
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Water - 7: on the run

[Water seven]

Boss Pov

It was midnight, the moon could be seen straight up over our heads. I walked back through the dark alley with fast footsteps as I blew into my hands to warm them.

I shivered a bit due to the cold, "It's not even the winter season anymore, why is it still cold? ", I rubbed my runny nose.

The wind blew gently as the street light behind me flickered. I instantly felt a presence behind me as a chill ran up my spine.

I froze for a bit before quickly turning back. I stared straight ahead to see no one, the alley was empty just like yesterday.


I heard a cat's voice coming from below me. I looked down to see a small black kitten that seemed to snuggling up to my foot as it purred.

I breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that it was just a kitten.


"I got to stop being paranoid. It'll still take him a while before he finds me here"

I bent down as I patted the cat. It was cautious of my hand at first but after seeing that I meant it no harm it allowed me to pet it.

"Are you homeless like me as well?", I asked rhetorically while smiling, the cat meowed in response.

"Sasasa, come ill take you to the tavern. They might have some milk for you over there", I said as I picked up the cat and put it up on my shoulder.

The cat seemed to be a bit restless on my shoulder as it kept on scratching it with its claws. I ignored it's antics as it did not bother me a bit and I just headed towards the tavern.

The cat suddenly jumped into my shirt as it poked it's head out just staring ahead.

'Must have felt cold', I thought to myself as the tavern was now at eyesight.

The tavern was a moderate sized wooden building with at least three stories. There were green vines running along the frame of the entrance door which seemed to have been kept for aesthetic. There was a large board over the entrance which read, "Last Supper" a pretty horrid name for something that looked totally different inside.

I smirked as I entered the establishment.


The chime of the bell indicated the coming of a customer as the owner at the counter looked up from reading a book while smoking a cigar.

"Ah, it's just you, 'Joten'. ", the owner said the name 'Joten' with a slight sarcastic tone before going back to reading his book.

The owner was a pretty short and chubby old man named Diwen, he wore modest clothes and had circular glasses. He would always be found smoking a cigar and carrying a reading book.

I had met him years ago on one of my missions under a false name. Back then I was still a novice at infiltration missions and couldn't hide secrets properly.

He had come to know that I wasn't really Joten but didn't care enough to question further about my identity.

"Nice to meet you again Mr Diwen", I grinned as I faced him.

His eyes went towards my chest where a kitten's head could be seen protruding out.

He sighed as he said, "Pets are not allowed but since I owe you one I'll make an exception. Only for tonight", he ordered the last condition with authority.

"Yes, yes but this isn't my pet. I was actually hoping to get some milk for him if you don't mind", I nudged the kitten's head as it purred into my hand.

The owner rolled his eyes as he muttered, "I don't know if we will have milk or not. You should go ask Milton", he gestured into the main area of the tavern before delving back into the book.

Heading into the main lobby of tavern my nose was assaulted with the fragrant but familiar scent of booze and mead. There were loud clattering of plates followed by laughter. People could be seen seated in circular tables as they talked with each other while drinking beer. Some could be seen playing dart games and the drunk were dancing to some song who's singer had a familiar voice but I couldn't make it out.

Walking up the bar where a rather lean and tall man in a loose brown shirt and overalls could be seen handing beer mugs to the waitress as she took them away.

The bartender who was now preparing some more cups looked up at the approaching man as his eyes widened with recognition,

"Joten!!", he exclaimed with excitement.

"Hello Milton, how've you been?", I asked as I took a seat near the counter.

"I've been great! Man it's great to see you again, last time you left without even saying goodbye"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I had to attend to a urgent matter at work so I didn't have time to say goodbye", I made excuses as I scratched my head.

"Oh it's understandable then, I know how important work can be but you shouldn't push yourself too hard and also focus on yourself and your friends", Milton said while preparing for more cups of beer.

"So how've you been, it's almost five years since I last saw you", he asked.


" I remember, you were still an intern at this place. Well as for how I've been is rather hard to say, work is making me travel a lot you see", my previous identity had an occupation as a traveling journalist.

"Ah I understand, well we have to go anywhere if they pay us am I right", he chuckled before staring at my chest, "Why is there a cat popping his head out of your shirt?", he asked as he pointed at the kitten.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I wanted to get something for the cat to eat maybe milk or some fish", I nudged the little furry monster.

"Well this is a tavern... so I'm not sure if we'll have it but I'll check in the kitchen. Kilter might have stocked some milk in the cupboards", he said as he called out to someone from the room behind him and went away.

I smiled and relaxed into the bar counter as I observed my surroundings.

"Did you listen to the latest song in the radio?"

"Yeah! It came on during the breakfast, my kids loved it"

"Do you think Tom San can complete it?"

"Of course he can, he's the best shipwright in the world"

As the chatter in the tavern grew the little kitten kept stirring and moving inside my shirt.

"Sasasa, don't move too much it tickles", I reached into my shirt as I took out the black crawler.

I kept it on the counter as Milton came back with a bowl.

"Here you go. A warm bowl of milk. Apparently Kilter was trying to bake some cake in the morning and still had some leftover ingredients, so consider yourself lucky", he placed the bowl down as the kitten immediately started licking it.

"Thanks again, Milton", I reached into my pocket as I took out some cash.

"No, no I won't accept any money for this. It's just a bowl of milk, besides we owe you for sticking up for the tavern the last time you were here", he raised his palms and shook his head.

"Well if you insist", I smirked as I took my hand out and pet the cat.

"When are you leaving?", he asked.

I stared at the cat for a moment before answering, "Tomorrow morning or the day after".

"Do you have a place to stay"

"I'm staying at a hotel for tonight", the cat had finished all the milk and laid there in a satisfied manner.

"You can just come back to my place, I have a room that is free because Staler moved away to another island"

"No, no I don't want to trouble you", I shook my head.

"Pfffs, what trouble? We are friends after all, we should help each other out"

"Sasasa, OK ok I'll take your offer. I hope you don't regret it when I snore", I joked as the kitten started falling asleep.


After the tavern was closed, Milton and me went to his place which wasn't that far from here.

It was modest small apartment which looked very clean from the outside.

The inside of his room was neat and clean, I complimented Milton on it but he just laughed and brushed it off.

The room I was staying in was rather small for my large stature but I managed.

I had brought the cat with me as it was now asleep in my arms where I was cradling it.

"What shall I name you?", I said out loud as I sat on the bed which fit my size just enough so the my feet wouldn't be out of bounds.

"Ah, I'll just think about it tomorrow", I laid on the bed with my hands under my head. I stared into the ceiling as I started contemplating my next course of actions.

I had been on the run for six months now. After Dragon dropped me off at whiskey peak he asked if I would like to join him to visit Ivankov, but I had to disagree because I knew my brother had my vivre card and that he would be coming for answers.

My dendenmushi given by him as a present had been ringing constantly since that day.

I sighed as I thought about how I would confront my brother. To him I was just a normal construction worker and not a revolutionary.

The cat purred as it adjusted it's sleeping position. I just sighed and closed my eyes, 'I should sleep, I have to switch islands again', my thoughts started to slow as I fell into a deep sleep.


The next morning I woke up as Milton knocked on my door. The cat seems to have just woken up as well as it yawned.

"Joten, I have prepared the breakfast for you. It's at the table just eat it, I have to go to the tavern to help with some stuff", he said from the other side of the door.

I got up from the bed as I placed the cat on the floor. Looking at the clock I could see that it was already eight in the morning,

'I slept in a bit longer than the usual today, must be because I haven't had a sound sleep in six months', I thought as I walked to the washroom.

After freshening up and eating the food that had been prepped before hand for me I headed out with the cat perched up on my shoulder.

The town seemed to be bustling with life as people went around on bull boats, the water channel seemed to be a bit packed than usual.

"Hey mister can you tell me if something is going on?", I asked a man beside me who seemed to be in a bright mood.

"Oh you must have not heard yet. There is a video transponder snail that's going to broadcast a show from a rising star in paradise. His songs have taken the radio listeners like a storm!", the man exclaimed with a bright smile.

"A star?", I muttered as I held my chin.

"Yes, a star. There are posters about him and he even appeared on newspapers. I might have it in my pocket, let me check", the man rummaged through his pockets before taking out a neatly folded purple paper.

"Here", he handed me the poster as he opened it. On the poster a man could be seen in a white suit with a golden coat holding a mic. He seemed to be wearing a white top hat with golden lining with blond hair protruding from it as it fell on his shoulders. His face was covered by a gold mask with a white dragon tattoo.

Below the poster written in bold letters was,




Witness a performance of a life time. Streamed throughout the grandline wherever there is a video transponder. Free of charge."

My hands held the poster for a bit as I felt a familiar feeling when seeing the man in the poster.

"The performance should be around the evening , you should come. It'll be at the shore and will be displayed on a big screen. I have to go away now I need to inform my friends about it. ", the man exclaimed before heading away.

"I don't think I'll be staying for that long", I muttered before heading to one of the docks. I had to meet some people before I left.


Through the side of my eye I saw the cat was still sitting on my shoulder, 'Oh yeah I still have to find a house for you. I hope Tom-San can make an exception'.

The cat purred as it went inside my shirt and fell asleep.


[Scrapyard, Tom's works]

I knocked at the door as I heard some shouting from the inside.

"OI! BAKA-BERG OPEN THE DOOR", shouted a voice that seemed to belong to a young adult.

"I'M BUSY YOU PERV! YOU GET THE DOOR", I heard a deep mature voice reply as some clanking of metal could be heard.


"IT'S NOT A COMPLIMENT YOU IDIOT!!", the clanking of metal grew louder.

"Ta Hahaha"

"It's OK boys keep working I got it", replied a deep manly voice with a hearty laughter.

The door opened to show a large round yellow skinned figure. The figure had small yellow horns and a white beard. He wore a unbuttoned blue shirt with light blue patterns and short brown pants with brown boots. Sporting a large belly and disproportionate upper body as compared to the lower body was someone that I had met a few years ago.

It was Tom-San a friend that I had made years ago. He stared at me wore a moment as he squinted his eyes before finally widening in recognition.

"Oh it's Tak- I'm mean Joten - San!", exclaimed Tom as he smiled while opening the door further so that I could be seen by his two apprentice, Cutty Flam and Iceberg.

I noticed his slip of tongue and just sighed. He was one of the people whom I told my real identity intentionally as it was part of my mission.

"Joten!?", shouted the two apprentice as they stopped their work to come see me.

"It's been a long time hasn't it?", I chuckled at their enthusiasm.

"Ta-hahaha! You have changed your looks a bit since the last time I saw you", remarked the Fishman.

"Yeah, I had to get a shorter haircut since the long hair was getting in the way of my work", I joked as Cutty flam pushed into the front.

He was a bit shorter than his companion but was tall nonetheless. He had spiky blue hair with goggles on his forehead. He wore a unbuttoned shit with swimming shorts.

"Oi joten did you bring me anything from your travels?", He asked with curiosity.

"Oi Baka-nky have some decency!", scolded iceberg as they butted heads.

Iceberg was a tall lean man with slight muscles due to ship constructions. Iceberg had long blue hair, almost reaching his shoulders, and wore a white bandanna. He wore simpler clothes, consisting of a brown T-shirt, beige pants and black shoes.

"Sasasa, it's ok I actually did get you guys something", I placed my palm on the ground as I created a mini altar.

"Storage!", I exclaimed as a mini green altar was formed.

On the altar blue lights flashed as two boxes wrapped in gifting paper appeared.

"WOAH!!", exclaimed Cutty flam with stars in his eyes.

"Mwell, I forgot he could do that", muttered iceberg to himself.

I grabbed the boxes as I gave it to both iceberg and Cutty flam.

"Ta-hahaha, don't forget to say thanks boys", said Tom from behind.

"Oh yeah, thanks joten!", said Cutty flam with a wide grin as he cradled his gift tightly in his arms.

"Thanks for bringing us presents", said iceberg with a smile while holding his gift with care.

"Come in Joten, Kokoro will be back from the market any moment now. Until then let's have tea and catch up", Tom invited me inside as Iceberg and Cutty flam nodded their heads.

I took them up on their offer and headed in.


"So you will be leaving soon?", asked Kokoro-san who had just came from the market several hours ago. She was an assistant to Tom San and kind of a motherly figure for Iceberg and Cutty Flam.

"Yeah, I have some work that needs to be taken care of", I replied as I scratched my head.

"So you want us to take care of this kitten while you are away?", asked Iceberg as he pointed towards a black cat who seemed to be playing with Yokozuna.

Yokozuna was a large frog that was Tom san's pet but also a member of the construction company.

"AOW! Joten don't worry we will take good care of her… him?", exclaimed Cutty Flam.

"It's a male, I checked", I said with a smile.

"Have you decided on a name?", asked Kokoro as she finished cleaning up the snacks that she brought for us.

"Not really but…", I stared solemnly at the kitten who seemed to be content playing with the frog, "I'll name him Desta".

"It's a….. Interesting name", muttered iceberg as he scratched his head.

I smirked as I didn't expect them to know the emotional attachment I had to that name.

"Won't you at least stay for the concert?", asked Tom.

"Sasasa, I think if I stay too long my deadline will catch up to me", I joked a bit.

I stood up as I was preparing to go, "Tom San before I go can I have a talk with you in private?".

He raised his eyebrows before complying and leading the way to outside the house.

"What could they be talking about?", asked Cutty flam.

"Adult things that you shouldn't be concerned with Baka-anky", muttered Iceberg.

They butted their heads angrily again.


"Dragon wants you to have this dendenmushi, so that you can call us whenever you are in danger. You know since the government are after you", I handed a black dendenmushi to Tom.

He furrowed his brows, "Takezo, I know you mean well but you shouldn't worry about me. The revolutionary shouldn't have enough finance to just focus on an old shipwright like me", he exclaimed as he pushed back the dendenmushi.

"Don't worry, the army has gotten another great source of materials and wealth", I pushed back the dendenmushi.

"Ta-hahaha, still I won't accept it. It's my final decision Takezo, I believe that with my sea train I'll be able to help this island and its people that should be enough to get me off the leash. Thank you again Takezo for the offer", he exclaimed before heading back inside.

I sighed as I saw his retreating figure, "You can come out now".

From behind some trash pile Kokoro came out, "He's always so optimistic and stubborn, Its what I hate and love about him", she exclaimed.

I smirked as I nodded, I handed her the dendenmushi instead. "Use this incase something happens", I exclaimed before turning around and heading towards the shore to leave.


It was already evening , I was about to prepare an altar to teleport again when I saw a crowd had formed around a large building near the shore. The building had a large screen over its side where some people were setting it up as quickly as they could.

My curiosity got the better of me as I went closer to the crowd.

The crowd continued chattering while the workers finished setting up the screen with some big speakers as they breathed in relief.

The screen suddenly turned on as it began to flicker.

The screen was all black, as a voice started to speak,

" Is it working? Oh ok. Ahem! Ahem! Welcome my dear fans all over the seas. I am the one who's going to change your lives with my performance.

You have been listening to my voice through the radio for weeks but now you get witness it with your eyes itself. Now be prepared and hold on to each other for support cause your knees might go weak"

The voice was rather deep but sounded familiar. The crowd began to grow restless as a timer began on the screen, 'Ten minutes? I guess I can wait for a bit', I thought as I crossed my arms.

Nine minutes had passed, the crowd seemed to be growing as people rushed to see the performance.

I heard panting behind me as a familiar voice said, "Heh…heh…we made it, it seems we still have time".

"Why can't you wait for me Baka-berg?", another voice replied.

I turned back to see Iceberg and Cutty flam arguing with each other.

"TA-HAHAHA, no need to fight boys. Look who's ahead of you", Tom San exclaimed as he came from the back. He walked with Kokoro and Yokozuna beside him.

Iceberg and Franky finally noticed me, "Oh Joten you are still not gone?", they asked.

"Yeah, it seemed a bit interesting so I'll at least watch a bit before leaving", I scratched my head with a bit of embarrassment.

"Ta haha, no need to be shy we are all excited for the show", exclaimed Tom.

"Look! It's about to start", Kokoro pointed towards the screen.

I turned back to see the crowd getting excited. The timer started counting it's last seconds






The screen showed a person with a white and golden coat, holding a mic with his right arm as he looked down showing only his top hat .

The light was only focused on him as the surrounding area was dark. He started tapping his foot as drum beats started to play. He looked up to show a golden white mask with blond hair being shown from the sides.

The lights suddenly lit up as a large stage could be seen. It was a square stage with purple and red lights coming from the top.

There was a catwalk where the man could be seen standing. Behind him were four burly and bulky man with musical instruments. They were all wearing shiny silver coat with a silver mask.

The man held the mic as he shouted, "I dedicate this song to my wife"

"Are you ready!!".

The lights began to move wildly as fire sprinkled up from beside him. Song started to burst as the crowd went crazy.

"GOLDEN KING!!", They shouted and cheered.

My eyes suddenly widened as I remembered a familiar sight and then everything clicked,


"So it's you kid, let's see what you've prepared this time"

"Hmm? Do you know him Joten San?", asked Iceberg from beside me.

I just smirked as the bass guitar started to play, "He's a friend".

Can you guess what he's going to perform?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Konrad_iguesscreators' thoughts