
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Weatheria and Big News

Year 1501

It has been ten years since he arrived in this world, he was adopted by Portgas D. Rouge as a kid and was lucky to have found a good family. He grew up happy as a child and proved himself as a very intelligent kid. When he was six, he learned about his Kryptonian heritage from the A.I who calls himself Jor-El. The Kryptonian race was one of the strongest and most scientifically advanced in its universe that can harness energy from the sun. From that day Nova was continuously tutored by Kal-El to control his powers and take them to next level. Later, Roger the King of the Pirates arrived at Bastille after conquering the Grand Line but his heart was conquered by Rouge. Nova's days couldn't have been better after Roger's arrival, he had so many fun memories of the three of them spending each day happily. Roger also understood Nova's potential and taught him swordsmanship and Haki training method, he was Nova's father figure who cheered his small and big achievements. But fate was like a b*tch sometimes, Roger's knowledge of the void century posed a threat to the World Government, so a massive purge was started to hunt down anyone related to Roger. In order to protect his family and his nakama, Roger surrendered to the Marines. In August 1500 Roger was executed to serve as an example to those who wanted to oppose the rule of the World Government, but all those plans went to drain with Roger's declaration about the One Piece. Many pirates sailed to the Grand Line in search of wealth, fame and power starting the great pirate era.

Nova with the help of the villagers hid Rogue in the dropship when the Marines arrived on the island. Rouge in the safety of the dropship nurtured a new life, Roger and Rouge's child Ace was born twelve months after Roger's execution. In order to save the child from the prying eyes of the Government she decided to follow Roger's decision and handed her child to the Marine Hero Garp on the night he was born.

After Garp left with Ace, Nova and Rouge knew that they had to go into hiding to avoid being caught by the World Government and CP members who might discover their relationship with Roger one day. They quickly packed their belongings and made their way to Nova's dropship, a high-tech vessel with advanced flying technology.

Nova began to worry about their next actions, as they lifted off from Bastille Island. He knew they couldn't stay in one place for too long, and they needed to find a safe place to stay. He asked the A.I scanned for any safe place and began to scan the surrounding areas for any signs of the island. They had been flying for days, constantly checking their maps and trying to find a place to hide, when suddenly the ship's A.I. alerted them to a strange energy signal coming from the clouds. Rogue thought there was some error in the machine but Jor-El assured that all the equipment was working properly.

Curious, Nova and Rouge decided to investigate the signal and flew the airship into the clouds. As they soared higher and higher, they suddenly found themselves enveloped in a strange, thick fog. The A.I. helped them navigate through the fog, and eventually, they broke through to the other side.

What they saw left them in awe. They found themselves floating in the middle of a cluster of clouds, surrounded by incredible machinery and gadgets they had never seen before. As they flew closer, they realized they had discovered an entire floating city. It was a beautiful island filled with fluffy clouds and flying creatures. Nova was fascinated by the sight of it, and he decided to land his airship on the island to take a closer look.

When the ship landed on the Island, Nova and Rouge were greeted by a group of bearded scientists and inventors who called themselves "Weatherians". They were very friendly and welcoming people who were fascinated by the technology of Nova's airship. Nova and Rouge explained their situation to the residents, and they were offered a place to stay on the island.

As days went by, Rouge recovered her health and started exploring the island. She became amazed by the technology and knowledge of the Weatherians. They had mastered the art of manipulating the weather, and their inventions ranged from weather balloons to wind turbines. She saw this as an opportunity to learn more about the world and hone her skills. The researchers were more than happy to teach Rouge everything they knew and in return, Nova promised to lend his scientific knowledge to them.

Meanwhile, Nova was very happy when he saw Rouge slowly recover, he was also relieved that he had succesfully rescued his mother from World Governmennts reach. They had a good house with showers and washing machines and the weather here was very comfortable with lot of shunshine. He is now adept in controlling his powers to a high degree but once he hits his teens, his body will go through a massive boost in his powers. Till now he has learned basic armament Haki and learned swordsmanship to a respectable degree. He has unlocked some of his inherited powers, one is heat-vision which allows him to fire beams from his eyes that can melt metals, x-ray vision, super strength, speed and hearing which gives an incredible boost to his strength. His favourite power so far is the ability to fly, he can instinctually manipulate the gravity and electromagnetic field around him to lift off and fly at extremely high speeds, even breaking the sound barrier. He loves the feeling of flight and he would fly off from Weatheria whenever he felt bored. Rouge has repeatedly told him not to go too far worrying about his safety so he tries not to fly off too far.

One day he was flying above the West Blue Sea, when something caught his attention. A merchant ship was being chased by a group of pirates and a barrage of cannon balls. He started debating whether to intervene or not, on one hand, he had confidence in saving the innocent civilians but he didn't want to draw the attention of the marines. Finally, he couldn't watch anymore and decided to follow his heart, he covered his face with a mask and pulled up his hoodie.

Nova swooped down towards the pirate ship, landing on the deck with a loud thud. The pirates were taken aback by his sudden appearance but quickly recovered and unsheathed their weapons. Nova stood calmly, his hood still up and his mask hiding his face. He drew his sword from his scabbard, the blade glinting in the sunlight.

Pirate Captain: "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little hero trying to save the day?"

"I'm not trying to be a hero! I'm just doing what's right." Nova replied firmly.

"Ha! Right, what a joke. You think you can take on my crew all by yourself? You're a cocky one, aren't you? Let's see if you can back up that talk."

"Bring it on."

"Men, let's show this little hero what the Jones Pirates are made of! We're pirates, we're not afraid to fight dirty, everyone kills this brat first." The pirate captain ordered.

"I'm not afraid of a little dirt."

"You may have some fancy powers, but you're still just a kid."

"You're not the first pirate I've fought, and you won't be the last." Nova replied and a frightening aura oozed out of him.

Many burly and armed pirates charged at Nova, but he was quick to react. He used his super speed to dodge their attacks, his sword flashing as he parried their strikes. He then unleashed a devastating blow, knocking one of the pirates off the ship and into the water below.

The remaining pirates were not deterred, however. They continued their onslaught with more tenacity, but Nova was more than a match for them. His swordsmanship was precise and deadly, his blows cutting through their defences and leaving them vulnerable.

Nova then decided to use his heat vision. He aimed his eyes at the mast of the ship and fired a beam of intense heat. The mast caught fire and quickly began to crumble. The pirates were now in disarray, trying to put out the fire and keep their ship afloat.

Nova took advantage of their confusion and leapt into the air. He then used his flight to circle the ship, surveying the scene below. He saw that some of the pirates were not giving up, and were preparing to launch another attack.

"Run!! He's a monster!!", One of the pirates shouted and jumped off the ship.

Nova flew down towards the pirates, his speed increasing with each passing second. He landed on the deck with tremendous force, sending shockwaves through the ship. The pirates were caught off guard and stumbled backwards. Nova then unleashed his full power. He channeled his super strength and delivered a massive blow, sending several pirates flying off the ship and into the water below. The remaining pirates were now frightened and began to retreat.

Nova stood victorious on the deck of the ship, his hood still up and his mask hiding his face. He sheathed his sword and looked out at the sea, the wind blowing through his hair. He found a small goal in his life; he will become the hope of the world and make this world a better place no matter what. He will not shy away from violence if the need arrives. Also, he cannot be in all places at the same time, he will need a group of strong and like minded people to achieve his goal.

The merchant ship returned when they noticed someone protecting them. When they arrived, the pirates were already defeated and the masked hero was nowhere to be seen. They immediately captured the defeated pirated and headed towards the nearby marine base.

Meanwhile, a cunning and elusive reporter of the World Economy News, who was trying to find some interesting news was also present on the merchant ship. As Morgan watched the battle unfold, he saw a figure soaring through the air, masked and hooded, and he knew that he had a great story to tell. He quickly pulled out his camera and began snapping pictures of the masked hero in action.

Once the battle was over, Morgan rushed back to his newspaper office to develop the pictures and write his story. As he looked through the images, he saw one that stood out above the rest - a picture of the masked hero hovering in mid-air, his mask pulled down slightly to reveal a strong jawline and intense eyes.

Morgan grinned as he realized that this picture would make a perfect headline for tomorrow's newspaper. He quickly wrote up a story about the heroic intervention of the masked stranger, describing in detail the pirate attack and the incredible abilities of the mysterious hero who had saved the day.

As he submitted his story and the picture to the printing press, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the response it would get from the public. The next day the news coo flew all over the seas and delivered the newspaper with a cool-looking photo of a masked man on one of the pages. The headline of the article was "Masked Hero Saves the Day in Epic Pirate Battle!" reporting the details of the event.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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