

Augest 5th 2021. A Teenager by the

name of Arata was sitting down looking

at his tv watching one piece,

Covered with his blanket looking lifeless and tired.

Arata was not always like this, he used to be a very happy and carefree teenager until when he heard that his family got in a car accident

Both his mother and father died while his sister was barely alive.

Arata and his family weren't rich so he worked hard and took many jobs working everyday sometimes he didn't even eat to

Just to save up money, at that time he wasn't fully broken yet but what broken him was while he was going to visit his sister before he went back to work he got a call from the hospital saying his sister died.

From there he lost it and got in depression

he quit all his jobs and stayed shut in his home

sometimes tried to kill himself but couldn't,

That's when he came to anime, and manga

Finding it entertaining.

Anyway back to present while Arata was watching one piece out of nowhere a truck a truck crashed into his house.


It destroyed his house but Arata was still alive and was shocked at what happened and calmed down a little a few minutes later

'What the Fuck was that, how did a truck got here!' Thought Arata ran out of his house and looked at the damage the truck has done to his house and ran to his neighbors.

But while he was running a lightning out of nowhere struck him and he died on the road.


'What happened? Where is this place', thought Arata as he woke up and saw his surrounding which was pitch black and was really confused

Arata: "how the hell did I get here? Did I die

I remember the truck crashing into my house and me running…. Now I remember something hit me while I was running"

Suddenly a door appeared in front of me and a old man walked out. he looked old and majestic, the old man also had a halo, While I was looking at him he started to speak.

???: "Hello there young one, I am god and I'm here to apologize as I accidentally killed you"

When I heard the the old man said he was his I was so scared but then when he said he accidentally killed me I was dumbfounded so I asked him how did he kill "accidentally"

GOD: "I was in a fight with truck-San and threw him to earth as he was being lazy and u survived that but, while I threw Truck-San I also sent a lightning to zap him but I missed and accidentally killed you, please forgive me young one"

Arata: " I forgive u since no one is waiting for me at home anyway, so what do I do now god?"

GOD: "since I killed you and it wasn't your time I will reincarnate you to your world of choosing and three wishes"

Arata: "okay let me think… I want to be in one piece and for my first wish i want a system for my second wish I want to have a extreme talent in haki that surpasses even silvers Rayliegh himself and for my third wish is Jin mori's Renewal Taekwondo and his powers and while your at it can u give me Jin mori's look"

GOD: "the first wish is okay but conquer haki depends on if you are born with it but other than that all your wishes shall be granted, now young one I hope you enjoy your new life" with that I passed out.

(Plz tell me my mistakes as I'm a noobie)