
One Piece: My New Home

A simple wish was granted overnight, transporting a young fellow named Ray from Earth into the world of One Piece. Through the lens of the Straw Hats, the One Piece world looked fun, however, Ray knew different. Strength ruled over all and unlike the novels he had read, Ray wasn't granted any special abilities as he crossed over. How could a regular man possibly cope and thrive in this world? Note: No system bullshit, MC does have prior knowledge of the One Piece world but he won't be going for the Rumble Rumble fruit like every other Fanfic.

Pzero · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs



"You're getting promoted to Vice Admiral whether you like it or not Ray!" declared Sengoku as he slammed his palm on his desk. 

"I refuse" replied Ray as he laid casually on the couch, his feet crossed on the table.

"No, you can't refuse it and... GARP, stop eating those god damn crackers while I'm talking" said Sengoku while he rubbed his temples due to the stress.

'These two, they're like a matching pair, I'll go grey soon enough' thought Sengoku.

"Sengoku, with all due respect, it's a hassle, I'm fine with my current position" said Ray, adamant on not wanting a promotion.

"BWA HAH HAH HAH, that's the spirit brat" Garp laughed as this situation was similar to his own past. 

"Think about the reputation of the Marines, Ray, how could a Marine who defeated two Yonko commanders remain as a bloody Marine Captain..." explained Sengoku.

"Not my problem, Sengoku" replied Ray.

Veins seemed to enlarge on Sengoku's forehead as he finally had enough of Ray's attitude.

"You have no choice, either accept your new position as Vice Admiral or I'll station you on some random branch on the outskirts of the 4 blues" announced Sengoku, unwilling to back down.

Ray groaned in response and frustration.

"For a battle junkie like you brat, this is simply torture, now what's your answer?" questioned Sengoku one last time.

"Fine" muttered Ray.

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, after bickering back and forth for an hour, Ray finally accepted his new position. 'It was truly stressful being a Fleet Admiral after all' thought Sengoku. 

"Also, what happened to Queen and King?" questioned Sengoku.

"Tch, that fat dinosaur woke up a day later and somehow ran off with King, Kizaru was occupied getting the all civilians left to safety" replied Ray in anger, his hate for Queen kept growing. Knowing he ultimately wouldn't be allowed to capture them, he was annoyed.

"What about you?"

"I was getting my injuries treated" replied Ray simply, earning a nod from Sengoku.

"Hah, all of that chaos for nothing, not like we'd be allowed to capture them anyway" muttered Sengoku whilst sighing in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" questioned Ray

"Nothing...Both of you get out, I'm tired" concluded Sengoku as he fell back in his chair, thinking back to a conversation he had with the 5 Elders.


A few days ago...

Currently, Sengoku was profusely arguing with the 5 elders over the situation in Hyokaido.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, you are to let go of the Beast Pirates until ordered otherwise, we are expecting your cooperation" said a voice over the Den Den Mushi.

"Why?!?!" demanded Sengoku with anger.

"You mustn't risk triggering a war with a Yonko currently, the other Yonko would take advantage of the situation and thus chaos would ensue over the Grandline" replied another voice. Of course, Sengoku ultimately knew it was all bullshit.


Just like that, Sengoku couldn't send in more reinforcements and capture the Beast Pirates, realising that being a Fleet Admiral was nothing more than being a dog for the world government. Sengoku had slowly come to regret accepting this position after many years.

The real reason behind the elders refusal was the possibility that the supply of weapons manufactured in Wano would cut if a war with Kaido had occurred. Weapons produced in Wano were of high quality, as the World Government have secretly imported the Marines' weapon supply from Wano for years in exchange for a few benefits.


As both Garp and Ray walked out of the main building, Ray couldn't help but ask in curiosity as something had been bothering him for a while.

"Old man, how strong was Roger?" asked Ray, turning his head towards Garp, who was still eating his crackers.

"Hmm, what?" questioned Garp, somewhat puzzled at the question.

"You know, at his peak, how powerful was the famous Pirate King?"

"He'd certainly beat all the Yonkos of today, that's all I'll say" replied Garp with smile, as if he was reminiscing the days where chased the Roger Pirates. 

"I see" 


[Training grounds, Marineford]

"Ah, Kizaru mentioned before that you seemed to now possess 'that'" said Garp as he stood before Ray.

"Conqueror's?" replied Ray

"Yeah, I'm a little surprised honestly, it's a rare ability that few possess in the Marines" responded Garp.

"Ah I was actually gonna ask this, how do I get Conqueror's Haki to coat around my attacks?" questioned Ray, it was a hard concept to grasp despite witnessing both Kaido and Garp utilising it.

Ray had little control over Conqueror's Haki as he had just awakened it, all he had been doing was constantly using it, straining his mind as exerting your willpower all day was simply exhausting. 

"It's not something that is taught brat, it's up to you to figure it out yourself" explained Garp before adding, "The only advice I can give you... is to get hit" 

"Wha-" before Ray could finish his sentence, Garp vanished and punched him on the head with a fist coated in Conqueror's Haki and smashed him into a wall.

"BWA HAH HAH HAH, this is the only way I can help brat" 

"You... old fuck" muttered Ray in frustration before Garp repeatedly pummelled him with his fists, despite gaining moderate mastery over Advanced Observation and Armament Haki, Ray still wasn't able to match Garp.

Just like that, time continued to flow by as Ray ruthlessly trained under Garp once again, until 2 years had passed...


Euros are back on so I'll try to release chapters in the afternoon, but yeah after this timeskip expect a lot of action.

Pzerocreators' thoughts