
One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother

One brother got to live under their grandfather, and the other lived under their father, living amongst danger, and fighting the good fight... This is the story of the Sun God

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"... is something wrong?" The next day, I entered a bar in Foosha village, where instantly all eyes landed on me.

"N-no, you just reminded me of someone." A green-haired woman said lightly, to which I smiled slightly.

"You must be talking about little brother. I'm Sora, Luffy's elder brother." I said with a gentle smile, stunning the whole bar who looked at me with wide eyes. 

"It seems like Luffy is popular here," I said with a smile while taking a seat. the green-haired woman snapped out of her shock and stepped forward to give me something to drink

"Luffy kind of grew up here. It's weird, you look like a grown-up version of Luffy. how come we have never seen you here?" Her name was Makino, she was quite the beauty.

"I was special growing up, so I had to go grow up in a special place. I just came by to see where Luffy grew up. I just have to leave before Grandpa pops up." I said with a sigh remembering my grandpa, that old man secretly came to see me once, and I got a taste of his tough love.

"Are you a pirate?" An old man asked with narrowed eyes, to which I shook my head lightly.

"I have no plans to be a pirate. I plan on exploring the world out there, going island to island to see what's out there," I said with a smile, the old man nodded lightly, but he was shocked. With me looking so much like Luffy and saying such words, it felt weird.

"That sounds interesting," Makino said with a gentle smile. she found it slightly funny how the whole family couldn't sit still. My grandpa was known as a world hero, although she didn't know who my father was, if she knew, she would be horrified to know my father was the most wanted man alive. Now, there was me and Luffy.

"Well, it's mostly because I don't have any goal in life... if you don't mind me asking. do you have a goal? I don't mean to be rude, I want to see things from your point of view." I said not wanting to come off rude, but Makino shook her head.

"No, it's not rude... well, my parents used to run this place. after they passed away, I took it over so that their legacy can live on." Makino said with a sad smile remembering her parents. 

"Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memory," I said softly, to which Makino shook her head as she smiled brightly. 

"I plan to stay here for a week before leaving. any place I can stay? I would ask to stay at your place, but I fear you're already taken." I said with a smile, making Makino's eyebrow raise slightly,

"I'm single, and happily so. but I do have the guest room you can stay for the week where you would of course have to pay." She said with a smile, 

"Deal, who knows? I might not move out and start paying rent for the rest of my life." I said with a smile, making Makino roll her eyes at a loss for words.

"You're nothing like your brother," Makino said softly, to which I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh? I just met him yesterday, from what I saw my little brother is a troublesome kid who would have died if I wasn't there to save him." I said with a smile, making Makino's eyebrow raise. Seeing that, I explained what happened last night, before asking her what my brother was like.

This let Makino start speaking, completely forgetting her job as she spoke about the little brat she was pretty much an elder sister to. I couldn't help but smile seeing how she deeply cared for Luffy and Ace, but she soon had to get back to work, apologizing to me as she rushed back to her work. I didn't mind as I told her I would return when it was time for her to close this bar.

I went on to walk around the village, and honestly, the place was boring. But I distracted myself by learning the tradition of this village, and there was a lot to learn. although my father taught me a lot of stuff growing up, it was only reading, writing, and how to fight. he even helped me in creating my fighting style.

Walking around, I sighed softly. The longer I stayed in the sun, the more solar energy I absorbed, and the harder it was to control my strength. Currently, So long as it wasn't near noon, I could control the heat my body gave off, so I was able to walk around with everything not catching on flames as the sun went up, but I was walking in the son, so it was getting harder for me, so I went to go back to the bar.

But when Noon appeared, I had to leave for a few hours before I could cook everyone within the bar. upon returning, it was just in time as Makino had just closed the bar and was heading out. but by then, I had an umbrella... why? to block the sun's rays.

"I ate a devil fruit which caused me to absorb the solar rays to grow stronger. the problem about this is that my body heat would grow, so we can't hold hands until the sun goes down, this small date isn't going to be perfect." I said making Makino roll her eyes at my words

"Who said this is a date? And this devil fruit, is it something like Luffy?" Makino asked remembering how Luffy also ate a devil fruit. So, we talked while Makino showed me around the place, and told me more stories, she didn't live too far from her bar, so we didn't get far.

She showed me around her place, and it wasn't too big, just a simple place. She showed me to her guest room, while also giving me the price I would need to pay, which I just paid in full for the whole week plus some extra. I also went on to block off the windows in my room, not wanting the sun to hit me.

"So, what are you cooking?" I asked while entering the kitchen to see Makino about to start cooking. 

"Just Curry Rice," Makino said with a smile, I nodded lightly while I came over to help her cook. 

"What are you doing? Is this the first time you ever cooked a thing?" Makino asked with a laugh seeing how I was having a hard time cooking. I was slightly embarrassed at her words, this was indeed the first time I was trying to cook something.

"Here, I will show you," Makino said as she went on to teach me to cook. I tried my best to learn, but Makino nearly threw me out when I made something that almost looked demonic, in the end, I could only help her with small things as I somehow messed up with everything else.

"don't be down, cooking isn't for everyone... you're cooking wasn't that... bad," Makino said seeing how down I was about the whole thing. Makino couldn't help but shake remembering the purple evil-like things I had created, she didn't even know where the purple color came from.

"I'm just upset... how would I eat in the sea if I can't cook? I don't want to eat fish all the time." I said with a sigh. Since I couldn't cook, I might as well get a chef, but at that rate, I might as well be a pirate.

"You ever thought of being a marine? i'm sure one could get a personal chef that way." Makino said, making my eyebrow raise slightly

"I never really thought of it... I could also be like Garp and avoid ranking up too highly... plus, with Garp being my grandpa, I would have special treatment." I said softly, making Makino speechless as she realized I never thought of being a Marine.

"Your grandpa is a Marine, should it have been a clear path?" She asked to which I sighed softly

"But being a Marine isn't all good, I don't want to be under the control of the world Government. The world Nobles can pretty much tell the marines what to do without worry." I said with a sigh, making Makino quiet at the thought of the world Noble.

"Ever thought of traveling the world?" I asked softly, stunning Makino.

"Well, I will go be a marine... and when I make a name for myself, I will come to get you and take you out on a month-long date," I said with a smile, making Makino speechless at my words,

"Who said I want to travel the world?" Makino asked with a roll of her eyes, to which I rolled my eyes.

"This is a small village, you don't know much about the outside world. Do you know that there is a kingdom underwater called Fishman Island? do you know about the city in the sky? there is a city on the back of a large elephant, and the list goes on... don't you want to see it all?" I asked making Makino quiet as she was stunned to hear such worlds exist out there.

"I'm not sure, this village is all I knew all my life," Makino said softly,

"you talk like I'm taking you away for life... wait, are you saying you're okay with the month-long date?" I asked with a smile, making Makino blush lightly in embarrassment 

"I didn't say such a thing," Makino said lightly, to which I laughed.

"This is the first time I saw you get all flustered. thats cute... I will avoid seeing all of these cool places, and only go until I take you out." I said with a smile, Makino rolled her eyes, but she said nothing while she avoided eye contact while eating the food, she tried to regain her cool but I wouldn't allow that...