
One Piece : My Revenge

Carnes a guy from our world ends up in One Piece, with his hard work became the Vice Captain of Rocks Pirates, he had planned to change what happened at God's Valley and wanted to rule over the world but was betrayed by his own crew members. Read how he rises again to take revenge on those who had betrayed him. Whitebeard, Big Mom, Garp, Sengoku no one is safe from his wrath. There will be world travel and after One Piece world Carnes and his crew go to Naruto. Also, there will create major changes in any world they travel, this may include change of plot, death of some important characters, etc. For Advance Chapters and to support me please visit: patreon.com/Anfractuous First world: One Piece Second world: Naruto Third world: ........ Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. tags: #naruto #onepiece #luffy #tsunade #villian #pirate #ninja #albedo #tatsumaki #escanor #sevendeadlysins #bleach #demiurge #onepunchman #chainsawman #power #love

Anfractuous · Anime & Comics
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252 Chs

Chapter 95

All around, the continuous clash of swords filled the air, sending shockwaves and impacts rippling with each attack.

The spectators watched in awe as the two men's slashes approached the ultimate level, their eyes widening in disbelief.

Unknowingly, the fighting around them ceased on a small scale as everyone marveled at the incredible speed these combatants wielded.

"Is this truly the speed at which humans can wield their swords?"

"Can humans even achieve this speed?!"

"It's too quick, I can't even see their movements!"

"Their attacks are insanely powerful... These two are like beasts!"

"Their strength is terrifying! on a completely different level from us!"

"We shouldn't even think about getting involved in this battle."

"Get involved? I just stood aside and watched, their precise slashes, it already felt suffocating. I can't fathom how this guy can handle it!"

In that moment, both the Marines and pirates were all shocked by the astonishing combat prowess displayed by Carnes and Whitebeard.

Their astonishment was so profound that they momentarily forgot they were enemies.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, the divison commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates were locked in intense combat.



Marco, the first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, attempted to break through the blockade but was forcefully pushed back, returning to his original position.

As he landed on the ground, the blue flames surrounding Marco's body began to dissipate, revealing his human appearance once again.

However, his body still retained traces of those fiery blue flames.

Looking into the distance, fierce fighting was still ongoing between Carnes and Whitebeard, and Ace remained on the execution platform.

Then, Marco's gaze fell upon Yuta Okkotsu, who stood calmly holding a long sword not far away.

Yuta stood like an impenetrable wall, blocking Marco's path regardless of how he tried to escape either by running or flying.

Recalling how he had been halted by Yuta before and seeing his Pops engaged in a life-and-death confrontation with his former Vice Captain at the moment, as well as Ace kneeling on the execution platform awaiting his imminent execution, left Marco's heart filled with restlessness.

Gritting his teeth, he locked his gaze on Yuta in front of him.

"You keep blocking my path, over and over again! Is there no end to this, kid?!"

"Will you never cease?"

"Get out of my way!!!"


With Marco's resolute declaration, a tremendous surge of blue flames erupted from his body in an instant.

The blue flames enveloped him entirely, as a powerful momentum surged forth and a potent aura burst from his transformed form.


The next second, Marco seemed to emerge from the ashes, revealing his new form in the blue flames.

But this time, it was not his human-beast form that he transformed into; it was the beast form the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix, in its full power!

Witnessing Marco's transformation, Yuta was taken aback for a moment.

And while Yuta was still bewildered, Marco spread his wings and shot up into the sky like a streak of blue lightning, soaring high in the sky with incredible speed.


Without a moment's hesitation, Yuta lunged forward, lowering his waist and jumping to catch up.


The explosive power he unleashed caused the thick layer of ice to collapse slightly.

Yet, despite his efforts, Yuta's movements were still little sluggish.

Facing Marco, who moved with such incredible speed and seized the opportunity, Yuta found himself unable to catch up and stop him.

Finally free of Yuta's pursuit, Marco let out a sigh of relief, but he couldn't waste any time.

Urgently, Marco flapped his wings and flew towards the execution platform.

"I have to get Ace out quickly... quicker... quicker!"

"And... after saving Ace, I must hurry to Pops' side!"

As this thought fueled his determination, Marco's flight speed increased a notch.

But just then, the space in front of him suddenly tore open!

Following that, an enormous hand emerged from the void, reaching out to grab Marco.


"What?!" Marco's eyes widened in terror at the unexpected turn of events.

He tried to change his flight path by flapping his wings, attempting to escape the grasp of the giant hand, but it was too late.

The giant hand appeared out of nowhere and had caught him completely off guard, leaving him firmly grasped in its hand!

Marco let out a sharp, phoenix-like hiss, who was in his beast form.

Just as he was about to unleash all his power to break free from the clutches of the giant hand, an eerie and monstrous creature emerged from the void, its hoarse voice resonating from the depths of the underworld.

"You let him escape, so I caught him for you."

"Thank you, Rika. You're a great help," Yuta said with a gentle smile, expressing his gratitude and praise to Rika at the same time.

Caught in Rika's grip, Marco couldn't help but feel chills down his spine at her fearsome appearance and the eerie voice that seemed to come from the depths of the underworld.

An inexplicable and overwhelming fear gripped his heart.

"Don't get careless, Yuta," Rika's hoarse voice warned, as she raised her thumb and pointed it towards Marco's head.

The intention was clear—to blow Marco's head off!

Seeing this sudden turn of events, Marco was shaken but immediately unleashed his own devil fruit abilities, breaking free from Rika's grasp with explosive force.

Returning to midair, Marco flapped his wings and hovered, still reeling from the terror he had experienced moments ago.

"What is this?! What is she?"

"A monster?!"

However, at that moment, Rika's anger reached its boiling point!

"Just as I warned Yuta not to be careless, that guy managed to escape under my watch!" Rika thought furiously.

Her fists clenched tightly, and in a hoarse voice, she hoarsely shouted at Marco with intense emotion,

"You bastard!!! I will kill you!!!"

Her words had barely left her mouth when she swiftly charged towards Marco with incredible speed.

"So fast!!" Marco's eyes widened in astonishment, his face showing surprise.

Without hesitation, Marco flapped his wings, attempting to create distance between himself and Rika once more!

But no matter how fast he was, she was even faster!

Before he could even take off, Rika's massive fist struck him first.



The resounding sound of impact echoed through the air!

Marco's body plummeted to the ground like a falling meteor!



However, Rika had no intention of letting Marco escape that easily this time.

In the next second, fueled by anger, she let out a ferocious roar and pursued Marco relentlessly!





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