
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Main pov

[East blue]

'I never knew how disorienting it would be to experience multiple lives' I thought as I held the bathroom sink while my innards attempted to escape from my body for the fourth time this afternoon.

"Should have just died", I muttered before another batch of bile was removed from my body.

Releasing my grip on the sink when I no longer felt anything coming out of me I looked up and stared at my reflection on the mirror.

" Who are yo-... No Who am I? ", I asked myself as the image in the reflection showed a man with green hair and blue eyes.

I statred grining viciously before I punched the wall beside me,

"You are nothing but fiction that's who you are! ",

I shouted at myself. The visions had now finally settled in as I knew the secret about this world. This world was a piece of fiction created by a person. A few hours after I woke up the memories of my past self started sorting out in my head. I now knew all my life had been painted out by some author in another world.

 I felt blood trickling down my fist as I laughed at myself," All your life, your suffering, created to muse the masses. Made to be just another sad tale that people could ponder over. "

I sat down leaning my head against the bathtub as I stared at the ceiling. 'I wonder if everything I've ever felt or experienced till today is real or was it just dictated by some higher power, controlled like a puppet. Made to experience certain emotions for the plot', I sighed ' Is my love for Stella real '.

Before my thoughts could wander further I heard a knocking at the door before it opened.

"Tesoro I heard some shouting, did something happened? ", Stella asked as she peaked inside the bathroom.

She widened her eyes as she saw me on the floor with blood on my fist, "Are you ok? I already told you that you have not healed properly yet. You should stay in the bed for a day or two. ", she said as she came closer to me to look at my bleeding hand and opened a first aid kit to bandage it up.

My heart raced as I saw her kind gesture as a small smile drew on my face. 'No, the way I feel right now it can't be faked. I really do care about her', I thought as I brought her body closer to mine and embraced her with my non injured hand.

"My bad, just slipped that's all" I muttered as her body jolted at my touch for a moment before relaxing.

"You should be more careful, my clumsy super star", she purred into my ear as she returned my embrace.

We laid there in each other's arms in silence for a while before a voice interrupted this moment.

"Oi Tesoro, you should see thi-", a deep masculine voice barged inside the bathroom as his eyes widened before smirking.

"Hoho, am I interrupting something? ", Boss teased with a chuckle.

Stella startled , moved away from me in a embarrassed manner. I chuckled and greeted boss as I stood up.

"Well even if I was interrupting something we or more specifically you have some problems to attend to ",Boss said as he shoved a news paper in my hand.

Looking over the day's paper I saw that my picture was in the front page. It seemed that they had captured this picture when I had started my onslaught on the prince's guards. There I was in the picture all bloodied with a grim smile.

"How...?? I... ", I was in disbelief as to how there were witnesses that had the privilege of getting a picture of me.

'It couldn't be the slaves, not the guards, not Stella or boss. Then it can only be him, Bignews Morgans', I thought as I read further.

The paper describe my every action in great detail which could only be done if they were there from the start. They described my brutal actions and tried to paint me as a monster. But the most surprising thing that was noted in the paper was my bounty.

                        " ONLY DEAD

                      'BRUTAL FIEND'

                       GILD TESORO

                 500 MILLION BELLIES"

"Damn! They really want me dead ", I muttered in disbelief.

' I mean I did kill a celestial dragon but still!! ', I screamed in my head.

"HEH!, Tesoro! Are we going to be okay?!?! ", asked the now fearful Stella

"Well I don't think so as all the big shots will be aware of you now, bounty hunters will come for you.", boss said with a grim expression.

 "But that's not even the worst, I think vice admirals or even admirals might be sent because this matter involves a celestial dragon. Thankfully this is the blue seas and they probably have their hands full at the moment with grandline pirates. ", he added with a relief.

I knew boss was just trying to help calm me down by lying a little because I knew the world government wouldn't let me be.

" Don't worry Tesoro, we'll get through this. ", said Stella as she tried to act courageous, pumping her fist to the sky. I could see right through her act as I saw her hands tremble a bit.

Seeing her face brought me back to reality as I realized what I had to do, I couldn't let the love of my life be cough up in this with me.

"We? Stella there is no we! They are after me not you. You can live your life, you are free now! ", I said as I held her shoulders. I was worried that if she came with me it would only bring her more pain and suffering.

Stella grimaced as she headbutted me, "Don't say that you idiot! It all started because of me. You wouldn't have gotten into trouble in the first place if it weren't for me. ", she huffed as her eyes went red and got a bit watery.

 "Didn't you promise that you'll win me over and that we'll be together. So don't you dare try to distance yourself now".

I had never seen Stella so mad before and it even scared me, "Stella, but it's too dangerou-".

Boss interrupted me before I could argue further, "I guess I can help you guys with that ", he said with a hand on his chin as made an expression of being in deep thought.

"What do you mean by that Boss ? ", asked Stella with curiosity as she saw that boss might have a way of resolving our fight.

"I'm just saying that I might know some guy who would be willing to help you guys", he said scratching his head.

"Are you sure they will help someone who has the whole government after him? ", I asked doubtfully.

At this boss just smirked, "That's especially why they are more likely to help you", he said as he laughed out loud.

At this I was confused and just tilted my head, an action that was copied by Stella beside me as she tried to think 'Why would anyone be willing to make the world government their enemy? '


" Now, now let's not dwell on this any longer. Come let's have dinner I bet Tesoro is hungry after not having anything to eat for three days", boss said as he made his way towards the kitchen urging us to follow behind him.

On the way to the kitchen I apologized to Stella as I might have not framed my words correctly and hurt her even if my intentions were anything but that. She also shyly apologized for getting angry and hitting me in the head which I just dismissed with laughter while teasing her to be bi-polar.


The sounds of plates claterring reverberated throughout the kitchen. Plates of dishes were being emptied in seconds. My hands were moving super fast as i stuffed my face with delicious food.

"Tesoro slow down", Stella giggled "no one is going to eat your share of food".


"Let him eat woman, he hasn't eaten in three days of course he's become an animal. My grandma always said 'you are not you when you are hungry'. SASASASA! ", Boss laughed as he drank his beer.

I payed them no attention as I was severely hungry and bosses cooking was really delicious.

After I was done eating my stomach bulged as I let out a big burp.

Stella winced at my behavior before muttering," I fell in love with an animal ".

Boss just laughed and hit the table but due to his strength the utensils fell. Before the utensils could hit the ground I instantly used my powers to levitate them.

Boss and Stella had widened eyes but soon recovered. "I forgot you had powers now. ", Boss muttered "What exactly are your powers though? ", he asked.

I smirked before I lift my hand and several knifes started levitating and twirling around me.

 "It seemed better to just demonstrate. It seems I can control metals like I magnet. I can move them however i want. I can even feel metals upto a certain distance but mostly it's iron. I can even feel them inside people."

Stella asked fearfully, "Can you feel it inside us right now? "

I closed my eyes and focused for a moment before answering, "Yes, I can feel it".

 Both Stella and Boss shivered at my answer as they had both seen what I was capable of.

"It must be a devil fruit power." said boss.

"Aren't they just myths?" asked Stella.

To which boss shook his head "It's real alright. You must have eaten a devil fruit recently, they grant the eater special powers. Since you can control metals I'll say that you have eaten the jiki jiki no mi or the magnet magnet fruit. ", boss said with certainty.

"Devil fruits are really rare, I wonder how you got one in the blue seas. You should count yourself lucky but you should also remember that it comes with a curse, you can never swim again or you'll drown and die", he said with a serious expression trying to warn me.

Stella looked at me worriedly but I held her hand to calm her down.

'I guess it would be a bad time to tell them that I went for a swim a week ago', I thought in my head, 'It's definitely not a normal devil fruit power but it's hard to explain any other way so I'm just going to let them think that it is a normal devil fruit for now. '.

 "Don't worry I'll be careful. ", I reassured them with a smile.

At this boss smiled and took another big sip from his beer cup.

Boss asked further, "Tesoro how do you feel actually about killing people for the first time ", he tried to ask gently as he was afraid to hurt me.

I tried to recall how I felt but I just answered, "Nothing ".

 Stella and boss went stiff for a moment before I continued, "Why should I feel remorse for people who pick on the weak. I think of them as nothing but trash that needs to be taken out ", I muttered with a grimace.

Stella looked down as she pondered my words as boss just held his chin and muttered, "Intresting".

He smirked as he sensed the nervous atmosphere and changed the subject to something more jovial, "Do you guys know where we are headed right now? " he asked.

Stella and I were curious and listened with full attention.

"We are going to visit my old friend while we wait to hear from my other friend who will hell us, we are going to Cocoyashi village ", he said with a smile.

'Cocoyashi village? Isn't that Nami's home?', I was speechless but boss continued, "While we are there I'm going to train you guys in haki".

I widened my eyes at this statement, "Boss how do you know haki! ", I asked in shock.

Boss smirked as he looked at me with raised eyebrows, "I'm surprised you know about haki. ", he said while trying to scan my face for secrets.

"As for how I know haki it's a secret ", he laughed and banged the table.

That's how the dinner ended, with me left with unanswered questions.


I sat on my bed as Stella was nursing my wounds and replacing the bandages when she gasped.

"Heh? Tesoro it seems all your wounds are gone!", she said as her hands caresses my back trying to search for the afford mentioned wounds.

"Now that you've said it I do feel way better than I did this morning ", I said as I unwrapped the bandage on my fist to find that the wound from this morning was gone as if it never occurred.

 'Am I human? ', I thought to myself.

"Tesoro should we be concerned!? I mean this is not normal ", Stella asked with worry.

I smiled at the fact that she cared this much for me, "I think it's just the side effect of the devil fruit ", I lied to calm her down.

"Ah yes, that must be it ", she held her chin and pondered.

"Well if you feel anything weird with your body inform me and I'll check it out for you", she said with a smile.

I smirked before I held her by the waist and placed her firm butt between my legs as I press her petite back on my chest as I hugged her.

 She stiffened a bit as I purred into her ear "I think I have some part in my body that you need to check out as it always acts weird when I'm with you. "

She chuckled at my seduction, "Oh my, I did not know that you were always so bold, are you really my Tesoro? ", she said playfully.

At this my hands twitched and stiffened. As my grip on her loosened.

"Tesoro is something wrong ", Stella asked worriedly.

I just stared at the ceiling as I answered, "Hey, Stella what would you do if you got memories of your past life? ".

"That's a weird question, but I think if I did got memories of my past self then I think it'll be exciting . ", she leaned into my chest as she answered with a soothing voice.

"What if the memories of your past life completely shatters your view of your reality and your sense of self as both have completely different personalities ", I asked further as I was really curious on her view on things.

"Getting really philosophical now are we? ", she chuckled, "Well I think that there are several view on reality and everyone has their own perspective. Reality can be seen in multiple angles but why can't all of them be true at the same time. ".

"As for the second question, hmm I see it just as another form of growing up. We are totally different from how we acted back when we were kids. But that does not mean that we are a different person, we just grew due to different experiences. So even if the past you is different from the present you it's still the same person, the person that I love. I love you, every version of you. "

She said the last sentence with a tone that suggested that she knew the question was regarding my inner turmoil.

 She had tried to make sense of my weird question even though she didn't have the full context

At this I couldn't hold my emotions inside any longer and flipped her over as I pinned her body against the bed with my body looming over her.

"I love you, Stella. " I managed to say before taking her lips with mine in a passionate kiss. Stella placed her arms around my neck as she pulled me closer.

This chapter's first draft got deleted somehow so I had to rewrite it.

What a drag.

Konrad_iguesscreators' thoughts