
Chapter 3

After reading the report she received from the head quarters about the Rocks pirates Tsuru gently rubbed her forehead and sighed.

On their way to Impel Down as promised Ian began to do chores that he promised. After getting sufficient food to eat his body became healthy.

Everyone on ship had gotten used to him being around. In his free time he started to go to the kitchen to ask the chef about various recipes and ingredients.

When they asked why he is learning them he said that last time when he was in the wild when he was hungry and he ate a suspicious looking mushroom and fell sick because of that. If the marines did not find him on time he would surely be dead.

He said," Life is precious especially Ian's life", and resumed his work. He also learn how to clean the guns and maintain them from the marines.

After adjusting the timing and getting the work done in an efficient manner he has some free time in his hands. He went to Tsuru to ask her if she has any books to borrow so that he can pass time.

She then asked him if he can read and write. He answered that he can read but he cannot write because his hands are small and cannot hold properly.

She gave him some books about marine laws and some history books. Thus after his reading included in his daily routine.

Every day he wakes up at 5 and starts the cleaning. After that he helps in kitchen by washing the vegetables. Then when the ship cook starts preparing the breakfast he observes it from the side.

When the breakfast is finished he helps in the clean up. Later he pesters Tsuru for books and starts to read them. When it is time for lunch he helps in the kitchen.

After lunch if it is a sunny day then he lazes around by the shade on the deck. If it is rainy then he lazes in his room.

One day when he was inside Tsuru's office to get a book from the bookshelf a sea king attacked the ship. At that moment two books fell from the shelf and are about to fall on Ian. Tsuru was about to help him when he dodged them even though he did not see them.

He then became frightened when two big books fell on the spot he was standing. He wiped his cold sweat. Tsuru saw this and was amazed. [ Observation Haki ], she thought. Though he awakened it by accident, this showed his potential.

After taking care of the sea king she returned to her office and called for the kid. She thought for moment, when the kid came into the office she asked him, " Kid, I know that you are smart so I will ask you directly. Are you willing to join marines?"

Seeing Ian thinking she said, " No need to answer immediately. You can give your answer after we arrive at Impel Down. Now go."

Ian left the room without saying anything. Though he is only two years old due to his circumstances he was forced to have mature mindset and along with his high intellect his mental age is that of a teenager.

So he began to asses the pros and cons of joining the marines. He then went around the ship asking the crew about their job and what they usually do.

He then began reading the books about marines in the ship. Though he lived for two years and of which his aware of only one year due to the environment he grew up he can tell when people are lying and when they are not.

After 3 days they arrived at Impel Down. When Ian first saw the huge gate he was beyond amazed. When the handover of the prisoners is done they set off to Marine ford.

Ian went to Tsuru's office and said, "Ian will become Marine", then he asked about how he should join.

Tsuru said that they are going to the marine head quarters and will be there for some time. She said that given given how young he is he cannot join the marines intelligent or not, as it is simply throwing away one's life.

She said that he will be staying with her until and start gaining relevant knowledge about the world, and study various subjects with her as she doesn't want him to be like a muscle head who only use brawns instead of their brains to solve problems.

After meeting the required age he will be joining the elite camp to start his marine training. On the second day they arrived at Marineford. After docking the crew was given a day leave.

Tsuru asked someone to take the kid to her house, while she went to Fleet Admirals Kong's office to give a report of her patrol.

By the time she arrived Garp, Sengoku and Zephyr are all present and are waiting in front of the office to report.

The four of them are the excellent marines in the current generation. Their individual strength is on par with the admirals and each of them are proficient in their own area of expertise.

Garp is proficient in one on one battles. His fists have the power to shatter mountains. He can fight evenly with pirate Gol D. Roger.

Sengoku's strength is also on par with Garp, but his main expertise lie in leading the troops as he is an excellent commander.

Zephyr is good at training the troops. And his personal strength is slightly less than that of Garp. In future his students call him Z sensei.

Tsuru is specialist in strategies. Her personal strength is on par with Zephyr. Her main job is as a staff officer and an advisor.

Among the four Sengoku and Garp are Vice Admirals. Zephyr and Tsuru are Rear Admirals.

Zephyr and Tsuru mainly lack contribution points because they mainly stay at HQ, as their jobs do not have much field work. Only when there not enough man power are they given order to deploy. They are the backup in case Garp and Sengoku need reinforcements.

Folks give some suggestions on some interesting devil fruit that can be given to mc. Thank You.

Lazy_onecreators' thoughts
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