
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Delivered to his Doorstep*

In the Moriarty meeting room guarded by many armed mafia sat Victor dressed like a mob boss and an old fat man dressed like a noble sat in front.

"Mayor Deez, You know what you have to do, Just sign these papers and you will be spared of your crimes of embezzlement and betrayal to our family."

An old mayor Deez trembled with fear and said, " I'll sign Master Moriarty!! Just promise me that my family will be safe."

"Do I look like such kind of person huh? You should know how many enemies you have made in your lifetime, do you think they will spare you after you sold out their names a few minutes ago? Run away from West Blue Mr. Deez, I don't want to see you in my territory when the sun rises tomorrow." Victor said as he snatched the paper and left the room. This greedy bastard was a menace in this town.

The ex-mayor left hurriedly from this scary place, today he understood that he had placed bets on the losing team. In the last few minutes, all his criminal deeds were exposed by Victor and he was blackmailed to give up his powers as Mayor of Blackrock Islands, the stronghold of the Moriarty Family. Their underground empire stretched further to two nearby underdeveloped medium-sized islands, Tropico and Moonshine in the West Blue. Together they come under Moriarty Family territory.

'Bege Capone, what monster have you provoked?' He thought as he quickly made his way to his villa to pack up and flee with his family as soon as possible. He was sure he wouldn't see tomorrow's sunrise if he stayed longer.

"You shouldn't have let him leave, he was a bloody traitor," Hugh commented with a sigh. Young Master was still too kind.

"Let my enemies do the cleaning Uncle! Focus on more important things from now on. Send someone to arrest and seize all the assets of the traitors and slave traders on this list. Also, ask all the executives to join the meeting in the evening, I need progress reports on the current situation."

"As you command Master!" Mr. Hugh said with a slight bow.


Under the luxurious and bright chandelier in a large hall full of men in sharp suits, hushed whispers, and there was subtle tension after the past events. The evening meeting commenced as 20 men stood up uniformly and bowed when Victor and Mr. Hugh entered the room. 

"Start the meeting!" Victor said after he took the seat of the head of the Moriarty Family.

"Boss, we have followed your command and clamped down all the Slave Shops and Traders. Our men have rescued more than 1000 slaves from the three islands who are being treated in the town hall right now. After arresting and raiding those linked with the trade we have seized 30 Billion Bellies worth of gold, jewels, art pieces, liquid assets, and properties." The mob executive responsible for the operation reported with a serious tone.

"Well done guys!! Now spread posters informing of a public trial tomorrow evening where I will appear publicly for a speech. Now that we have lost a massive source of income through the slave trade, we must look for another profitable venture to negate the losses. From now on all our Hotels, Casinos, Bars, economic departments, and legitimate businesses will be brought under one banner, The Blacklight Organization. We will expand into industries and production that can be exported to other countries. Any objections?"

"No Boss!!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Boss! We also faced a small trouble during our rescue, one crazy guy suddenly attacked us and injured 20 of our men until we could finally restrain him. After our inquiry, we have discovered that his name is Gild Tesoro, a former member of our gang. He's currently waiting outside, what are your orders?"

'Gild Tesoro? The future 'Casino King' has delivered himself to my doorstep on a silver platter? Was he trying to rescue Stella?'

"Bring him to me!" Victor said with enthusiasm.


Two goons dragged a bloodied and beaten green-haired young man and dumped him near Victor's feet. Even though he was held captive, there was a fire burning in his eyes as he looked at his surroundings like a wild beast.

"You cowards, release me if you dare!" He gritted his teeth in anger and helplessness. Today as usual he was going to meet his lover Stella in the human shop. After a day's worth of honest work in the mines to earn the money to buy her freedom, all he wanted was to see her smile.

She particularly hated and despised criminals so he left his troublesome past as a street thug behind and became an honest mine worker. But when he was on his way, he was shocked to see the shops were being raided by many armed men from the Moriarty Family. He immediately assumed the worst and tried to save Stella from those evil bastards, but how could he win against multiple of them? He was brutally beaten like a dog in front of Stella and captured, now kneeling in front of the Big Boss himself. 

"Gild Tesoro?? Even after knowing that they were my men you dared to attack them? You are either stupid or overconfident. Hey, I heard that you have a little lover among the slaves, Hella or Nutella something like that." Victor asked playfully as he played with his revolver.

"Bastard!! Don't you dare utter her name, she's mine." Tesoro was triggered and shouted in anger. He felt like he would burn the world if he had the chance just to save Stella. 

"I am a married man you single dog, don't slander my name. I am not interested in blondes anymore. I have become a new man since yesterday!!" Victor said righteously as he quickly rubbed more salt on his wounds verbally. While everyone was shocked after hearing the prodigal young master speak like a henpecked husband, Tesoro felt a little relieved. They all agreed secretly that the Lady Boss was too powerful.

"Then why did you guys capture all the slaves?" Gild Tesoro was confused and questioned with suspicion.

Suddenly the whole room looked at him like he was an idiot, did he jump to conclusions and get brutally beaten due to some misconception? Who captured whom now?

"Young Master has decided to abolish slavery in our turf so all the slave shops were shut down." Mr. Hugh clarified the situation as Tesoro looked at Victor with a dumbstruck look.

 'How can it be? I worked hard in the mines for days and nights just to save Stella for months but suddenly it was all worthless. One word from this guy and slavery was abolished from this island? Was I wrong this whole time?' His thoughts became a chaotic mess as he began to doubt life.

"Tesoro, Do you know why you failed? Is it because you were born poor that you couldn't buy her freedom? Or is it that you lack the strength to protect your little lover? Don't you want to know?"

Tesoro looked at Victor eagerly and nodded his head like a chicken, he really wanted to know what he was doing wrong. "Please tell me, Master Victor! "

"Wealth, Fame, and Power, every man's dream is to gain one or all of them as said by the Pirate King Gold Roger himself. If you want your voice to be heard, you should have at least one of the three to back it up. A human slave generally costs around 500,000 $, that's my hourly earnings on a bad business day. How much did you earn by working in a mine? 500 Bellies a day? When you truly love someone, you should be able to go to any lengths to protect them whatever the cost."

"Whatever the cost?" Tesoro thought for a moment and suddenly gained an epiphany. His eyes burned brighter with newfound ideas and convictions.

He swiftly bowed despite his stinging injuries. "Thank you for your advice, Master Victor!! Stella said she hated criminals so I decided to work honestly in a mine but I should have thought about it after I had successfully rescued her from the hellish place by any means necessary first. But I stupidly continued to do menial jobs while she continued to suffer from an uncertain future." He started to rant about his helplessness and stupidity but Victor listened patiently to this lovestruck fool.


A/N: I will include some non cannon characters and I plan to make MC Overpowered. There will be no harem in this story and MC will stay loyal. (I hate harems personally) The story will also focus on kingdom-building elements as well as politics, if it's not your cup of tea feel free to not read.

The novel is R-18 so expect sex scenes and gore stuff occasionally. That's all peace out.