
One Piece: Luffy The Harem King

Monkey D. Luffy and his crew beat the shit out of Arlong and finally freed the Cocoyashi village… As a thanks from Nami and her sister Nojiko, they invited Luffy to their house. Luffy thought he might get more meat or anything related to food, but little did he know… .. … …. (...) After Nami and Nojiko showed him the wonders of making love. Luffy D. Monkey is ready to conquer every woman on his path to becoming the King of Pirates and the Harem King. Luffy The Harem Master, story begins by Taming two beautiful big-breasted girls. Note: The story is taking two different timelines: 1. Flashback 1: Luffy The Pirate and Harem King. 2. FlashBack 2: The Beginning of Becoming the Harem King. Note: The author is not interested in battles and all that shit, but rather Taming and cultivating the finest p*ssies the One Piece world has to offer. ******** WARNING: This is pure HENTAI Fanfic, all One Piece Waifus are R18. Huge Harem, Erotism, BDSM, Masochistic girls, Virgin girls, MILFs, NO NTR, Pure Smut, girls Loyal to the MC, One Piece Lemon. Patreon Disclaimer: 10 advanced chapters ahead Webnovel available now at: https://www.patreon.com/SMU_NANI

AB_NANI · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Cultivating the Kuja Busties [Starting Marguerite]

Luffy kicked open the door leading to the Throne Room, his prize still thrown over his shoulder. 

Hancock was already there sitting upon her actual throne, not just the one her snake formed for her, and she was addressing the six young Kuja women who would soon become Luffy's new crewmates.

He was pleased to see that she wasn't sitting alone, she was sharing her throne with Robin. Each of them took turns explaining the 'ground rules' they would have to obey on the trip. 

Luffy wasn't bothered by them setting rules even though he was the Captain, they were both exceptionally smart women, so he was sure they'd properly plan everything out. 

Luffy smiled at the two girls on the throne and walked over to the line of Kuja. 

They all widened their eyes as they saw him approach, and stood up straighter. They were blushing slightly, and staring at him lustfully. Each one looked ready to jump his bones at any moment. 

He stepped up to the line of women and set down the furiously blushing blonde, "There we go!" 

Enishida looked completely frazzled, glancing between him and Hancock. Torn between being happy that Luffy had noticed her, and nervous of how Hancock would take her presence. 

"Oh my..." Robin lightly laughed, "Another one, Luffy?" 

"Yep! I like her so she's coming with us! Plus... her job sounded important. I think she'll be a big help!" The honesty in Luffy's voice had Enishida trembling. Both from pure embarrassment and awe at the man before her. 

"My Lady's Maid," Hancock noted, staring at Enishida with a critical eye. 

"Isn't that nice?" Robin said, pleased to go along with her Captain's decision, "It's only proper that your servant accompanies you right? I think we'll find quite a few uses for her on the ship, Luffy can be quite... rough with clothing when he's in the mood." 

"Very well." Hancock agreed.

Inwardly she was overjoyed Luffy found another one of her subjects that he liked, but she was still in front of her Kuja and had to remain outwardly professional. 

Not that the rest of this meeting would be very 'professional'. 

She cleared her throat and met Enishida's eyes with a stern look, "As Luffy has decided, you will be accompanying us on our journey. I have just finished laying out the ground rules to the other Kuja selected, and will explain them to you in detail later. For now, I expect you to follow their lead. Don't disappoint me." 

"Yes, Empress!" Enishida bowed in compliance, her heart soaring with happiness at the unexpected opportunity. 

With that matter settled she turned to Luffy.

Her stern expression melted away into a much more loving one, "Now Luffy, I have gathered the four winners of the tournament along with the two you requested! I hope they are to your liking! Please inspect them for yourself!" 

"Shi shi shi..." Luffy chuckled, eyes running over the fit, nubile bodies of the gathered Kuja. He looked at them hungrily, like pieces of meat.

Each woman was young, powerful, and sexy, truly the pride of the Kuja. He couldn't wait to conquer them all to himself. 

The gathered women all stood proudly even under his scrutiny. They were the best in the village after all, and held no shame as they stood before him. 

As he inspected each one, walking down the line, he caught sight of a blonde head of hair on the opposite side. A wide smile stretched his face, and he walked over to her. The ladies he passed pouted with disappointment but didn't let it show on their faces. Not in front of him. 

"Marguerite!" He greeted her cheerfully.

Luffy hadn't seen her in quite some time, and he had cheered her on during the Tournament. He was quite pleased she'd won, and was surprised how strong she had gotten. 

She returned Luffy's wide smile and greeted him with a slight bow, "Luffy! I'm so happy to see you again." 

His grin turned slightly more... primal, "I'm really excited to have you on my crew, Marguerite! We're going to have so much fun together!" 

"Thank you for letting me have this chance Luffy! I won't let you down, I promise- Mmpf?!" 

Not a moment after the words left her mouth, her chin was cupped and she was pulled in for a kiss.

Her body locked up, but she relaxed and did her best to kiss back. Hancock had explained the things that would be expected of her. In detail. If Luffy wanted her, right here, right now, with her new crewmates and the Empress herself watching... then he'd have her. 

Luffy kissed Marguerite passionately, not wasting any time. He had seven girls to work through, after all. Still, he took a moment to feel those soft, full lips pressing against his. His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her close, pushing her body against his as his tongue pushed past her lips.

He kissed her hungrily, and by the time he pulled back, she was breathless, red in the face. 

He grinned as she wore that lost, dreamy-eyed expression women tended to have around him and shifted his eyes lower. She was still wearing that familiar animal skin bikini, one that looked like it was designed to show as much cleavage as possible, hardly containing her large boobs. 

Therefore, it was easy for him to slip his hands under the cloth, and grab her tits directly. She moans softly but doesn't move, simply letting him have his way with her body. 

He grins as he plays with her large breasts. She had been his first friend on the island, and he really missed out back then. All the fun they could've had... but now he was different, and he'd make up for lost time! 

Her creamy white skin molds under his touch, the firm springiness of her body endlessly fun to toy with. The small, light pink nubs of her nipples stuck out between his fingers and he had an urge to pinch them. 

Therefore, he did.

"An!" She inhaled sharply, her thighs rubbing together as a spark of pleasure shot through her body.

He chuckled at her reaction and released her breasts, for now, watching them drop and wobble back into place.

Luffy placed a hand on her thigh, and another on her waist. He pulled her thigh up against his side, and she instinctively grabbed onto his shoulders for support. 

He reached down to her animal skin loincloth and didn't hesitate to rip it from her body. Exposing her hairless mound. He slipped down his pants, and she gasped as she felt his cock slap against her thigh. He was already painfully hard, in a room with horny bikini-clad women, and didn't hesitate to line his crown up with Marguerite's wet entrance. 

Luffy drove it right in, taking her virginity for himself.

There was no pain for her as he plunged into her depths, only overwhelming pleasure. Marguerite wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him for support as he started to fuck her hard standing up.

He held nothing back, his large cock thrusting into her wet pussy fast and fierce. Her mind was assaulted with unfamiliar sensations, and it wasn't long before her first orgasm crashed down on her.

Marguerite's legs shook as her pussy clenched around his cock, her body going numb. She would've surely fallen if not for Luffy's strong arms supporting her weight easily. 

Luffy didn't let up even as she moaned and panted in his ear, arms wrapped around his body tightly. Instead, he let her sounds of pleasure drive him on, and he pistoned into her cunt even faster than before. 

His massive cock kissed her cervix as his own climax hit, and he held her body close as he came hard, his cum flooding her womb. She cried out, her body still trembling against his as she felt his cum fill her entirely.

The Blonde Busty's body feels warm and numb from the sensation overload.

Luffy sighed in satisfaction as he pulled out of her soaked cunny, a stream of his cum already starting to leak down her leg. He noticed she was quite out of it, and gently lowered her to the floor, letting her rest as he stepped over to the next Amazon. 


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