
One Piece : Luffy's Second Chance

Luffy, who has lived for over five hundred years, can no longer bear his loneliness. At the moment when Luffy decided to end his life, a person who claimed to be an angel came in front of him and asked something 'Monkey D Luffy, do you have any regrets?' 'Do you want to repeat it?' ********************************************************************** English is not my first lan I translated this story using machine translation and the grammar might be a little bad.

Eternalsnow · Anime & Comics
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Heading to Arlong Park

1520, January

East Blue, Foosha Village

At the small harbor of Foosha Village, there were currently many people gathered. These people were all residents of Foosha Village, and they were currently gathered at the harbor to see off Luffy who was about to go to sea.

'Luffy, are you sure about sailing on this boats' One of the villagers asked.

'Yes Luffy, use one of our old boats. Even though it's an old boat, at least it's better than this boat.'

'No problem, I like it' Luffy replied.

'Luffy remember to come back often.' Makino said

'I understand Makino-Nee.' Luffy replied

'When my pirate group is formed, I will introduce them to you.' he added. 

'Huh... I don't know what to say to your grandfather if he comes back. Major said with a sigh

'But be careful in the Sea, Luffy.' He said

'I know Major. Luffy replied

'I'm leaving, Stay well all of you' Luffy shouted loudly.

That shout was not only for the villagers who had come to see him off. But also to some people who were peeking into this place from afar. Who were none other than Dadan and his subordinates.

Luffy then slowly began to row his boat, but not for long after that. The sea, which had been rather calm, suddenly began to surge and from within the sea emerged a giant beast that looked like an eel.

Lord of the Coast, that's what the villagers called the giant eel that appeared in front of Luffy.

This giant eel is one of the Sea King species, but it is relatively small in size compared to other Sea Kings. And this giant eel, can also be said to be an old acquaintance of Luffy.

'You finally showed up huh? Luffy said as he looked at the Sea Kings in front of him.

Luffy then disappeared from his small boat and appeared next to the giant eel. Luffy then punched it quite hard and the Giant Eel flew out of the sea and landed not far from the small harbor of Foosha Village.


'It was a gift from me!' Luffy shouted at the villagers who were still looking at him from the harbor.

After that, Luffy returned to rowing his small boat excitedly while humming a song composed by his childhood friend and wife, called New Genesis.


In these two months, Luffy has made plans about what he will do in 2 years.

His first plan was to reunite his (future) crew in East Blue, namely Zoro, Nami, Usop, and Sanji.'

After that, go to an uninhabited island and start training them to become strong enough, at least until they can learn the basics of Haki.

Besides practice, Money is also quite necessary. So to earn Money, becoming a bounty hunter is one of the fastest ways. Actually, there are other ways, such as looting the population or looking for treasure.

But there's no way Luffy would do that, because it doesn't fit his character. For treasure, finding it is not as easy as being a bounty hunter. And most pirate ships would have treasure, and it would be a buy one get one.

For his Crew, he would first go to Nami's place. The reason was, Luffy wasn't sure where Zoro was at the moment. Because Luffy had heard rumors about the Pirate Hunter in Goa Kingdom. Which meant Zoro had started his journey to find the Mihawk and then got lost.

Of course there were also other reasons for him to go to Nami's place first. The first was that Luffy really wanted to see his wife again. And the last was, to destroy the Arlong group that had oppressed Nami and make his debut as a Bounty Hunter.


Five days have passed, in these five days Luffy has met with several Pirates. And the result was, Luffy had sunk them all.

Of course that was after taking their treasures and supplies. And because Luffy's boat couldn't hold all of them, he also took a sailboat with a small cabin belonging to one of the Pirates he had sunk.

As for that Pirate Captain's Bounty, he was too lazy to exchange it. Because the highest Bounty of the Pirate captain he had met was only about 1 million berries, and the treasures they had were more than the Pirate captain's Bounty.

Besides, before the Crew was gathered, money was not really a problem. Especially in Nami and Usop's village there was a Pirate Captain waiting to be exchanged for money.

Currently, Luffy was about 1 kilometer away from the Conomi Islands, and from this distance, Luffy could see a striking building on the beach.

The building consisted of several floors, and on its roof was a pirate flag with a saw-nosed shark. The building was located inside Arlong Park and was the operational headquarters of the Arlong Pirates.

'Where should I go first?

'Nami Village, or straight to that place' Luffy said as he put his hand on his chin.


Suddenly his Kenbunshoku Haki sensed something approaching from within the sea. Even without using it intentionally, his Kenbunshoku Haki would automatically activate if anything showed bad intentions towards him.

'Do they happen to be looking for food?' Luffy muttered.

Then, two figures emerged from the sea and landed on his sailboat. Because of the landing of the two figures, the sailboat began to shake violently. And those two figures were Fish-Men, who were none other than Arlong's pirate members.

'Hey human, what are you doing in this place?' Asked the light blue-skinned Fish-men

'Don't you know that this is the territory of the Arlong Pirates!' Said the pink-skinned Fish-men

Luffy glanced at the two, and began to think about remembering who they were. But after thinking so hard, Luffy could only give up.

Because at that time, except for Arlong and the three people who fought Zoro, Usop and Sanji. He didn't remember the other Fish-men at all. And even of those three, he could only remember Hatchan.

While Luffy was thinking, the two Fish-men started talking again

'Hey, why are you quiet?!'

'Are you so scared after hearing the name Pirate Arlong!


Luffy who had given up on remembering who the two of them were, became a little distracted by the condescending laughter that the two Fish-men let out

Luffy then stretched his hand towards the heads of the two Fish-men, and then smashed the two heads together so hard that there was even the sound of something cracking.

Luffy then threw the two bleeding Fish-men into the sea, muttering

'There are no good Fish-men in the Arlong Pirate group, except for Hatchan.'

'Alright, I'll destroy Arlong first'

Luffy then used his Kenbunshoku Haki to look at Arlong Park, and there he sensed so many figures and they were all Fish-men.

But there was one figure that was different, that figure was a female human and he was quite familiar with that figure. Right now even though her face was showing a smile, but actually that figure was feeling very depressed and tired. And that figure was none other than

'Nami...' Luffy muttered

Luffy's heart immediately pounded rapidly as he sensed Nami through his Kenbunshoku Haki. Even his hair had signs of turning white

'Finally we meet again, Nami.' Luffy said

'Calm down a bit, my heart' He continued while placing her palm on his left chest.

After calming down a bit, Luffy then began to pedal his boat quickly. And the 1 kilometer distance was covered in just a few seconds.

Luffy glanced at the iron gate in front of him and then took a little breath. Then Luffy jumped off the sailboat and hit the iron gate hard towards the sky.


The iron gate was thrown into the air and hit the Pirate Flag on the roof of a tall building. The roof of the building was instantly destroyed along with the Arlong Pirate flag which was torn apart by the effect.


Arlong Park

'Shahaha, Nami because you didn't come back at the turn of the year. You've missed the party we had.'

'But because I'm so kind, I'm recreating the party you missed."

'Be happy Nami' said the Light Blue Fish-men

This fish-men is Arlong, a fish-men who has a figure based on a sawfish. Arlong's characteristic was its nose that was shaped like a saw, and this nose was very hard and sharp.

'Then I have to thank you, Arlong' Nami replied with a smile.

But in her heart, Nami thought otherwise

'Damn it Arlong, the money you used for the party all came from the villagers. How dare you use their hard-earned money like this'

'I'm already tired. But I can't stop.'

'Come on Nami, you have to try harder. So that the villagers can be freed soon'

While all the Fish-men were laughing and enjoying the party, there was a sudden explosion from the iron gate and followed by the collapse of the roof of the building

'What's going on!

'Who dares to attack the Arlong Pirate Base!'

'Is it the Navy?'

When all of Arlong's men were too busy asking who dared to attack their base. Luffy's sailboat had finally entered Arlong Park.

'Human?' Arlong muttered while frowning.

'Hey who are you?!' Shouted one of Arlong's subordinates

'Do you know what this place is?!'

'How dare you invade this place man!'

Luffy paid no attention to their ramblings and just stared at the orange-haired girl who was none other than Nami.

The current Nami, still hadn't taken much care of herself. Her hair was still short, even her skin looked a little sunburned. But it doesn't matter, no matter how she looks she is still my friend and wife.

After having seen enough of Nami, Luffy then looked at several Fish-men who were around Nami. Namely Arlong, Hatchan and 2 other people who should have been defeated by Sanji and Usopp.

Luffy then disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Arlong, then hit his stomach lightly. But not for Arlong.


Arlong was blown away and shattered the walls of the building both front and back.

'Arlong-san!' All of Arlong's men shouted

Then Luffy approached the stunned Nami, he then hugged her waist and disappeared. Then reappeared near the iron gate.

'Are you with them?' Luffy asked after releasing Nami.

'Ah?' Nami subconsciously looked at the Fish-men and also covered the tattoo on her shoulder.

'I...' Nami muttered

But Luffy immediately cut her off and said

'From your expression it looks like you're not with them'

'Then, stay in this place'

'Oh also, please take care of this for a while. I don't want to break it' Luffy said as he put his Straw Hat on Nami's head.

Luffy then walked towards the Fish-men who were running towards him. Among the Fish-men, some used swords, some used tridents, and some even used knives. But mostly, among them only used their fists to fight.

'Catch him!

'How dare you do whatever you want in this place!'

'Let him taste the horror of us Fish-men!'

Luffy caught the face of one of the Fish-men and pushed him back. Then he jumped into the air and landed in the middle of the Fish-men.

Punching and Kicking was what Luffy did in the midst of the Fish-men. Jumping and ducking, that's what he did if there was an attack.

Actually Luffy could have directly defeated them with Haoshoku Haki, but he didn't do it. Because Luffy wanted to play around a little. Even though he played around a bit, all these Fish-men couldn't even hold him for more than 1 minute.

Nami who was looking from near the iron gate slightly opened her mouth in surprise


'He defeated those Fish-men, so easily.

'Is it possible that today will be the destruction of the Arlong Pirates' Nami muttered while touching the Straw Hat that was on her head

I don't know, is this good enough?

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