
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Love in first sight

Roger had sneaked onto the island of Bastille, trying to keep a low profile after the Marines had been hunting him down. He went to the best hotel in the village and booked a room for himself. After resting for a few days, he decided to explore the island and scout the area.

The marketplace in Bastille had a European vibe to it, with cobblestone streets and stores selling a variety of goods. The air was filled with the scent of spices and fresh seafood, and the sound of haggling could be heard from every direction. The stalls were piled high with colorful fruits and vegetables, freshly baked bread, and exotic spices. There were also vendors selling handmade clothing, jewelry, and pottery. The people who walked through the marketplace were a mix of locals and travelers, some dressed in the traditional garb of the island and others in more modern clothing.

Despite the hustle and bustle, there was a peaceful quality to the place. The sun shone down on the market, casting a warm glow over everything, and a light breeze carried the scent of salt and fish from the nearby docks. The shopkeepers would call out to each other, exchanging jokes and barbs as they tried to outdo one another. Children ran through the stalls, laughing and playing games. It was a lively and vibrant place, full of energy and excitement. It was the kind of place where people knew each other by name and greeted each other with a smile, and strangers were welcomed with cautious curiosity.

As he turned a corner, he almost collided with a small boy, who looked up at him with wide blue eyes. "Watch where you're going, mister!" the boy exclaimed. The ice cream in his hand almost dropped but Roger swiftly caught it before it fell on the ground.

Roger chuckled. "Sorry about that, little guy, here's your ice cream. What's your name?"

"I'm Nova," the boy said proudly. "And I'm not little, I'm five years old!" He said while showing his small fingers.

"Ah, my mistake," Roger said with a grin. "So, Nova, what brings you to the marketplace?"

"I'm helping my mom," Nova said, puffing out his chest. "She sells flowers over there." He pointed to a nearby store.

"Sounds like hard work," Roger said. "But I bet you're a great helper."

Nova beamed with pride. "I am! But sometimes I get bored. You seem new on the island, do you wanna play a game with me?"

Roger was taken aback by the boy's sudden enthusiasm. "Sure, I guess. What game do you have in mind?"

Nova thought for a moment before his eyes lit up with an idea. "How about we play 'pretend'? You can be a pirate, and I'll be a Marine!"

Roger couldn't help but chuckle after hearing Nova's words. What interested him more was his 'Voice of All Things' activated. He was sure that the necklace around Nova's neck was something special, he got a similar yet alien feeling from when he found the road ponyglyphs.

Intrigued, Roger replied while laughing, "You want me to play a pirate? All right, I can do that very well."

Nova grinned. "Okay, but you have to let me catch you!"

Roger smiled indulgently. "All right, kid. You're on."

The two of them took off running and playing through the marketplace, with Nova shouting "Stop in the name of the law!" and Roger pretending to be a swashbuckling pirate. The locals looked on in amusement as they watched the unlikely duo play their game and laughed as they cheered for Nova.

After playing for some time, Nova decided to be Roger's guide and took him around the town to explore. As they walked, Nova pointed out all the interesting things he had discovered on the island, from hidden caves to rare plants. Roger found himself becoming increasingly fascinated by the boy's enthusiasm and curiosity.

As they walked, Roger couldn't help but wonder about the boy's background. He seemed too intelligent and resourceful to be an ordinary islander. While playing he also noticed that the boy was more powerful than ordinary kids. He has only seen this type of constitution in the children in Elbaf, the island of Giants. What's more impressive was that the boy never got tired, after running so long he didn't break a sweat.

Eventually, they came to a stop as a woman's voice interrupted them. "Nova, what are you doing?"

Roger turned to see a woman with long pink-blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He felt his heart skip a beat as he realized who it was.

"Mommy!" Nova exclaimed. "We were playing pretend. I was a Marine and he was a pirate!"

The woman looked at Roger with suspicion. "And who are you supposed to be?"

Roger hesitated for a moment before deciding to take a chance. "My name is Roger, I am the new resident in the village. I arrived a few days ago, Nova was showing me around the island" he said with a smile. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Roger's heart skipped a beat as he watched her approach. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her. The woman studied him for a moment before finally relaxing. " I'm sorry, has Nova been bothering you?"

Roger shook his head. "No, not at all. In fact, he's been quite an entertaining companion."

Rogue raised an eyebrow. "Really? Most people find him quite a handful."

Roger smiled. "Well, I suppose I'm not most people."

Nova beamed with pride as he told Rogue what he did the whole day, and Roger couldn't help but feel a warmth in his chest at the sight. This boy, and the woman who had come to collect him, were certainly unlike anyone he had ever met before.

"Let's go home, Nova! It's starting to get dark." Rogue said sternly and Nova followed after her. "Bye Bye, Mr. Pirate. Will you play with me tomorrow?"

Roger nodded, unable to take his eyes off the beautiful woman. As she led Nova away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. He knew that he had to see them again. During his conversations with Nova, the boy never mentioned having a father and continuously praised his mother for being the most beautiful, now Roger realized that the boy was not lying.

Nova's first impression of Roger was that he was a fun and playful adult who didn't mind playing pretend with a kid. Nova was highly intelligent and could tell that Roger was different from the other adults he had met on the island. He found Roger's pirate act amusing and enjoyed chasing him around the marketplace. However, Nova was also observant and could sense that there was something more to Roger than just a playful demeanor. He could tell that Roger was trying to keep a low profile and was being careful about what he said and did.

As Nova and his mother walked away, Nova couldn't help but think about the stranger he had just played with. He wondered why his name seemed familiar and why his mother had been so suspicious of him. Nova decided to keep an eye on Roger, but not in a menacing way, just out of curiosity. He had a feeling that there was more to this man than met the eye, and he was determined to find out what it was.


A/N: Please comment and give reviews if you like my story. It takes a lot of effort to write and these feedbacks helps keep me motivated.

**What kind of DF mc should have? Give some suggestions**

Also MC is still a kid so don't expect him to do unimaginable feats right now. I will focus more on emotional and character growth with time. You can expect a ruthless MC in future.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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