
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The 5 Elders 2

Sengoku went on to try and have the broadcast cut, as what they were about to do next was dirty. But Buggy made his move to take one of the snails. I also took one of the snails, although I turned mine off temporarily.

I went on to watch everything that followed, from one of Whitebeard's so-called children running a sword through him to Whitebeard angrily joining the battle before Whitebeard went on to flip the world upside down, to the pirates being trapped within a wall by the marines while the pacifists moved in from the back, killing countless of them, and the ice under them about to melt, but soon the time came to make another move.

Turning on the snail, I aimed it toward the view of Luffy shooting out of the sea, landing before the 3 admirals. to say the least, this shocked Sengoku. This caused Sengoku to look all over, and quickly his eyes landed on me

"Old man, Long time no see," I said with a gentle wave,

"SORA!" Sengoku yelled, causing everyone to turn towards me. I just laughed seeing I was the center of everyone's attention.

"What? Do the Marines not want their dirty tricks to be shown all over the world? My bad, you should have told me ahead of time." I said with a shake of my head,

"Kill him!" Sengoku said to which Kizaru made his move, but his path was blocked by Yamato who suddenly appeared before me, sending him flying back.

"Yamato?" Senhoku said in confusion.

"My bad, allow me to introduce you... this is Yamato, Kaido's daughter. She wanted to join the fun to save Ace." I said with a shrug, to which Yamato glared at me, not liking the fact she had to wait all this time to make a move.

"Kaido has a daughter?" everyone was shocked at the news, and even more so as Yamato could match an admiral in power.

"So, you're here to save Ace..." Sengoku said having a bad feeling. if Kaido came, then things would be bad and Kaido was a wild card

"No, I just came to make an announcement. But I will wait until this stuff clears up." I said with a smile, before looking at Whitebeard who was looking at me with a deep frown.

"You know what would happen after your death old man, we talked about this a few years ago. What's your next move?" I asked with a smile, causing Whitebeard to look deeply at me and back at Ace.

"I will entrust my crew onto you..." Whitebeard said, shocking the world. At that, I laughed while standing

"Then, since they are now under my protection... you're not allowed to touch them. or else I will join the battle." I said while looking at Sengoku who glared at me,

"Kill them all," Sengoku said with a challenging glare, but the next moment he looked towards the sky in shock as a bolt of lightning fell from the heavens, hitting Ace and causing the spot in which they stood to fall towards the ground.

Ace's body exploded into a sea of flames, before wind gathered, sending him flying into the sky. everyone looked as Dragon floated in the sky, and a stunned Ace was carried by the wind next to him.

But Ace was shocked seeing as Dragon wasn't alone as someone he thought had long died was with him. Sabo. Luffy was also shocked seeing Sabo,

"... now, I'm sure you and I both know the world government isn't ready to face my wrath," I said with a cold and mocking smile, leaving Sengoku gritting his teeth to the point he might really die of anger.

"But before anything, I want to talk. because many people here are a bunch of fools, allow me to help you all understand what you're fighting for." I said while looking at all of the marines, before waving my hand, calling over a celestial dragon who was on my side. Sengoku and everyone else froze seeing a world noble.

"Go ahead, tell them the truth," I said while he nodded towards me, before looking at everyone there.

"I'm Saint Donquixote Mjosgard, A world noble. I know you all fight for justice, but the justice you fight for is filled with lies. the world government you know is corrupt to the core." He said stunning everyone who just listened.

"In the world government, there are 5 elders who run the world. they have been alive for hundreds of years, controlling this world from the shadows. above them is the true all-powerful ruler of this world, Imu. A being aiming to flood the world. we celestial dragons wear these clothing not to breathe the same air as you, but to survive on the day the flood comes. already, worldwide, sea levels have been increasing. You think they would save you when they see everyone outside as nothing more than lesser lifeforms?" He yelled, causing the air to turn still

"The world is ending, Gol D. Roger made the first move to save this world. by setting the world out to sea, he opened a new era of pirates to find the one piece. Gol D. Roger didn't leave the one piece, he simply found it. and it holds the key to defeating the world government." He said sending the world into chaos

"even if you don't believe me, let me ask you... What's so noble about me? for many years, my family had been doing inbreeding to try and keep our blood pure... all for what? we were all humans like you hundreds of years ago. There were just 20 families which united to take over the world. We look down upon you all when we were once you even though we are. we enslave you all, hunt you for games, torture you for our twisted pleasure. How could you stand there and say you fight for justice yet ignore the evil before you?" He yelled with tears in his eyes,

"this world needs to change, people like Dragon have been fighting for a brighter future for everyone. No one is more noble than anyone else, we are all equal. not even the 5 elders and Imu are above anyone else. they just used a devil fruit to make themselves immortal. this world is twisted, and if we all work together, then we can fix it before it's too late!" He screamed, causing many marines to drop their swords and weapons.

"We have the ball to see what's wrong with his world. Grandpa, whose side are you on." Taking the snail back, I looked towards Garp, while also pointing the snail at him. Everyone was shocked hearing me calling him grandpa, but before they could ask any questions Garp's next actions sent them into an uproar.

Garp slowly walked out, Sengoku was also hit hard by the words. but seeing Garp walking forward, he wanted to stop him, but he froze feeling great danger.

"I didn't know the truth of this world... I'm stepping down as a Marine." Garp said while removing his Marine clothing. he looked as if he had aged a few years, being the Marine hero was something he took great pride in... but now it all looked like a joke. His eyes were opened the last time he met with me, as I had given him a paper. He knew the world government was no good, he hated the celestial dragons, but he had no choice but to ignore them as what could he do?

"Same," Kizaru said while following Garp. Aokiji looked around for some time, before sighing and walking forward to follow Garp. what shocked everyone was the world lord's next actions, as Boa Hancock moved to join us, Mihawk, Donquixote Doflamingo, Gecko Moria... well, pretty much all of them moved to my side. what followed was many other marines moving to our side.

"... are you all fools? how on earth would the world government even have the power to sink the world!" Sengoku said trying to poke holes in my words.

"Are you dumb? Have you never noticed how huge holes in the sea just appear? Of course, you noticed, Enies Lobby is one of them." I said while giving someone the signal, from the sky, a huge white blanket fell, allowing a snail to project an image onto it.

"What you are about to see here is the world government weapon, but for everyone at home watching, I would have to turn this off. because you will all panic and cause more trouble." I said while turning off the snail in my hands. everyone looked towards the image, where they saw a rain of fire landing on an island nonstop, erasing it from the world, and leaving behind a huge hole in the sea that never disappears.

"thats the world government weapon they have been working on, known as the mother flame. anywhere in the world, any island is within their target. they were just testing it out, and god damn is it powerful. I still don't understand the logic of how the wholes don't close, but your thoughts?" I asked with a smile, and that was everything everyone needed to know,

Turning on the snail, I went on to show the world the sight of the defeated marines who no longer had the will to fight, before pointing it towards me.

"Now... let's begin the celestial dragon hunt. I'm placing a bounty on all of their head, a billion per head. Find them, and bring them to the nearest Marine base and you're a rich man. All slave traders? They also have a bounty on their head, 100 million. Go crazy, you want to save your world then you do your parts. We will do the hard battles." I said pointing the snail towards the head clouds gathering, as within the clouds 5 really angry people slowly made their appearance. 

"Do you think the world knowing would change a thing?" An old man with a staff asked coldly, not even bothering to defend himself. so what if the ants and lower lifeforms knew? they were going to die at the end of the day.

"It's been ages since I went all out," I said while stretching my body, my Haki spread out, as I got ready to fight. be it the ground, the air, or the sky, everything shook at my Conqueror Haki. Garp and a few others looked at me in shock, as all they saw while looking at me were Rocks, it's been ages since they saw such scary levels of Conqueror Haki.

The thousands of people there all fainted, even someone with a strong will like Luffy fainted. But as Luffy fell to the ground, a bald old man appeared before Luffy, his sword cutting towards Luffy's neck.

Dragon wanted to act, but it was too late when his attention was on me just a moment ago. But he didn't need to act as a sword appeared before the sword, saving Luffy.

"... You!" the Old man said angrily looking at Shanks who was coldly looking at him.

"Thats funny... Did I allow you to attack him?" My cold voice filled the air, while I looked down upon the old man, who didn't even bother to look at me... I of course would not take that level of disrespect

"Kill," I said coldly, Shiki let out a laugh light while shooting towards the 4 elders in the sky. from afar, Dragon made his appearance, while also shooting towards the Elders, with a Linlin who was holding her sword covered in flames and lightning. Dragon also shot forward, while Shanks sent the bold elder flying away, 

"Leave the island, it would be destroyed... well, I have to go fight the embodiment of a living nightmare," I said while floating up, looking at the shadowy figure in the sky. Imu.