
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

The Countdown II

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Chapter 24: The Countdown II


Yovan didn't sleep that night. It was all spent in contemplation not only because he had a lot to think about, but also because he had yet to trust Francis enough... Only about two months left until the countdown ends.

He hated the title Shadow. He absolutely had no idea why he was given such a title. He didn't feel like it fit him despite his devil fruit expressing otherwise.

His title, however, changed as he settled with the Mafias. His behavior in the past month gave him a title that perhaps suited him more than he knows it himself, the Stranger.

All it took to unintentionally earn that title was keeping to himself, never talking to anyone, and sleeping anywhere but his room. He doesn't even live in his room... All for survival.

He's rarely seen anywhere but the training ground, always shirtless and sweaty. The Mafias members would very much like to watch his training regime, but it was forbidden.

They did, however, catch a glimpse of what presumably goes through, and that was enough to terrify many.

He was quite the strange person, and he was a stranger to them and he remained as such because they still don't know anything about him.

None of that mattered to Yovan as he solely focused on his training using all the tools prepared for him by Francis.

That's one of the reasons why he went through with such a risky plan. The Mafia family is one of the few forces in the west blue that can provide such extreme types of equipment.

The most important of equipment was body weights fitting him perfectly, made of some kind of odd material. That added with the workout equipment weighting tons make for a very good torture session.

He was going through torture while being tortured by the injuries that had yet to heal. His state wasn't that much better than it was a week ago, yet... All for survival.

Luckily or as predicted by him, the food provided by Francis was miraculous precious food.

It's actually one of the reasons why controlling the Mafia family was so important. Very few forces in the West Blue are capable of acquiring the meat of sea kings, mainly the Royal families. The Mafias, however, are also capable of getting it at lower proportions.

The meat at least helped in his recovery quite a bit. The thing that mainly kept him going though was Limitless. He went through a lot, and as a result, he progressed a lot.

[System: Limitless]

[Name: Yovan Night]

[Age: 23/70]

[Physique: 112/∞]

[Endurance: 223/∞]

[Agility: 132/∞]

[Willpower: 245/∞]

[Mind: 65/∞]

-[Devil Fruit: Kakin Kakin no Mi, Model: Crow: 289/∞]

---[Crow Beast Form: The transformation into a small dark crow with crimson ominous eyes, extremely fast and can blend in the darkness.]

-[Martial Arts]

---[Airflow Art: The use of force and mind to manipulate Airflow: 231/∞]


Yovan noted a lot of things due to his exceptional progress. His Endurance is very easy to progress due to the nature of his devil fruit, Zoan class.

This type of fruit's connection to the animal kingdom most often than not gives the user exceptional endurance and regeneration.

Still, Yovan believes Limitless had something to do with the massive increase in his endurance. The increase in his willpower was understandable to Yovan after all he went through. It's actually what helped him prevail even in the darkest of circumstances.

The increase in mastery of his devil fruit also made sense considering how much he pushed himself, breaking his limits time and time again to the point his skin was almost cooked alive.

The Airflow Art was also something he pushed himself in a lot, focusing mostly on it because it's the only thing he can increase to a significant degree before the end of the countdown.

The most interesting thing, however, was the mind stat. It was increasing very slowly. Moreover, Yovan only felt his head be clearer due to the increase. That and an increase in his senses.

It gave him the illusion that perhaps he became smarter, but that doesn't seem to be the case, or perhaps that is the case, it's just that the Mind state is different than the others.

Yovan leans more into the latest possibility. He can clearly feel the advancements of the other stats, but the Mind seems to be different. Perhaps it will take a way higher increase for a difference to be noticed.

"Hahh," Yovan let out a sigh as he put on a simple black robe, complemented by his black pants and shoes. He was going to do one of the things people called him the stranger for.

He was in the luxury of his own ship. He mostly stayed there, moving between it and the town. Now, however, his goal was another town not far away.

Flying to the town in his beast form allowed him to reach it in less than an hour. Yeah, it was that close, and for a reason too. It was 'A normal town' supposed to be 'free' from the Mafia's control.

The town has its own dock, and it's something akin to a business hub in the area.

Yovan landed far away from it, transformed into his human form, and walked for the rest of the distance until he reached a small restaurant.

He ordered food he will not eat and got himself a cup of water before just waiting. Almost every day, he wastes three hours of his time in the restaurant for seemingly no reason.

The only that helps him pass time is his new hobby, wood carving. Well, it was an old habit since his old world, but now he was creating two very special statues.

Not today though. Today is different. Today someone joined his table, a skinny man adorned in relatively elegant clothes.

"Your future depends on what you'll say next, so pick your words carefully." The skinny man warned.

"It does?" Yovan smiled and shook his head, "Someone is coming for me a month from now, so I might need some help. Tell your boss that we can work out a deal."

"Be specific," The skinny man frowned as he asked.

"My enemy is someone like your boss, so I need protection. We can also negotiate about leaving this place together. I assume we have the same goal." Yovan answered before emptying his cup of water.

"Are you like the boss?" The skinny man asked.

A nod from Yovan drove the skinny man to stand up while saying, "Follow me only if you want a meeting now."

Yovan did follow him. It was a necessity by this point. While there wasn't someone coming for him as far as he knows, the countdown was definitely coming for him.

He had no idea what will really happen when the countdown ends, but it will most certainly not be good news. You get given a miraculous gift and a timespan... There must be some expectations there, a test perhaps.

Yovan followed the man to a vibrant green hill outside of town. A single person was waiting for him there with no protection. Even the skinny man left.

It was a short man with a stocky build whose appearance very much resembles that of a Mafia boss... because he is a Mafia boss, Capone Bege.

He sports an oiled-up and slicked-back hairstyle befitting that of a crime don. His facial features have a very stern look to them further accentuated by his rather sharp but hooking beak-like nose. He also has five o'clock stubble on his upper lip.

He wears a black-and-white pinstriped attire, complete with a green scarf around his neck, with the excess tucked inside the suit.

Bege certainly doesn't mind showing off as he wears very expensive golden rings with precious stones mounted on them.

Yovan's goal was to meet him. He threw the blame on him for everything he did, knowing that he will definitely come for him, so he waited.

His strange action that gave him the title the Stranger were actually signals he was sending off, confident that Bege will understand.

Capone Bege was also very smart and cunning. He values his survival above all else, so he won't be quick to attack Yovan, knowing that the latter is perhaps special like him.

"Capone Bege." Bege introduced himself before taking a smoke from his seemingly expensive cigar.

"Yovan Night." This will either be the start of a long cooperation, or an unhinged war.


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