
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs


As the night came to an end and the rising sun was visible on the horizon, the anchors of the ship were lifted and the Uriel slowly sailed away from the port. Their destination was the Kano Kingdom in West Blue, the home base of the Chinjao Family and their Happo Navy.

Before leaving Victor also gifted Robin a well-designed casket that he had prepared as a small gift for her. When she opened the box, there were a few items neatly arranged in it, first of all, there was a beautiful but deadly designer revolver with sea stone bullets. Secondly, there was a key to the Moriarty Mansion, a black ring with angel wings engraved on it. And finally, a beautiful blue crystal pendant with Victor's vivre card in it.

After the goodbyes and well wishes, Victor finally embarked on his mission. Sailing the seas would take two days so Victor decided to keep training himself in the onboard gym to increase synchronization with his new body. He must gain finer control and adapt to the changes in his physique and height so that he can perform at peak efficiency.

Two days later: the Kano Kingdom

Inside a very large palace hall with a similar style to Chinese Architecture, a huge old man sat on a dragon throne and many subordinates sat below. He has white eyebrows, a long white beard, and a big mustache. His head was bald with a dent on the crown of his head, and he had the number "12" tattooed on his left temple representing that he was the 12th leader of the Happo Navy, Don Chinjao himself.

His grandson Boo stood before him and gave an interesting report, their men have detected a large cruise ship belonging to the Moriarty approaching the port. After initial contact, they discovered that it was carrying none other than Victor Moriarty, the new head of the infamous Moriarty Family. Known for their vast riches and bloody warmongers, these men aren't easy to mess around with because they don't have a bottom line. 

If ordinary civilians try to fight back, they should be prepared to lose an arm or two along with their loved ones drowned somewhere in the sea. It was a very common occurrence hence this infamy.

"What does he want in Kano Country?" Don Chinjao didn't like the mafia scums that held no sense of humanity, if they dare blatantly cause trouble in his territory he wouldn't mind teaching the prodigal some humility.

"His men have requested an audience with you Grandpa," Boo stated.

"Not interested!! Go tell him that he is not welcome here," Don Chinjao wasn't willing to play games with some prodigal kid. 

"He said that Victor has some information about Garp you might be interested in." Boo said with hesitation. Marine Hero Garp's name has become taboo in this family after 'that' incident.

Don Chinjao raised his eyebrows and thought carefully for a moment, "Tell Victor Moriarty to come alone if he dares, none of his dogs will ever set foot in my compound."

"I'll relay your message, Grandpa!!" Boo bowed and left.

The elder grandson Sai who was silent the whole time questioned, "Is it a good idea? I have heard rumors that he had unified the BlackRock island groups with an iron fist after the assassination attempt."

"Let's hear him out, he'll regret it dearly if he causes trouble. He's Adolf's grandson after all."


A smaller Happo Navy ship swiftly approached the huge cruise ship anchored at a distance from the Happo Navy Headquarters. Boo swiftly climbed up on the deck of the cruiser like a pro using the rope ladder on its side. 

"I bring a reply from Don Chinjao for Mr. Victor." He said to the armed guard pointing their guns at him.

"Follow me!" One of the mafia executives said without showing slight emotions as others went back to their positions.

They silently walked towards Victor's office on the top floor as Boo looked around the heavily guarded luxurious ship in awe. The floors were covered with red carpet and Adam wood while the walls were adorned with luxurious art pieces and family crests. It showed the vast amount of bloody wealth that can be amassed if anyone is willing to sell their humanity in this world. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached Victor's office and Boo directly conveyed his grandfather's words to Victor.

"Boss, you must not go alone!! If anything happens our men won't be able to react in time." The captain of the ship Captain Edward Smith said solemnly in a grim tone. If something happens to Victor under his watch, Mr. Hugh might skin him alive.

"Don't worry Captain Smith, I am not going to cause trouble. We'll be staying here for a few weeks so begin preparation for your stay. Lead the way Boo!" Despite Smith's worries, he couldn't disobey orders, all the subordinates watched with worry as Victor boarded the Happo Navy ship and sailed away towards Chinjao's base.


Victor was escorted to the main meeting hall where many high-rank personnel were also seated along with Don Chinjao and his eldest grandson Sai Chinjao presiding on the top. The atmosphere was tense and filled with unwelcoming looks towards Victor who was dressed in a neat black suit.

"Young Moriarty brat, I heard that Adolf passed away." Don Chinjao asked.

"Yes, not many can escape the cycle of life and death. He passed away peacefully due to old age. (probably)"

"He deserves anything but peaceful death, every bit of your family's wealth has been built on a pile of corpses and rivers of innocent blood."

"Now now! Let's not point fingers. As a former pirate, I don't think your wealth was made from honest work old man." Victor said with a playful smirk.

"You brat!! Is that how you talk to elders? Looks like you didn't learn your manners. Why have you come here, Moriarty?"

"Truth can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow, don't fuss over it. As for why I have come here, I heard you have an old history with Marine Hero Garp who disfigured your majestic pointy head?"

"Hmph!! Don't remind me of that musclehead, one day I will take my revenge and defeat him with my own hands."

"Do you even believe yourself old man? I won't waste your time, Garp has become a grandfather and he is training his grandson to be his next protege." Victor told a mix of truth and lies, deception and manipulation were fine as long as they benefited his interests.

"What?? That bastard Garp has a grandson, how can this be a secret? How authentic is your information?" Chinjao was a little surprised but his eyes regained his spark as if he was in his prime.

"Very authentic, Garp has tried to keep it a secret from the world but one of my men discovered it accidentally."

"Where is he? Tell me, I'll go and kill that kid personally. Garp should also experience the pain and suffering he caused me."

"Tch Tch!! Old man, aren't you ashamed to target an innocent child when you got beaten by his grandfather? I did not tell you this information so that you can kill the child, make me your protege and I promise to defeat Garp and his proteges fairly."

"Brat, what makes you think you can defeat Garp?? You are just a frog in the well. The world will laugh at me if I, Don Chinjao make a talentless prodigal thug my pupil."

"Make a bet with me old man if you dare, send your best protege to fight me in the arena. If I lose, I'll tell you where Garp's grandson is but if I win, you must teach me your family's martial arts Hasshoken and Haki personally." Chinjao looked at the young man in front of him and saw his mocking and smug expression which angered him a little.

"I accept your bet. Sai, go beat him up in the arena, and don't even dare to hold back."

"Yes, Grandpa!" He bowed respectfully as he picked up his weapon, a metal rod.

"Also, Why don't we also write a written contract and make two copies of it? Who knows if the Mighty Don Chinjao might go back on his words after losing the bet."

"You hairy prodigal brat, Even your grandfather knew that I, Don Chinjao's words is more valuable than gold. I vow that if you win this tournament I will teach you everything I know about Hakkosen and Haki."

"Great!! That's what I wanted to hear." Victor said with a smirk, in the end, he gets what he wants. Either by hook or crook.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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