
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Sick 2

"Y-you want to take me away?" Hancock asked with a bright red face, to which I nodded lightly.

"But I can't just take you away, we have to talk. Do you love me?" I asked to which Hancock's face turned bright red, not knowing what to say. She wanted to say no, but her mouth couldn't say those words.

"I ask that because when I look at you... I see you as the only woman worthy of being my wife." I said causing an explosion to go off in her head. Her face turned bright red, you could say her attraction towards me went from a crush to falling in love with those words of mine.

"But I have other women in my life... Although You would be number one, I plan to have a concubine. I respect you, so I will tell you that." I said causing Boa to freeze for a moment, her face twisted not knowing what to say or feel for a moment, but in the end, her love overcame all.

"I don't care." She said to which I looked at her for a moment before I reached out a hand, which Hancock took with a blush. I picked her up into a princess carry, causing her to almost faint. things were moving too fast for her heart to handle.

"I will bring her back soon..." I said while the windows opened. before I shot out, flying off with Hancock who held on to me seeing how high up we were in the sky.

"W-where are we going?" Hancock said with unease seeing as we were a bit too high in the sky, where the clouds were starting to look small.

"Have you ever heard of the island in the clouds?" I asked stunning Hancock as she thought that was a myth. I smiled while looking up ahead, leaving Hancock's eyes wide looking at the dozens of islands that rested within the clouds.

"Welcome to my home," I said with a soft voice, while Hancock's eyes were wide. I went on to touch on the island which was a cloud, where we walked threw the streets, while I showed Hancock around. everyone couldn't help but look towards Hancock as they had never seen anyone so beautiful...

"This place is so beautiful..." In my throne room, I sat and stood to the side while Hancock looked at the place which was covered in gold.

"Yet you outshine it all," I said softly, causing Hancock's face to turn red, not expecting those words. She looked at me, not knowing what to say. I just pulled her into my arms, and while looking into her eyes,

"I want to kiss you, may I?" I asked softly, causing Hancock's face to turn redder than ever. As a person new to these feelings, slow and steady was what her heart needed. But she nodded, her inner desires wanted it.

So, we went on to share a kiss. Hancock was stiff at first, but a second later her body seemed to melt into my arms, the kiss seemly stealing her soul. A kiss so good her memory seemed to be affected, she was sure if I wanted, I could have erased her memory with a kiss... but I didn't.

her arms wrapped around me, pulling my head closer to her own. I couldn't control my hands, as they found their way to her butt, which I played with, molding the huge soft flesh in my palms. Hancock let out of soft moan at my actions, she broke the kiss to get my attention, giving me a look that said it all...

So, a night of Hancock's cries of pleasure followed. My gut feeling was right as Hancock was the one, the sex was amazing, but this sex was different, as it was slow and steady, unlike other times when I had sex, where I just worried mainly about myself. But that wasn't a problem for those I was having sex with.

"I should go check up on Robin... oh, it's morning." I thought while about to go to sleep, just to realize it was morning. This was the first time I ever felt tired after having sex, but I didn't say anything while flying off, leaving Hancock sleeping in bed.

I shot off and went to Enies Lobby. Enies Lobby, also known as the Judicial Island, is a government-controlled stronghold in Paradise. Enies Lobby is located on an island referred to as both the "afternoon island" and the "never-night island"It was one of the World Government's three major strongholds, and the headquarters of CP9.

The gate at Enies Lobby leads to both Marineford and Impel Down. Because of this, there were many government agents stationed there, roughly 10,000 men, a mix of those from both the World Government and the Marines. The island also had a courthouse, which made it easy to transfer high-level criminals through Enies Lobby and directly into Impel Down, or to the Marine Headquarters.

Due to the Straw Hat Pirates, the Galley-La Company, and the Franky Family invading, as well as the subsequent Buster Call, the island has been annihilated and left in ruins. When I arrived, everything had already finished, leaving nothing for me to do.

By the way, the Mother Flame was tested here before, leading to Enies Lobby having a hole in the sea that was never filled up...

A few days later, the Straw Hats had a new ship. they were currently on board and even got a new crew member. but they were busy running as Garp was getting ready to throw a huge Cannonball at the ship, this cannon ball being at least 100 times bigger than other cannon balls, scaring the straw hat crew seeing it just be thrown at them like it was nothing. 

But out of the blue, the ship shot off, shooting into the sky and dodging the cannonball. Everyone was shocked seeing this scene, but what was even more shocking was the cannonball which remained floating in the air.

Garp was about to laugh in pride seeing his grandson escape, but he smelled something in the air that made his mood drop. He looked towards the Cannonball, and there he saw me floating in the air, one hand caught the huge cannonball, and the other was in my nose.

"I see you're still spreading them cheeks," I said with a smile, making Garp's face bright red in rage.

"You brat! If I don't teach you to respect your elders." Garp roared while jumping towards me. I sneered while shooting forward to clash with him, and as soon as we clashed, huge waves were created, although we both held back as if Garp were to go all out, then his punch could destroy a whole island. I can of course do that and more, I wasn't Garp who was way past his prime.

Garp was sent flying backward, but he landed on the ship while his face twisted in annoyance seeing just how weak he had grown.

"You're going weak old man, you should retire," I said with a mocking smile, causing Garp to grit his teeth. if there was no one else but him on the ship, he was sure he would have fought me to the death to teach me a lesson.

"I blame that stupid foolish son of mine. You arrogant cocky brat!" Garp said about to cough up blood.

"Old man, don't go ahead and kick the bucket, you have like 10 or something more years ahead of you. sure those years might be you needing someone to help clean your ass, but it's still a beautiful time to look forward to. then again, you're used to spreading them cheeks, so nothing will change." I said causing Garp to go quiet for a good few seconds before he burst forward.

With all his strength gathered to one point, he clashed with me. and this time our fists didn't meet in the clash, the sky was split, the sea broke apart, and strong shock waves sent everyone flying away. even the Straw Hat Ship far away felt the clash, and saw the impact of it, leaving their ship rocking madly in the sea. 

"Well, I didn't come to stay. Bye, old man!" I laughed while using Garp's attack to push me away, Garp kicked the air, using moonwalk to kick the air and allowing him to pretty much fly. but he didn't shoot after me, and just turned around and returned to the ship... which was sent flying on the island. 

the reason he dared to go all out with that last blow was because of who was on the ship, Aokiji had moved to protect everyone using his devil fruit which made him an Iceman...

"Just what is going on over there!" Zoro said with sweat covering his forehead seeing the huge waves created from the clashes. Everyone also had sweat on their forehead as that level of power was something that couldn't be dealt with just yet. 

"Something is coming!" Chopper cried while looking at the thing flying towards them at high speed. Chopper looked closely, just for his nose to pick up on the smell.

"it's Sora!" Chopper cried in shock, stunning everyone who watched as I landed on board the ship, shaking the whole thing.

"So, why were you calling me?" I asked with a bored look, making Sanji's face turn red.

"You caused us more trouble than anything else," Robin said angrily, leaving me confused by her words.

"I wasn't even there, how could I have made things worse?" I asked making a vein grow on everyone's forehead.

"Were you in a relationship with someone called Kalifa?" Zoro asked causing me to node in confusion, not understanding what she had to do with anything. its been a few years since I came to Water 7, back then I ran into Kalifa, and slept with her... but I found I wasn't into someone who was the dog of the world government. 

Well, it turned out she felt a deep hatred towards me just leaving the next day without even saying a word. So, seeing Luffy who looked a lot like me, and hearing how I had connections with Robin. she wanted nothing more than to make Robin's life a living hell.

This led to a whole thing with Robin suffering at her hands, leaving Robin wanting nothing more than to take a bite out of my neck at the moment.

"ha... well. It looks like you're all breathing, so bye-gones be bye-gones. Plus, it looks like you have grown somewhat, almost like you're not playing pirate anymore... almost." I said with crossed arms, making Zoro's eyes narrow while looking seriously at me.

Indeed the crew had grown, when one of its members left, and wanted to join the crew as if nothing had happened. Luffy had to stand his ground as the captain, not just letting him return without apologizing. 

"What do you mean almost?" Luffy asked annoyed as they were not children playing pirate

"you're still growing... anyways. Robin, I need your help with something." I said annoying Robin. but as lightning gathered in my palm, and ashes gathered, reforming the ashes, before they returned to papers, the new crew mate of the straw hat, Franky, found his mouth hitting the ground. 

"it took some time finding them being spread all over the place and stuff. but I plan to build this powerful weapon, it would be my ship." I said with a smile, leaving Robin frowning.

"If I refuse?" Robin asked as she didn't want such powerful weapons to be out in the open.

"Nothing because you will..." I said with a smile, annoying Robin. She thought for a moment, but in the end, helplessly nodded.

"You're so cute when you know I'm right," I said with a smile, to which Robin snorted lightly.

"Don't worry, I foresee events in the future. I will come get you when the time comes..." I said before frowning as my snail phone began ringing. Sighing, I pulled it out

"He agreed to the deal. the condition being you protect his new family at all cost." Reiju said stunning Sanji he heard his sister's voice after so many years.

"I see... thanks Reiju. and when did he say the deal will start?" I asked calmly,

"In 6 months, he believes thats enough time to break away from the Marines... I'm confused as to not just kill him. it the Shadow-Shadow Fruit is so important, can't you just take it by force?" Reiju asked 

"I'm a pure kind soul, how can I kill a future comrade?" I asked with a pure and innocent smile, which made the snail roll its eyes.

"I heard news that Shanks is making a move. the world government has been trying to block his path as he is trying to meet Whitebeard... should we be worried? Shanks is one of them." Reiju said to which I shrugged.

"Shanks is most likely trying to warn Whitebeard about Blackbeard. Ace would be defeated, people just don't listen to me when I warn them." I said helplessly, making Luffy frown.

"There's no way Ace would lose to that guy," Luffy said to which I threw a side look toward him, with a smile.

"Shall we make a deal? I will even make a bet that his defeat would cause a chain reaction, which I would have to pop up to clean up." I said with a smile,

"Bring it," Luffy said angrily, all while Robin tried to stop him from speaking, but it was too late, making her look at me with a pleading look. I looked at her with a smile, before shrugging.

"No need for bets, I will trust family," I said while looking at Robin's resigned look, I just smiled while floating up.

"I should get going. I will soon be going to war with the world government. the world is about to be flipped upside down. the only thing I can tell you all is this... you're not ready for the new world... you're all so weak." I said with disdain, enraging Luffy

"Come down here and say that to my face!" Luffy yelled, to which I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Have you ever seen a human get to the level of an ant to fight it?" I asked making Luffy's face turn red in rage. He pulled back his fist, and attacked me, just for his fist to shoot through me, as I was made out of lightning.

"Well, I don't have time to play with you all. I have things to do, people to capture, and wars to plan... you know, pirate stuff. maybe one day you will understand little brother." I said before disappearing, leaving Luffy raging,

"That jerk!" Luffy roared. Normally Luffy would have more self-control in matters like this... but there was just something about my words that annoyed him. But he didn't hate me, and it wasn't because I was so loveable... well, that played apart. but another part was that Luffy didn't know how to bond with me.