, activating the off-road mode on the motorcycle, and then asked: - But first, the last question. Why did you leave these clothes?

- I thought it was the uniform of our crew. Is not it? - Bobby asked, making a puzzled face.

'Cute….' - I thought involuntarily, saying aloud: - Yes, that is right. Suits you.

'F**k…' — I thought, heading towards the mountain range, knowing full well that her appearance would play a trick on me.