
One Piece : My Revenge

Carnes a guy from our world ends up in One Piece, with his hard work became the Vice Captain of Rocks Pirates, he had planned to change what happened at God's Valley and wanted to rule over the world but was betrayed by his own crew members. Read how he rises again to take revenge on those who had betrayed him. Whitebeard, Big Mom, Garp, Sengoku no one is safe from his wrath. There will be world travel and after One Piece world Carnes and his crew go to Naruto. Also, there will create major changes in any world they travel, this may include change of plot, death of some important characters, etc. For Advance Chapters and to support me please visit: patreon.com/Anfractuous First world: One Piece Second world: Naruto Third world: ........ Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. tags: #naruto #onepiece #luffy #tsunade #villian #pirate #ninja #albedo #tatsumaki #escanor #sevendeadlysins #bleach #demiurge #onepunchman #chainsawman #power #love

Anfractuous · Anime & Comics
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252 Chs

Chapter 119

"I'm afraid you misunderstood the question. The point here isn't about who we are. It's more about why do you want from us?" Albedo's patience had begun to wear thin.

She had no intention of hesitating if Koala displayed even a hint of hostility. Mercy wouldn't be shown easily.

"I'm Koala. I'm here to discuss some matters with your captain, Carnes," Koala clarified.

It turned out she had come for Lord Carnes.

As long as it wasn't about causing trouble.

Their demeanor returned to normal.

"Should we take her to meet Captain?" Power inquired, seeking the opinions of both Albedo and Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki contemplated for a moment.

Though she wasn't particularly inclined to bring Koala to meet Carnes, but there was a possibility Carnes might be concerned. Could her hesitation prolong the issue?

But then again, if Koala triggered Carnes' anger, wouldn't she also become an accomplice?

There didn't seem to be an easy solution to this. They were stuck in a deadlock.

"It's your call to make," Tatsumaki replied, her tone unvaried.

"What do you think, Albedo?" Power turned to Albedo once more looking for answers.

Tatsumaki, nonchalant as always, cared little for these trivialities. Whether Koala was taken to Carnes or not held little consequence for her.

It didn't affect her in any significant way.

"Then, let's take her to meet Lord Carnes," Albedo decided.

"Thank you!!"

Koala bowed, and the progression of the situation unfolded far smoother than expected.

"Before you rush into gratitude, remember, if you step out of line, I'll ensure you regret coming here," Albedo warned.

Koala offered a slightly awkward smile. "The matters I wish to discuss might prove challenging, but I won't do anything unaccepted."

So, that suits me just fine."

"Indeed, it better be that way," replied Albedo calmly.

Back aboard the ship, Koala waited for hours for Carnes to return.

Introduction of Koala wasn't necessary for Carnes. As a reincarnated person in the world of One Piece, despite his somewhat hazy memory, Carnes recognized Koala immediately upon seeing her.

"For what reason does the Revolutionary Army seek me out?"

Carnes, with a bottle of wine in hand, leaned against the ship's railing, his tone casual.

Upon hearing his words, Koala was taken aback. She hadn't expected Carnes to instantly recognize her as a member of the Revolutionary Army at first glance.

"I thought our Revolutionary Army was renowned for its intelligence gathering, but it seems that the Gale Emperor Pirates possess both strength and impressive intelligence networks."


Carnes took a few sips of his wine, his demeanor still neutral.

"I'm not one for flattery. So, tell me, why have you come here?

What's the reason behind your visit?"

Koala nodded, refraining from unnecessary chatter. She spoke slowly, "I'm here to propose cooperation with you, on behalf of the Revolutionary Army."

"Cooperation?" Carnes glanced at Koala. "I'm curious, considering the fact that we're not fighting common enemies, what exactly could we collaborate on?"

"I'm aware that there's animosity between you and the God's Knights."


"Our primary objective in the Revolutionary Army is to overthrow the World Government's rule. In essence, our goals align."

"With your support, I believe our progress could be much smoother.

In return, the Revolutionary Army would undoubtedly help you.

And with the Revolutionary Army's assistance, you'd naturally gain substantial aid."

"Alright, that's the reasoning," Carnes admitted.

"Well then, Mr. Carnes, what's your take on this?" Koala inquired, her optimism growing as Carnes' response hinted at increased chances of collaboration between two factions.

"Your offer is impressive, but

"I refuse."


Koala paused, taken aback by Carnes' resolute refusal. She hadn't anticipated such a categorical rejection.

"Mr. Carnes, could you please share your reasoning?"

"Your Revolutionary Army is reputed for its exceptional intelligence gathering capabilities, but from my perspective, its findings seem rather trivial for us."

If you were better informed, you wouldn't say something so stupid."

"What gives you and your Revolutionary Army the impression that we require external help, especially yours?"

As Carnes spoke, figures like Obito, Ulquiorra Cifer, Demiurge, and others emerged from the second-floor corridor of the ship.Their collective gaze fixated on Koala without a doubt.

For a moment, Koala felt as though she had plunged into an abyss, ensnared by the weight of several unwavering gazes.

"Hoo hoo..."

Unbeknownst to her, Koala's breathing quickened.


Carnes was correct.

Revolutionary Army support was unnecessary for him.

If one were to reflect, most of the God's Knight had already been disintegrated and defeated back in Marineford.

Nevertheless... for those other people who want to fight me, Carnes harbored a belief that it was acceptable to relinquish them to his own crew, but for those from whom he had to take revenge personally, he would handle them himself.

Otherwise... everything he has done would have no meaning, and death of his enemies at the hands of someone other than him, it was unacceptable for Carnes.

"Sorry, I was impolite, Mr. Carnes, but our offer would still be open for you, you can take your time, I think you might even change your decision.

"For then, farewell, Mr. Carnes."

Koala bowed in respect and jumped off the ship, taking a huge leap.

After exiting Carnes' line of sight, Koala sensed nothing but a coolness against her back. She reached out to touch it, only to discover her back had already become drenched in sweat.

"Blu, Bru..."

"Blu, Bru..."

At the same moment, the Den Den Mushi rang.

Without hesitation, Koala picked it up and answered.

"How are matters progressing?"

Upon seeing that the displayed identity on the Den Den Mushi which belonged to Sabo, an inexplicable sense of relief washed over Koala.

"It failed. Furthermore, the plan intended for him to reveal crucial information, as requested by Dragon, did not come to fruition."

"Do not allow it to burden you; failure was anticipated. After all... collaborating with individuals of his caliber is undeniably challenging," Sabo reassured.

"The members of the Gale Emperor Pirates... are exceptionally formidable."

"What? You didn't engage in fight with them, did you?" Sabo's face suddenly turned grave.

Koala laughed, "It turns out that in your mind, you believe I am this strong, but it's not true, I wouldn't be able to leave unharmed facing against a guy of this level."

"Sabo, to be honest, the members of the Gale Emperor Pirates evoke a distinct sensation within me.

Upon sighting them, an unexpected fear courses through my body."

"Even... just now, I found my back got so wet without my awareness."




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