
One Piece : My Revenge

Carnes a guy from our world ends up in One Piece, with his hard work became the Vice Captain of Rocks Pirates, he had planned to change what happened at God's Valley and wanted to rule over the world but was betrayed by his own crew members. Read how he rises again to take revenge on those who had betrayed him. Whitebeard, Big Mom, Garp, Sengoku no one is safe from his wrath. There will be world travel and after One Piece world Carnes and his crew go to Naruto. Also, there will create major changes in any world they travel, this may include change of plot, death of some important characters, etc. For Advance Chapters and to support me please visit: patreon.com/Anfractuous First world: One Piece Second world: Naruto Third world: ........ Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. tags: #naruto #onepiece #luffy #tsunade #villian #pirate #ninja #albedo #tatsumaki #escanor #sevendeadlysins #bleach #demiurge #onepunchman #chainsawman #power #love

Anfractuous · Anime & Comics
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252 Chs

Chapter 100

However, in that moment, a deafening roar tore through the air, prompting Carnes to swiftly change the direction of his attack.



The clash of Haki began once more!

Garp locked eyes with Carnes and declared in a thunderous voice,

"Although, age might be getting up to me, but it's not enough for you to underestimate me, Carnes."

Carnes' eyes flickered slightly, but he remained silent, shifting his gaze from Whitebeard to Garp.



Whitebeard regained his composure and retrieved Murakumogiri from not far away, and immediately launched another assault on Carnes.

Despite being outnumbered in a two-on-one situation, Carnes still managed to hold his own and not fall into a disadvantage.


The ground trembled relentlessly, the majestic airflow unleashing wave after wave.

The intensity of their battle drew in most of the Marines and pirates, forcing them to halt their actions and retreat to the outskirts of the battlefield.

At this rate, it wouldn't be long before Marineford would inevitably sink into the sea due to the sheer force of their confrontation.


Beside Sengoku, a Marine couldn't help but swallow nervously.

"Is this the strength of the captain of the Gale Emperor Pirates?"

"It's terrifying. both Vice Admiral Garp and Whitebeard can't seem to gain the upper hand against him."

"When did such a fearsome individual appear on the sea?"

"Can we really defeat him????"


Suddenly, Sengoku roared a command, his complexion turned extremely grim.

Fighting with one pirate with the help another pirate was already a disgrace for the Marines.

Dealing with Carnes with the combined might of Marines and Whitebeard was really shameful for them.

If... Garp, the Marine hero, and Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, strongest man in the world, couldn't defeat Carnes.

Then, it would be a laughingstock for the whole world, tarnishing both the reputation of the Marines and Whitebeard's legacy.

However, the current outcome was far beyond Sengoku's expectations. Whitebeard and Garp seemed to be incapable of posing any significant threat to Carnes.


Sengoku cursed.

Compared to the Rocks back then in the past, Sengoku felt that the present Carnes was even more dangerous.

Just at this pivotal moment, Sengoku, the Marine Fleet Admiral, stepped forward, discarding the white Shirahoshi coat that had adorned his shoulders.

"Even if the pride of the Marines and the World Government is hanging in the balance, just like in our previous battles, we must emerge victorious." he declared resolutely.

His words echoed through the air as he hastened his pace, leaping towards the ongoing clash between Carnes and others.

In an instant, what was once a one-on-one, then one-on-two battle for Carnes turned into a one-on-three situation!

All eyes in the audience were fixated on them now.

"Whirring whirring...!"

The air seemed charged with tension as Marco, having just escaped Yuta, observed Carnes single-handedly confronting the formidable trio of Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Marine Hero Vice Admiral Garp, and the Four Emperors' Whitebeard.

He felt a chill down his spine, realizing the magnitude of the monster Carnes must be to warrant such attention from Whitebeard, Garp, and Sengoku.

"This guy... what in the world is he to have both Pops and Garp, and even that guy Sengoku, personally taking him on? He must be a monster!"

At this moment, it became clear to Marco why his Pops had such a strong reaction upon hearing Carnes' name.

"Is this... the strength of Pop's former vice-captain?" Marco pondered, deeply impressed by Carnes' power.



The battle intensified, reaching new heights of ferocity.

Whitebeard, Sengoku, and Garp displayed no mercy, all intent on defeating Carnes as swiftly as possible.

Carnes, demonstrated extraordinary skills in Haki, Martial arts, swordsmanship, and utilized the abilities obtained from his crew.

Even with Sengoku, Garp, and Whitebeard teaming up, they struggled to pose a significant threat to him.

Yet, the drawback was apparent, the disadvantage lay in the fact that he had to divide his attention among three powerful opponents.

Carnes couldn't focus solely on one opponent, causing him to become entangled in multiple engagements, greatly draining his physical and mental stamina. The longer the battle continued, the more apparent this weakness became.

The contest now boiled down to who would reveal a flaw first.


A deafening explosion shook the battleground.

Garp, Sengoku, and Whitebeard were sent flying backward, but they swiftly regained their footing, forming a triangular encirclement around Carnes.


Carnes laughed defiantly, looking up at the sky.

"Even Rocks, back in the day, didn't receive this kind of treatment from you Marines."

"You Marines truly are capable of doing anything to achieve your goals, you'll go to any lengths for that."

Sengoku's face darkened, "He may not have, but... one thing is certain, your journey ends here, Carnes."

Carnes sneered in response, unfazed by the declaration.

He had his crew's support if needed, and he still possessed a trump card, an ace up his sleeve – the ability to acquire powers from his crew.

This ability was unique, and it defied the very laws of nature.

In the past, using them seemed futile as Carnes believed it unnecessary. Moreover, he had reservations about its potential toll on his body, never having employed it before.

However, circumstances have altered, and if he desires a swift resolution, he must now resort to its power.

"Kill me? Perhaps you could have attempted it before, but now... " His voice trailed off, replaced by a menacing pause.

"Even if Kong was here, your chances of victory remains slim."


Carnes' declaration was followed by an instantaneous surge of overwhelming aura, which engulfed his being, sending chills down everyone's spine, exuding an ominous presence.

"What is he up to?" Garp's instincts kicked in, sensing that something was amiss.

Without hesitation, he lunged forward to launch an attack.

Whitebeard and Sengoku sprang into action as well, moving at incredible speed, closing the distance in short time, to intercept the unfolding threat.




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