

Before the death of Gol D. Roger, he announced to the entire world about his greatest treasure "One Piece" and said that he hid it in some unknown place called "Raftel". After his execution, it lit a fire in the hearts of all. Be it pirates, marines or the government. Everyone wanted to have Roger's treasure all for themselves to prove their supremacy in all of Blue Sea.



Five years later, in the corners of East Blue, there was a small village called Drought Spiral; a barren desolated area, also known among the people as God's forsaken village. The survival rate in Drought spiral is so small that the inhabitants are having second thoughts whether to produce a child or not. The reason for the village's high mortality rate was not due to harsh weather conditions or that plants and wild life dont thrive. To be honest, it's the contrary. There's an abundance of food and wild game in the vicinity. The reason for their high mortality rate is due to the constant pillage and destruction caused by the pirates.



The citizens of drought spiral aren't fighters. They are just simple farms men and women. They either follow the will and demands of the pirates or die immediately by their hands. And the people aren't insane enough to choose the latter. Among the citizens of Drought spiral, there's a young boy named Dante who is a tall, well-built kid with grey hair. It is hard to believe that despite his constitution he is still 17 years old. Although there's the constant pillage and destruction he witnessed when he was young up to today, Dante grew up in a loving and caring family. Apart from his mother and father, he has two female siblings.

Dante always worked hard to provide for his family. He plows the fields, harvests fruits and hunts some game. His father used to do all these things, but due to old age, his body isnt as agile as before and he is constantly suffering from certain ailments from time to time. A boy with similar constitution bundled with long black wavy hair accompanies Dante everyday in order to provide for their village and their families. The boy's name was August. He and Dante were friends since they were little. Unlike Dante, August was the only child and his mother died after giving birth to him. He only has his sickly father to tend to.



One fateful night, when everyone was busy preparing for dinner, a pirate ship docked on their shore and almost fifty men came rushing out. Accompanied by their captain "Razor Hand" George with a bounty of 20 million berries, the razor hand pirates looked like crazed beasts rushing to the houses to set them on fire. The people of Drought Spiral who witnessed this atrocity panicked and wanted to fight back, but they were no match for the pirates brutality. Bundled with their swords and guns, they indiscriminately slaughtered everyone that was trying to get in their way. Be it the elderly, women and children, they showd no remorse.

Dante and August, who were tasked to gather food for the village, had no idea what was happening. They were gathering resources deep within the woods until August pointed towards their village screaming " look! There's a thick and black fog coming from the village ". Dante looked at the location august was pointing at when suddenly he felt ominous. "Lets go back quickly!!". While hurriedly running towards their village. They left all the resources they've gathered and only brought back their hunting tools.

Once both of them were near, they heard screams and the fog grew thicker, which made it hard to see. Once they exited the forest, what welcomed them was a sight that seemed to resemble hell itself. Pirates slashing, stabbing and shooting people indiscriminately. They even crucified some of the people who dared oppose them and were burned alive. After witnessing the gruesome sight, someone screamed "Dante August, Run!!" Both Dante and August looked at the direction from which the voice came from and after identifying the source of the scream, Dante was shocked and immediately was blinded by rage. What he saw was the sight of his father being trampled by someone big and fat that had a sword for an arm. He was about to rush to his fathers side when August grabbed his and and stopped him. " Stop ! Its already too late, you'll end up endangering yourself". After hearing such remarks, Dante punched August in the face and tried to run and help his father.

While rushing to his fathers side, Dante kept on yelling "Get the fuck off of my father you fucking pig!!". Razor hand George noticed Dante running towards him and grinned, "this pathetic pile of bones is your father?" Suddenly George raised his arm, the one with a sword attached to it and with malicious intent, chopped off the head of Dante's father. After witnessing what happened, Dante froze in place. One moment, his mind was clouded with rage. The next, it became blank. George noticing Dante frozen in place, he pointed his gun towards him saying "now, you'll be joining your father in hell you stupid piece of shit!"

Waiting for the inevitable to happen, Dante Closed his eyes.